
时间:2011-09-12 02:17:31

标签: javascript



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



答案 1 :(得分:1)


// when defining "Bla", the initial definition is copied into the "prototype"
var Bla = function()
    this.a = 1;
// we can either modify the "prototype" of "Bla"
Bla.prototype.b = 2;
// or we can modify the instance of "Bla"
Bla.c = 3;

// now lets experiment with this..

var x = new Bla();  // read: "clone the prototype of 'Bla' into variable 'x'"  
alert(x.b);     // alerts "2"
alert(x.c);     // undefined   -- because "c" doesn't exist in the prototype
alert(Bla.c);   // alerts "3"  -- "Bla" is an object, just like your instance 'x'

// also note this:
Bla.a = 1337;
var y = new Bla();
alert (y.a);    // alerts "1"  -- because the initial definition was cloned, 
                // opposed to the current state of object "Bla"