Mockito 尝试存根与测试中指定的方法不同的方法

时间:2021-05-21 14:04:15

标签: java spring-boot unit-testing mockito

我正在开发一个使用 Java 12、Spring Boot 2.1.4.RELEASE 和 Mockito 2.23.4 的应用程序,我正在尝试将其升级到 Java 15、Spring Boot 2.4.5 和 Mockito 3.6.28 (在 spring-boot-dependencies 中提供)。


private AbstractDrainService firstDrainService = mock(AbstractDrainService.class);
private AbstractDrainService secondDrainService = mock(AbstractDrainService.class);

private DrainManager drainManager;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    when(firstDrainService.hasPendingItems()).thenReturn(true, false);
    when(secondDrainService.hasPendingItems()).thenReturn(true, false);

    drainManager = new DrainManager();
    drainManager.registerDrainService(firstDrainService, DrainManager.Priority.HIGHEST);
    drainManager.registerDrainService(secondDrainService, DrainManager.Priority.HIGH);

public void test_drain_service_priority_order_is_respected_for_retries() throws Exception {
    when(firstDrainService.hasPendingRetries()).thenReturn(true, false);
    when(secondDrainService.hasPendingRetries()).thenReturn(true, false);

    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(firstDrainService, secondDrainService);


它偶尔会失败,当它失败时,Mockito 会为从未在测试中调用的 CannotStubVoidMethodWithReturnValue 中的方法 prepare 抛出 AbstractDrainService 异常:

'prepare' is a *void method* and it *cannot* be stubbed with a *return value*!
Voids are usually stubbed with Throwables:
If you need to set the void method to do nothing you can use:
For more information, check out the javadocs for Mockito.doNothing().
If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.
Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:
1. The method you are trying to stub is *overloaded*. Make sure you are calling the right overloaded version.
2. Somewhere in your test you are stubbing *final methods*. Sorry, Mockito does not verify/stub final methods.
3. A spy is stubbed using when( syntax. It is safer to stub spies - 
   - with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.
4. Mocking methods declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.

我也尝试了 doReturn(true, false).when(firstDrainService).retry(); 并得到了相同的结果。

AbstractDrainService 的实现

 * Wraps common drain functionality with constrained retry ability.
public abstract class AbstractDrainService<T> {
     * Swaps read and write queues if read queue is empty and write queue is not.
    public synchronized void prepare() {}

     * Sends items to {@link #doDrain(List)} in {@link #drainSize} sized chunks for processing, until the queue is empty.
     * In case of exception, item batch is added to retry list and processed on {@link #retry()} call,
     * unless {@link #drainRetryThreshold} is set to 0 in which case failed batches are ignored and not retried
    public synchronized void drain() {}

     * Retries drain for each previously failed batch until drain succeeds or until {@link #drainRetryThreshold} is reached
    public synchronized void retry() {}

     * @return {@code true} if there are pending items or {@code false} if the retry queue is empty
    public boolean hasPendingRetries() {}


 * Controls invocations of {@link AbstractDrainService#drain()} and {@link AbstractDrainService#retry()} on all registered drain services.
 * Registered drain services are invoked once every second and in case of errors are retried once every two seconds.
 * Services are executed in order dictated by their priority assigned through {@link DrainManager#registerDrainService(AbstractDrainService, int)}.
public class DrainManager {
    private ScheduledExecutorService executorService = null;

    private LoggingProperties loggingProperties;

    public void start() {
        executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("drain-manager-%d").build());
        executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::drainAll, 0, loggingProperties.getDrain().getPeriod(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::retryAll, 0, loggingProperties.getRetry().getPeriod(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

     * Registers the given drain service with the given priority.
    public void registerDrainService(AbstractDrainService drainService, int priority) {}

     * Invokes {@link AbstractDrainService#prepare()} on all registered drain services.
    private void prepareAll() {}

     * Invokes {@link AbstractDrainService#drain()} on all registered drain services
     * for which {@link AbstractDrainService#hasPendingItems()} returns true.
    public void drainAll() {}

     * Invokes {@link AbstractDrainService#retry()} on all registered drain services
     * for which {@link AbstractDrainService#hasPendingRetries()} returns true.
    public void retryAll() {}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我最终通过将 when 方法调用从 test_drain_service_priority_order_is_respected_for_retries 移动到 setUp 方法来解决这个问题。
