python pandas groupby by multi column question on sum() 和 total 加起来

时间:2021-05-06 06:01:44

标签: python pandas group-by

我有一个 90k 行和 14 列的数据。 想要将重复的行(13 列)相加,除了“数量”列。

对不起,我不能把原始数据放在这里方便您检查。 以下所有代码均为伪代码,请忽略明显的笔误

  • 问题 1:


# gp_cols is the list of 13 columns name.
# except "quantity" column is uint32, other columns converted to category.

gp_cols = ['dddd-mm', 'province', 'city', 'maker', 'brand', 'model', \
           'model-year',  'color', 'liters', 'fueltype','type', 'appType', 'domesticimported']
gp = df_test.groupby(by=gp_cols, as_index=True)

# when i do gp.sum() or gp['quantity'].sum() or  gp.size(), the memory error will come up:
# even i just pull out the first 10k rows, same error happend.
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 455. PiB for an array with shape (512584853784231936,) and data type int8


  • 问题 2:

当我使用 cumsum() 解决上述问题时,最终答案似乎是正确的。 但是当我比较 'quantity' 和 'cumQty' 的总值时,它们并不相同。

df_test.sort_values(by=gp_cols,ignore_index=True, inplace=True)

t5 = df_test.join(gp.cumsum().rename(columns={'quantity':'cumQty'}))
t6 = t5.drop_duplicates(subset=gp_cols, keep='last')

print(t6['cumQty'].sum() )

# result after drop_duplicates are incorrect.
# t5 size is same to original data, t6 is the length of grouper. 633576 rows
#below 5001rows sample data result: drop_duplicates leads to data lost.
# (5001, 16) (2642, 16)

# run twice
#(5001, 15) (2642, 15)

# run third
#(5001, 15) (2642, 15)

# run forth
#(5001, 15) (2642, 15)

# then i tried join the 13 columns into one new reference column "key", the groupby result is correct.
t7 = df_test.iloc[:,0].astype('str')
for i in range(1, len(gp_cols)):
    t7 = t7 + "_" + df_test[gp_cols[i]].astype('str')

df_test['key'] = t7

gp7 = df_test.groupby(by="key", as_index=False)


# the quantity now is correct, same to original one's sum.  
# below is the 5001 sample rows result. no data lost by reference column created.
# 39617
# 2642 rows x 2 columns

为什么在删除重复项后,总数会发生变化。 我猜当删除重复项时,会删除一些 cumsum 行。还是问题出在加入?



最好的问候, 凯文

对于问题 1,作为 Joran 的建议,我提取了 4999 行数据来检查问题 1 和问题 2。 链接可能会在一段时间后过期。


5001 rows sample data, has problem1 and problem2

0 个答案:
