static_cast - 兼容类型之间的转换是什么意思?

时间:2011-07-27 14:01:26

标签: c++ casting

据我所知,static_cast可以在base和derived之间以及derived和base之间进行转换。 dynamic_cast将检查结果对象是否为“完整”对象。

dynamic_cast使用RTTI功能。但是static_cast如何工作? “兼容类型”是什么意思?


#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;

class CBase { virtual void dummy() {} };
class CDerived: public CBase {  public: CDerived() : a(20) {} int a; };
class CDerived2: public CBase { public: CDerived2() : b(7) {} int b; };
class CDerived3: public CBase { public: CDerived3() : c('A') {} char c; };
class CNotDerived { int doit() const { return 9; } };

int main () {
  try {
      CBase * pba = new CDerived;
      CBase * pbb = new CBase;
      CDerived * pd;
      CNotDerived* pnot = new CNotDerived;
      CDerived2* pd2 = 0; 
      CDerived2* pdx = new CDerived2;
      CDerived3* pd3 = 0;

      pd = dynamic_cast<CDerived*>(pba);
      if (pd==0) cout << "Null pointer on first type-cast" << endl;   //ok

      pd = dynamic_cast<CDerived*>(pbb);
      if (pd==0) cout << "Null pointer on second type-cast" << endl;  //null ptr here

      pd = static_cast<CDerived*>(pbb);  //non-null pointer returned (not really what you want)
      if (pd==0) cout << "Null pointer on third type-cast" << endl;

// pd = dynamic_cast(pnot); //错误C2683:'dynamic_cast':'CNotDerived'不是多态类型   // if(pnot == 0)cout&lt;&lt; “第四个类型转换上的空指针”&lt;&lt; ENDL;

// pd = static_cast(pnot); //错误C2440:'static_cast':无法从'CNotDerived *'转换为'CDerived *' // if(pnot == 0)cout&lt;&lt; “第四个类型转换上的空指针”&lt;&lt; ENDL;

      //below lines compiled with ms vs2008 - I believe compiler SHOULD have flagged below as an error - but did not.
      pd2 = static_cast<CDerived2*>(pba); //compiles ok but obviously incorrect
      if (pd2==0) cout << "Null pointer on fourth type-cast" << endl;
      cout << pd2->b << endl;  //compiler had decided to give us CDerived->a value! Incorrect.

      pd2 = static_cast<CDerived2*>(pdx); //compiles ok 
      if (pd2==0) cout << "Null pointer on fourth type-cast" << endl;
      cout << pd2->b << endl;  //gives correct value for b (7)

      pd3 = static_cast<CDerived2*>(pdx); //error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'CDerived2 *' to 'CDerived3 *'
      if (pd3==0) cout << "Null pointer on fourth type-cast" << endl;
      cout << pd3->c << endl; 

  } catch (exception& e) {
      cout << "Exception: " << e.what();
  return 0;

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



5.2.9 / 2:


表达式e可以使用a显式转换为类型T.   static_cast形式为static_cast(e)如果声明为“T t(e);”   对于一些发明的临时变量t(8.5)来说,它是正确的。

5.2.9 / 4:


任何表达式都可以显式转换为“cv void”类型   表达式值被丢弃。

5.2.9 / 5:


类型为“cv1 B”的左值,其中B是类类型,可以强制转换为   输入“引用cv2 D”,其中D是派生类(第10条)   B,如果有效的标准转换从“指针D”到“指针指向”   B“存在(4.10),cv2与cvqualification相同或更高   cvqualification比,cv1和B不是D的虚拟基类。

7.2.9 / 7:


可以将整数类型的值显式转换为枚举   类型。

7.2.9 / 10:


类型“指向cv void的指针”的右值可以显式转换为   指向对象类型的指针。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


  1. 具有父子关系的类型
  2. 兼容的内置类型(double to float,int to bool等)
  3. 具有已定义的转换运算符的类型与其他其他不相关的类型。例如,我可能会创建一个自定义Fraction类,我可以为它定义operator double(),这将使我的类可以转换为double。
  4. 一种类型可以由另一种构建。例如,我可以创建一个Fraction::Fraction(double)构造函数,它将为我的类创建一个双重转换。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

dynamic_cast相比,static_cast可以在没有vtable的类型上执行向下转换,而dynamic_cast则不能。 static_cast不会检查演员表是否在运行时有效。它只是在编译时调整指针偏移量。


  • 原生数字类型,例如doublelong
  • 基本类型和派生类型
  • 可以通过强制转换操作符强制转换为其他类型的类型

答案 3 :(得分:0)



答案 4 :(得分:0)



// From int to double
int i = 0;
double d = i;

class Integer
    Integer(int value)
    :   value_(value)
        // ...

    int value_;

// From int to Integer
int a = 0;
Integer b = a;


// From double to int
double d = 0.0;
int i = static_cast<int>(d);

class Integer
    explicit Integer(int value)
    :   value_(value)
        // ...

    int value_;

// From int to Integer
int a = 0;
Integer b(a);
Integer c = static_cast<Integer>(a);

请参阅:Type Casting

答案 5 :(得分:-1)

void foo( base *bPtr )
     derived *dPtr = static_cast< derived*> (bPtr) ; 
         // Safe as long as the bPtr has the derived class sub object too.
         // But what if bPtr is just pointing to a base* ?

derived* objOne = new derived() ;
foo( objOne ) ; // safe

base* obj = new base() ;
foo( obj ) ; // unsafe

