
时间:2011-09-22 08:34:54

标签: list interface implementation abstraction


public interface IReportService {
  IList<IReport> GetAvailableReports();
  IReport GetReport(int id);

public class ReportService : IReportService {
 IList<IReport> GetAvailableReports() {
   return new List<ConcreteReport>(); // This doesnt work

 IReport GetReport(int id){
   return new ConcreteReport(); // But this works

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


IList<? extends IReport> GetAvailableReports()

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是因为covariance。您可以在.NET 4中使用它(阅读链接)。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace InheritList.Test
    public interface IItem
        string theItem;

    public interface IList
        IEnumerable<IItem> theItems; // previously has as list... didn't work.
                                     // when I changed to IEnumerable, it worked.
        public IItem returnTheItem();
        public IEnumerable<IItem> returnTheItemsAsList();

    public class Item : IItem
        string theItem;

    public class List : IList
        public IEnumerable<IItem> theItems; // List here didn't work - changed to IEnumerable

        public List()
            this.theItems = returnTheItemsAsList();
        public IItem returnTheItem()
            return new Item();

        public IEnumerable<IItem> returnTheItemsAsList()
            var newList = new List<Item>();
            return newList;