
时间:2011-07-20 12:56:26

标签: excel-vba fifo vba excel



Purchase_date   Quantity  Purchase_Price 
2011-01-01      1000      10
2011-01-02      2000      11

Sale_date       Quantity  Costprice
2011-02-01      50        =fifo_costprice(...


fifo_costprice(Q_sold_to_date as float, Quantity_purchased as range
               , Purchase_Prices as range) as float

如何在Excel VBA中执行此操作?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Public Function fifo(SoldToDate As Double, Purchase_Q As Range, _ 
                     Purchase_price As Range) As Double
Dim RowOffset As Integer
Dim CumPurchase As Double
Dim Quantity As Range
Dim CurrentPrice As Range

  CumPurchase = 0
  RowOffset = -1
  For Each Quantity In Purchase_Q
    CumPurchase = CumPurchase + Quantity.Value
    RowOffset = RowOffset + 1
    If CumPurchase > SoldToDate Then Exit For
  'if sold > total_purchase, use the last known price.
  Set CurrentPrice = Purchase_price.Cells(1, 1).offset(RowOffset, 0)
  fifo = CurrentPrice.Value
End Function

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Function GetXRate(CurCode As Variant, Optional CurDate As Variant) As Variant
Dim Rates As Range, chkDate As Date
Dim Idx As Integer

    GetXRate = CVErr(xlErrNA)                                   ' set to N/A error upfront
    If VarType(CurCode) <> vbString Then Exit Function          ' if we didn't get a string, we terminate
    If IsMissing(CurDate) Then CurDate = Now()                  ' if date arg not provided, we take today
    If VarType(CurDate) <> vbDate Then Exit Function            ' if date arg provided but not a date format, we terminate

    Set Rates = Range("Currency")                               ' XRate table top-left is a named range
    Idx = 2                                                     ' 1st row is header row
                                                                ' columns: 1=CurCode, 2=Date, 3=XRate

    Do While Rates(Idx, 1) <> ""
        If Rates(Idx, 1) = CurCode Then
            If Rates(Idx, 2) = "" Then
                GetXRate = Rates(Idx, 3)                        ' rate without date is taken at once
                Exit Do
            ElseIf Rates(Idx, 2) > chkDate And Rates(Idx, 2) <= CurDate Then
                GetXRate = Rates(Idx, 3)                        ' get rate but keep searching for more recent rates
                chkDate = Rates(Idx, 2)                         ' remember validity date
            End If
        End If
        Idx = Idx + 1
End Function

它更像是一个带有循环索引(Idx as Integer)和两个退出条件的经典循环结构,因此我不需要遍历所有所有行em>情况。