Ajax PHP创建的表单未提交

时间:2011-08-27 21:41:38

标签: php ajax jquery




HTML& jQuery的:

<div id="gallery_container">
    <ul class="new_arrivals_gallery"></ul>
    <div class="pagination"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/libs/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script> 

$(document).ready(function() {

    function loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender){
            type: "GET",
            url: "filter_test.php",
            data: {imgFamily:imgFamily, imgClass:imgClass, imgGender:imgGender},
            success: function(data) {
    loadData(1);  // For first time page load default results

    //Bind keypress event to Ajax call
    $('.filter').keypress(function(e) {
        if(e.keyCode == 13) {
            var imgFamily = $('#imgFamily').attr('value');
            var imgClass = $('#imgClass').attr('value');
            var imgGender = $('#imgGender').attr('value');
            //Fetch the images
            loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender);

    //Bind the click event to Ajax call on submit
        var imgFamily = $('#imgFamily').attr('value');
        var imgClass = $('#imgClass').attr('value');
        var imgGender = $('#imgGender').attr('value');
        //Fetch the images
        loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender);



// Queries for combo boxes
$imgFamily_query = "SELECT DISTINCT imgFamily FROM images WHERE $clause";
$imgClass_query = "SELECT DISTINCT imgClass FROM images WHERE $clause";
$imgGender_query = "SELECT DISTINCT imgGender FROM images WHERE $clause";

// Create the form and combo boxes
echo "<form name='refine' action=''>
        <fieldset><legend>Refine Results</legend>";

    // imgFamily combo box
    if($imgFamily_result = mysql_query($imgFamily_query))  {
      if($imgFamily_success = mysql_num_rows($imgFamily_result) > 0) {
        // Start combo-box
        echo "<label for='imgFamily' id='imgFamily_label'>Choose a family</label>\n
            <select class='filter' id='imgFamily' name='imgFamily'>\n
            <option value='1'></option>\n";
        // For each item in the results...
        while ($imgFamily_row = mysql_fetch_array($imgFamily_result))
          // Add a new option to the combo-box
          echo "<option value='$imgFamily_row[imgFamily]'>$imgFamily_row[imgFamily]</option>\n";
        // End the combo-box
        echo "</select>\n";
      } else { echo "No results found."; }
    } else { echo "Failed to connect to database."; }

    // Add a submit button to the form
    echo "</fieldset>
        <fieldset><input type='button' name='submit' value='submit' id='submit'></fieldset>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 您的页面已完成加载
  2. 执行loadData(1),但因为它是异步调用,所以在获取表单元素之前继续执行。
  3. jquery已执行$('.filter').keypress(function(e)但该类尚未包含任何元素,因此不会发生任何绑定。
  4. $("#submit").click(function(){具有相同的命运,我们还没有submit id的元素。
  5. 对ajax调用的响应到达,success函数将表单元素添加到gallery_container,但没有绑定。
  6. 您需要做的是在将相应元素添加到dom时调用事件绑定函数;所以你应该在$("#gallery_container").html(data);之后移动它们:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        function loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender){
                type: "GET",
                url: "filter_test.php",
                data: {imgFamily:imgFamily, imgClass:imgClass, imgGender:imgGender},
                success: function(data) {
                    //Bind keypress event to Ajax call
                    $('.filter').keypress(function(e) {
                        if(e.keyCode == 13) {
                            var imgFamily = $('#imgFamily').attr('value');
                            var imgClass = $('#imgClass').attr('value');
                            var imgGender = $('#imgGender').attr('value');
                            //Fetch the images
                            loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender);
                    //Bind the click event to Ajax call on submit
                        var imgFamily = $('#imgFamily').attr('value');
                        var imgClass = $('#imgClass').attr('value');
                        var imgGender = $('#imgGender').attr('value');
                        //Fetch the images
                        loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender);
        loadData(1);  // For first time page load default results

答案 1 :(得分:1)



function loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender){
        type: "GET",
        url: "filter_test.php",
        data: {imgFamily:imgFamily, imgClass:imgClass, imgGender:imgGender},
        success: function(data) {

            bindEvents(); // <---- Call it here

// Separate function
function bindEvents()
    //Bind keypress event to Ajax call
    $('.filter').keypress(function(e) {
        if(e.keyCode == 13) {
            var imgFamily = $('#imgFamily').attr('value');
            var imgClass = $('#imgClass').attr('value');
            var imgGender = $('#imgGender').attr('value');
            //Fetch the images
            loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender);

    //Bind the click event to Ajax call on submit
        var imgFamily = $('#imgFamily').attr('value');
        var imgClass = $('#imgClass').attr('value');
        var imgGender = $('#imgGender').attr('value');
        //Fetch the images
        loadData(imgFamily, imgClass, imgGender);

$(document).ready(function() {

    loadData(1);  // For first time page load default results

    bindEvents(); // <---- And here (where your code originally was).