Laravel 从具有相同列的两个表中检索数据

时间:2021-07-17 15:14:55

标签: php mysql sql laravel


我在第一个表(用户)中有两个表,列(uid和tokenn)是注册用户的ID。 当来自外部网站的访客(uid)发送消息时,函数将消息发布到(posts table) strong> 和列 (uid) 在帖子表中变为 (to_id)

我想获取(to_id)(token),即users表中的(uid) strong> 以便让 Firebase 将通知推送到该令牌。


id uid 姓名 电子邮件 密码 令牌
5 6 o o o 12313


id pid from_id to_id 反馈
5 6 12313



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\post;
use Auth;
use Lang;

class postsController extends Controller
    public function send_feedback(Request $request){
            'feedback_image' => 'nullable|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg|max:3072',
            'feedback_content' => 'required|max:500'
        $pid = rand(9,999999999)+time();
        if (Auth::user()) {
            $from_id = Auth::user()->uid;
        }elseif (Auth::guest()) {
            $from_id = 0;
        $to_id = $request['hidden2'];
        $feedback = $request['feedback_content'];
        $image = $request->file('feedback_image');
        $time = $request['hidden'];
        if ($request->hasFile('feedback_image')) {
            $img_ext = $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
            $img_name = rand(9,9999999)+time()+rand(0,55555).".".$img_ext;
            $img_new = $image->storeAs("fbImgs",$img_name);
            $img_name = "";
        $post = new post();
        $post->pid = $pid;
        $post->from_id = $from_id;
        $post->to_id = $to_id;
        $post->feedback = $feedback;
        $post->image = $img_name;
        $post->time = $time;
 $fcmUrl = '';
$token = User::where('uid', $to_id)->first()->tokenn;

    $notification = [
            'title' =>'xxx',
            'body' => 'xxx',
            'icon' =>'myIcon', 
            'sound' => 'mySound'
        $extraNotificationData = ["message" => $notification,"moredata" =>'dd'];

        $fcmNotification = [
            //'registration_ids' => $tokenList, //multple token array
            'to'        => $token, //single token
            'notification' => $notification,
            'data' => $extraNotificationData

        $headers = [
            'Authorization: key=' . API_ACCESS_KEY,
            'Content-Type: application/json'

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$fcmUrl);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($fcmNotification));
        $result = curl_exec($ch);

        return redirect()->back()->with('feedback_sent',Lang::get('trans.fb_sent'));
    public function postPrivacy(Request $request){
        $pid_var = $request['pid'];
        $pid_ex = explode("_", $pid_var);
        $pid = @$pid_ex[1];
        if ($request['status'] == "true") {
            $updatePrivacy = post::where('pid',$pid)->update(['privacy' => 1]);
            $updatePrivacy = post::where('pid',$pid)->update(['privacy' => 0]);
        return $pid;
    public function deletePost(Request $request){
        $checkID = post::where('pid',$request['pid'])->get()->count();
        if ($checkID > 0) {
            $allowed = post::where('pid',$request['pid'])->get();
            foreach ($allowed as $getAllowed) {
                $to_id = $getAllowed->to_id;
                $from_id = $getAllowed->from_id;
            if ($to_id == Auth::user()->uid || $from_id == Auth::user()->uid) {
                $deleteFB = post::where('pid',$request['pid'])->delete();
                return "done";
                return Lang::get('trans.delPost_notAllowed');
            return Lang::get('trans.err_somethingWrong');


$token=Auth::user()->tokenn; //but it returns the logged in and the sender user's token which is wrong.

$token = User::find($to_id)->tokenn;
$token = User::where('uid', $to_id)->first()->tokenn;

//these both are not working too

当 GUEST 向任何人发送消息时,我需要检索收件人的令牌。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您必须在模型目录中创建 User.php

这个类默认在你安装 laravel 的时候创建,但是如果你无意中删除了它,你可以通过以下方式创建它:

php artisan make:model User

并且在您的控制器中,您必须使用此模型而不是 App\Http\Controllers\User

所以换句话说,你必须使用 App\User 在 Laravel 7 及以下版本中,或在 Laravel 8 中使用 App\Models\User 在您的控制器中,如下所示。

use App\User; // if your laravel version is 7 or below

use App\Models\User; // if your laravel version is 8 or higher