将 json 对象反序列化为 C# 对象

时间:2021-05-04 07:10:16

标签: c# json

我正在从文件中获取 json。它可能具有不同的结构,例如它可能如下所示:

    "root": {
        "name": "LWindow",
        "children": [{
                "name": "Label",
                "children": []
                "name": "Edit",
                "children": []
                "name": "Label",
                "children": []
                "name": "Radio",
                "children": []
                "name": "Checkbox",
                "children": []
                "name": "Label",
                "children": []
                "name": "Label",
                "children": []


    "root": {
        "name": "LWindow",
        "children": [{
                "name": "FormItem",
                "children": [{
                        "name": "Label",
                        "children": []
                        "name": "Edit",
                        "children": []
                "name": "FormItem",
                "children": [{
                        "name": "Label",
                        "children": []
                        "name": "Edit",
                        "children": []
                "name": "FormItem",
                "children": [{
                        "name": "Label",
                        "children": []
                        "name": "Radio",
                        "children": []
                "name": "Label",
                "children": []
                "name": "Button",
                "children": []

我需要的是将其反序列化为 c# 对象。我已经有了一个描述 json 的类:

public partial class Root
    public RootElement RootRoot { get; set; }

public partial class RootElement
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<RootElement> Children { get; set; }

但我真的不明白如何从我的 RootElement 中提取嵌套对象,因为嵌套对象可能有不同的结构,也可能有自己的嵌套对象。

我忘记提到了。我已经将 json 反序列化到我的根目录:

public static T DeserializeJson<T>(String pathToJSON)
        using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(pathToJSON))
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
            return (T)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(T));

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我似乎您的模型与您可能获得的 JSON 结构相对应。 在这种情况下,您只需要读取文件并执行反序列化。应该是这样的:

string json = File.ReadAllText("File path");
Root root = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Root>(json);

一旦你有了 Root 对象,你就可以检查它是否有任何级别的孩子。

更新: 要遍历子项,您应该添加这样的递归方法:

private void Traverse(RootElement element)
    foreach (var child in element.Children)
        // Do something with the child

        this.Traverse(child); // Traverse the child recursively

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用 .net 5,您可以使用 System.Text.Json 内置于 .net

  using System.Text.Json;

并且您的类中的属性名称应该与 JSON 字段中的相同 或者用 JSON 名称进行注释,如下所示

public partial class Root
        public RootElement RootRoot { get; set; }

public partial class RootElement
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public List<RootElement> Children { get; set; }




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

namespace ConsoleApp3
    public  class Root
        public RootElement RootRoot { get; set; }

    public  class RootElement
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public List<RootElement> Children { get; set; }

    class Program

        static IEnumerable<RootElement> GetElements( List<RootElement> chelderins, string serchName)
            foreach (var child in chelderins)
                if (child.Name == serchName)yield return child;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string jsonContent = File.ReadAllText("file.json");
            Root op = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Root>(jsonContent);
            // now op is contains value from your json
           var Labels= GetElements(op.RootRoot.Children,"Label").ToList() ;
            // labels now is an list with all childen contains name = lablel

            var checkBoxes = GetElements(op.RootRoot.Children, "Checkbox").ToList();
