按名称查找列标题并从多个工作簿中选择标题下方的所有数据,然后将数据粘贴到 Excel VBA 的主文件中

时间:2021-07-31 13:11:33

标签: excel vba

我在一个特定文件夹中有 5 个不同的工作簿,每个工作簿中只包含 1 张工作表。 每个工作簿的格式相同,第 12 行大约有 145 个标题。 这个标题下面有一些数据,请注意每个工作簿中的数据不同并且也有缺失数据,所以不确定最后一行数据。 在主文件中,我在第 3 行提到了 30 个需要的标题。 我需要一个 VBA 宏,它应该从主文件中查找标题并从第一个文件中复制数据并将其粘贴到主文件中。从第 1 个文件复制数据后,应从第 2、第 3、第 4 和第 5 个文件复制数据,然后将其粘贴到主文件中。


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Sub CopyInMaster()
   Dim wb As Workbook, mWb As Workbook, mWbPath As String, shMWb As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
   Dim folderPath As String, fileName As String, arrHead, lastERM As Long, lastrWS As Long, arrCopy, i As Long, j As Long
   folderPath = ThisWorkbook.path & "\TestImport\"  'use here the folder path where the workbooks to import data exist
                                                                       'please, take care of the ending"\"
   mWbPath = folderPath & "Master.xlsx"                 'use here your Master workbook full name
   'check if the master workbook is open. If not, open it
   For Each wb In Workbooks
        If wb.fullName = mWbPath Then Set mWb = wb: Exit For
   If mWb Is Nothing Then
        Set mWb = Workbooks.Open(mWbPath)
   End If
   Set shMWb = mWb.Sheets(1) 'if the sheet to be updated in Master wb is not the first one, please adapt the code using its name
   'put master headers in an array:
   arrHead = shMWb.Range("A1", shMWb.cells(1, shMWb.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft)).value

   'iterate between all workbooks to be used in the necessary folder:
   fileName = Dir(folderPath & "*.xls*")
   Do While fileName <> ""
        If Not fileName = mWb.Name Then 'if the master workbook is not in the same folder, this lines can be eliminated (If - End If)
            Set wb = Workbooks.Open(folderPath & fileName)
            Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
            'copy each mathing column data:
            For i = 1 To UBound(arrHead, 2)
                For j = 1 To ws.cells(12, ws.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
                    If arrHead(1, i) = ws.cells(12, j).value Then
                        lastrWS = ws.cells(ws.rows.count, j).End(xlUp).row            'last row
                        lastERM = shMWb.cells(shMWb.rows.count, i).End(xlUp).row + 1  'first empty row
                        arrCopy = ws.Range(ws.cells(13, j), ws.cells(lastrWS, j)).value      'put the range to be copied in an array (to be faster)
                        shMWb.cells(lastERM, i).Resize(UBound(arrCopy), UBound(arrCopy, 2)).value = arrCopy 'drop the array content
                    End If
            Next i
            wb.Close False  'close the workbook without saving it
        End If
        fileName = Dir()
End Sub



