
时间:2011-09-22 04:42:30

标签: php javascript jquery ajax json


// LOGIN Validation


     $.post("widgets/login_process.php", $("#jq_login").serialize(),
        if(data.all_check == 'invalid'){
            "<div>UserId and/or password incorrect. Try again.</div>"

        } elseif(data.user_check == 'invalid'){
            "<div>UserId and/or password incorrect. Try again.</div>"

        } elseif (data.activated_check == 'invalid'){
            "<div>Your account has not been activated. Please check your "  + 
            "email and follow the link to activate your account. Or click " +
            "<a href='#' id='resend'>here</a> to re-send the link.</div>"

        } else {
            "<div'>You are now logged in. Thank you </div>"

          return false;
      }, "json");

    $("#resend").live('click', function(event){

      var data = 'username=' + data.username + 'password=' + data.password;





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


        "<div>Your account has not been activated. Please check your "  + 
        "email and follow the link to activate your account. Or click " +
        "<a href='" + data.activation_url + "' id='resend'>here</a> to re-send the link.</div>"

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用Ajax并不是真的“来回传递数据”,而只是传递回调。当你将function() { ... }作为函数参数放置时,这就是你正在做的事情 - 你正在创建一个回调。


重构后,我们可以更清楚地“重用”重新发送 - 激活链接的用户名和密码。

(function() { // to keep these functions out of the global scope(†)
  // this will be called when the login form is submitted
  function handleLogin(evt) {

    // same as your code except that instead of creating a function here
    // we instead pass `handleLoginResponse`, which is a function we'll
    // define later
    $.post( 'widgets/login_process.php',
      $(this).serialize(), // <-- In events, `this` refers to the element that 
      handleLoginResponse, //     fired the event--in this case the form, so we
      'json'               //     don't need its id, we can just give `this`
    );                     //     to jQuery.

  // This is the function we gave to $.post() above, and it'll be called when
  // the response is received.
  function handleLoginResponse(data) {
    // Here we decide what message to show based on the response, just like
    // in your code, but we call a function (showError or showSuccess) to
    // avoid repeating ourselves.
    if(data.all_check == 'invalid') {
      showError("UserId and/or password incorrect. Try again.");

    } else if(data.user_check == 'invalid') {
      showError("UserId and/or password incorrect. Try again.");

    } else if(data.activated_check == 'invalid') {
      showError("Your account has not been activated. Please check your " + 
                "email and follow the link to activate your account. Or " +
                "click <a href='#' id='resend'>here</a> to re-send the link."

    } else {
      showSuccess("You are now logged in. Thank you.");

  // the function that shows error messages
  function showError(message) {
    $('.message_error').hide().            // jQuery chaining keeps things tidy
      html('<div>' + message + '</div>').

  // the function that shows success messages
  function showSuccess(message) {
      .html('<div>' + message '</div>');

  // this method is called when the "resend" link is clicked
  function handleResendClicked(evt) {

    // send another Ajax request to the script that handles resending, using
    // the form values as parameters
    $.get( './resend_activation.php',
      handleResendResponse // again we've defined this function elsewhere

  // called when the Ajax request above gets a response
  function handleResendResponse(data) {
    // of course you can do whatever you want with `data` here
    alert('resend request responded with: ' + data);

  // called from handleLoginResponse when the login is successful
  function redirectToLoggedInPage() {
    window.location = './producer.php';

  // finally, our document.ready call
  $(function() {
    // pass the names of the functions defined above to the jQuery
    // event handlers
    $("#resend").live('click', handleResendClicked);

当然,你不会总是像这样编码 - 有时真的 最好只是在现场定义一个匿名的function() { ... } - 但是当事情变得嵌套时 - 这是一个解开事物的好方法,并且趋向于使前进的道路更加清晰。

(†)Anonymous closures for limiting scope
