
时间:2021-05-28 21:28:27

标签: html css






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header #branding-img img {
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    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    padding: 0 20px 20px 0;

header #branding h1 {
    margin: 0;

header nav {
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    margin-top: 14px;

header .highlight, header .current a {
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header a:hover {
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    background-size: cover;
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    color: white;

#showcase h1 { /**/
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    padding: 25px;
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    border-top: #FFEE00 3px solid;

#contact h1 {
    float: left;

#contact p {
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    float: right;


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.boxes figure img {
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    height: 220px; /*Sets image height - heigh and width must be same to make it a circular */
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* {box-sizing: border-box}
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/* Position the "next button" to the right */
.next {
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/* On hover, add a grey background color */
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@media(max-width: 768px){
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    header {
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    #showcase h1 {
        margin-top: 40px;
            <div class="container">
                <div id="branding-img">
                    <a href="index.html"><img src="https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/business-avatar-1/512/10_avatar-512.png">
                    <div id="branding">
                        <h1><span class="highlight">NAME SHORT</span>NAME</h1>

                        <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
                        <li class="current"><a href="about.html">About</a></li>
                        <li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li>
                        <li><a href="gallery.html">Gallery</a></li>

        <section id="main">
            <div class="container">
                <article id="main-col">
                    <h1 class="page-title">About The Company</h1>
                    <p class="dark">
                        Curabitur non accumsan tortor. Nulla aliquet risus ac velit consequat pretium. Duis vulputate congue commodo. Proin id mauris velit. Curabitur vel neque congue turpis dictum tristique. Vestibulum sit amet placerat quam. Sed sodales, lacus fermentum condimentum congue, leo mi congue nibh, sit amet aliquam risus sapien ut tellus.Curabitur non accumsan tortor. Nulla aliquet risus ac velit consequat pretium. Duis vulputate congue commodo. Proin id mauris velit. Curabitur vel neque congue turpis dictum tristique. Vestibulum sit amet placerat quam. Sed sodales, lacus fermentum condimentum congue, leo mi congue nibh, sit amet aliquam risus sapien ut tellus.
                    <h1 class="page-title">About Me</h1>
                    <p class="dark">
                        Curabitur non accumsan tortor. Nulla aliquet risus ac velit consequat pretium. Duis vulputate congue commodo. Proin id mauris velit. Curabitur vel neque congue turpis dictum tristique. Vestibulum sit amet placerat quam. Sed sodales, lacus fermentum condimentum congue, leo mi congue nibh, sit amet aliquam risus sapien ut tellus.
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet sapien quis felis imperdiet scelerisque. Maecenas vulputate, nisl quis laoreet efficitur, urna nunc viverra massa, placerat commodo ligula tellus vel lacus. Ut molestie, purus id gravida sollicitudin, ipsum ipsum scelerisque diam, quis hendrerit mauris massa vitae quam. Donec maximus, felis sit amet tincidunt pretium, justo tellus cursus ex, quis vestibulum felis risus sed velit. Vivamus varius sapien sit amet nisl iaculis, et aliquet risus lobortis. In eget ullamcorper augue. If you are interested you can call me using my email or phone number displayed on the <a id="hyperlink" href="index.html">Home</a> page.

                <aside id="about-sidebar">
                    <div class="dark">
                        <img src="https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/business-avatar-1/512/10_avatar-512.png">
                            PERSON NAME



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在媒体查询部分的 CSS 文件中,我从 'aside#sidebar {' 中删除了 '#sidebar'