startsWith 返回字符串而不是布尔值的函数?

时间:2021-07-04 20:13:30

标签: r string startswith

我正在使用 function main() { const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); const range = sheet.getRange("A1:B"); const data = range.getValues().map(x => [x[0], crc_ccitt_ffff(x[0])]); range.setValues(data); } function crc_ccitt_ffff(str) { if (str == '') return; const get_crc_for_num = (n) => { let crc = 0; let c = n * 256; [...Array(8).keys()].forEach(_ => { crc = ((crc ^ c) & 0x8000) ? (crc * 2) ^ 0x1021 : crc * 2; c = c * 2; }); return crc; } const table = [...Array(256).keys()].map((_,n) => get_crc_for_num(n)); var crc = 0xFFFF; str.split('').forEach(c => { crc = (crc * 0x100) ^ table[(((crc / 0x100) >> 0) ^ c.charCodeAt()) & 0xFF]; crc = (((crc / 0x10000) >> 0) * 0x10000) ^ crc; }); return crc.toString(16); } 函数。我想知道如何让它返回实际的字符串名称而不是布尔值。我也愿意使用其他功能。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

代替 startsWith,使用 grep 即时返回值,并使用 ^ 指定字符串的开头(编辑 - 基于 @Ben Bolker 评论)

grep("^happy", c("sad_game", "angry_mad", "happy_name"), value = TRUE)
[1] "happy_name"

startsWith 返回一个逻辑向量。我们需要以逻辑向量作为索引对原始向量进行子集

c("sad_game", "angry_mad", "happy_name")[startsWith(c("sad_game", 
      "angry_mad", "happy_name"), "happy")]


v1 <- c("sad_game", "angry_mad", "happy_name")
v1[starts_with(v1, "happy")]

答案 1 :(得分:0)

另一种选择是使用 jest.mock("moment", () => { // Require actual moment const actualMoment = jest.requireActual("moment"); // Mocking moment func: // moment() => return specific date, and it won't affect moment(date) with param. const mockMoment: any = (date: string | undefined) => actualMoment(date || "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"); // Now assign all properties from actual moment to the mock moment, so that they can be used normally for (let prop in actualMoment) { mockMoment[prop] = actualMoment[prop]; } return mockMoment; }); 中的 str_subset


基于 x <- c("sad_game", "angry_mad", "happy_name") stringr::str_subset(x, '^happy') #[1] "happy_name"
