
时间:2011-09-15 09:11:04

标签: file powershell csv directory move


我似乎对move-item cmdlet有一些问题。这已经影响了我在另一个脚本中的重命名项目我尝试所以我认为它与我如何尝试访问文件夹中现有文件的文件名有关。

$sourceDir = read-host "Please enter source Dir:"

$csv = import-csv C:\scripts\files\files.csv
$csv | where {$_.folder -eq 'Y'} | % {

        $path = $sourceDir + "\" + $_.fileName
        if(-not $_.PSIsContainer)
            md $path
        }#end if
    }#end for

$move = ".\" + $csv[0].fileName 
$csv | % {
            if ($_.folder -eq 'Y')
                $move = ".\" + $_.fileName
                mi $_.fileName "$move"
            mi $_.fileName "$move"
        } #end for



Move-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\scripts\BB.' because it does not exist.
At C:\scripts\Y2.ps1:25 char:7
+                 mi  <<<< $_.fileName "$move"
Move-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\scripts\BB.' because it does not exist.
At C:\scripts\Y2.ps1:27 char:6
+             mi  <<<< $_.fileName "$move"
Move-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\scripts\BB.' because it does not exist.
At C:\scripts\Y2.ps1:27 char:6
+             mi  <<<< $_.fileName "$move

需要引用文件的扩展名和正确的路径 谢谢,


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$sourceDir = "C:\Temp\sotemp\Source\"                                #Configure source file directory
$destDir = "C:\Temp\sotemp\Dest\"                                    #Configure destination file directory
$csv = import-csv 'C:\Temp\sotemp\files.csv'                         #Import CSV file

$csv | % {                                                           #For each line in the CSV
            $sourceFile = $sourceDir + $_.fileName + ".txt"
            if($_.folder -eq 'Y'){                                   #If the csv entry has a Y in the folder column
                $destPath = $destDir + $_.fileName                   #Build the destination directory path
                if (!(Test-Path -path $destPath)){                   #If the destination directory doesn't exist...
                    New-Item $destPath -itemtype directory -force    #Force creation of the destination directory if it doesn't exist
                mi $sourceFile $destPath                             #Move the file!
            else {
                $destPath = $destPath                                #This isn't needed, but it explicitly shows we are reusing the $destPath variable with whatever was in it the last time we populated it
                mi $sourceFile $destPath                             #Move the file!

让我知道如果我离开目标,如果我在目标上,你只需要更新路径和文件扩展名。此外,没有错误检查,我没有在文件移动中使用'-force'参数来强制覆盖。该脚本还依赖于CSV中第一行的文件夹列中的“Y”,以确保填充$ destPath变量。
