
时间:2011-09-01 03:43:46

标签: java mocking


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模拟静态方法 快速摘要

Use the @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case.
Use the @PrepareForTest(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case.
Use PowerMock.mockStatic(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) to mock all methods of this class.
Use PowerMock.replay(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) to change the class to replay mode.
Use PowerMock.verify(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) to change the class to verify mode.

实施例 在PowerMock中模拟静态方法需要在PowerMock中使用“mockStatic”方法。假设你有一个类ServiceRegistrator,它有一个名为registerService的方法,如下所示:

public long registerService(Object service) {
   final long id = IdGenerator.generateNewId();
   serviceRegistrations.put(id, service);
   return id;

这里感兴趣的是对我们想要模拟的IdGenerator.generateNewId()的静态方法调用。 IdGenerator是一个帮助程序类,它只是为服务生成一个新的ID。它看起来像这样:

public class IdGenerator {

    * @return A new ID based on the current time.
   public static long generateNewId() {
      return System.currentTimeMillis();



public void testRegisterService() throws Exception {
        long expectedId = 42;

        // We create a new instance of test class under test as usually.
        ServiceRegistartor tested = new ServiceRegistartor();

        // This is the way to tell PowerMock to mock all static methods of a
        // given class

         * The static method call to IdGenerator.generateNewId() expectation.
         * This is why we need PowerMock.

        // Note how we replay the class, not the instance!

        long actualId = tested.registerService(new Object());

        // Note how we verify the class, not the instance!

        // Assert that the ID is correct
        assertEquals(expectedId, actualId);


Reference: powermock wiki

答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果两个函数都在同一个类中,那么只需不使用任何对象或类名称即可调用。如果它们使用不同的函数,那么使用类名可以互相调用。希望这对您有所帮助。 :)