当前无法处理此请求。 HTTP ERROR 500(在管理页面上显示此错误)

时间:2021-07-26 11:09:25

标签: php wordpress

当我打开我的 WordPress 管理页面时更新了我的一些插件后,它给了我这个错误

本网站出现严重错误 详细了解 WordPress 故障排除

然后我访问了故障排除并按照下面提到的 WordPress 支持站点上的所有说明进行操作。

**How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus? #How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?
Sometimes it may be necessary to deactivate all plugins, but you can’t access the Administration Screens to do so. One of two methods are available to deactivate all plugins.

Use phpMyAdmin to deactivate all plugins.

In the table wp_options, under the option_name column (field) find the active_plugins row
Change the option_value field to: a:0:{}
Or reset your plugins folder via FTP or the file manager provided in your host’s control panel. This method preserves plugin options but requires plugins be manually reactivated.

Via FTP or your host’s file manager, navigate to the wp-contents folder (directory)
Via FTP or your host’s file manager, rename the folder “plugins” to “plugins.hold”
Login to your WordPress administration plugins page (/wp-admin/plugins.php) – this will disable any plugin that is “missing”.
Via FTP or your host’s file manager, rename “plugins.hold” back to “plugins”**

但我的问题仍未解决,我的网站上又收到一条错误消息。当我尝试打开我的 WordPress 管理页面时。

**"This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500"**

然后我再次访问了我的 Hostinger Cpanel 并转到 PHP 配置/PHP 选项并选择了显示错误选项,然后我得到了这个 point_down 致命错误。

**Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function apply_filters() in /home/domains/public_html/wp-includes/error-protection.php:139 Stack trace: #0 /home/domains/public_html/wp-includes/error-protection.php(82): wp_is_fatal_error_handler_enabled() #1 /home/domains/.com/public_html/wp-settings.php(64): wp_register_fatal_error_handler() #2 /domains/ require_once('/home/...) #3 /home/domains/ require_once('/home/...') #4 /home/domains/ require_once('/home/....') #5 /home/domains/ require_once('/home/.....') #6 {main} thrown in /home/domains/ on line 139**





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