
时间:2011-09-28 11:18:22

标签: c++ math vector 3d rotation


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


double c = cos(A);
double s = sin(A);
double C = 1.0 - c;

double Q[3][3];
Q[0][0] = v2[0] * v2[0] * C + c;
Q[0][1] = v2[1] * v2[0] * C + v2[2] * s;
Q[0][2] = v2[2] * v2[0] * C - v2[1] * s;

Q[1][0] = v2[1] * v2[0] * C - v2[2] * s;
Q[1][1] = v2[1] * v2[1] * C + c;
Q[1][2] = v2[2] * v2[1] * C + v2[0] * s;

Q[2][0] = v2[0] * v2[2] * C + v2[1] * s;
Q[2][1] = v2[2] * v2[1] * C - v2[0] * s;
Q[2][2] = v2[2] * v2[2] * C + c;

v1[0] = v1[0] * Q[0][0] + v1[0] * Q[0][1] + v1[0] * Q[0][2];
v1[1] = v1[1] * Q[1][0] + v1[1] * Q[1][1] + v1[1] * Q[1][2];
v1[2] = v1[2] * Q[2][0] + v1[2] * Q[2][1] + v1[2] * Q[2][2];

答案 1 :(得分:5)


在看到这个答案最近出现后,我会提供更强大的答案。一个可以使用而不必理解四元数的完整数学含义。我将假设(给定C ++标记)您有类似Vector3类的内容,其中包含innercross*=标量运算符等“明显”函数等等......

#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>


void make_quat (float quat[4], const Vector3 & v2, float angle)
    // BTW: there's no reason you can't use 'doubles' for angle, etc.
    // there's not much point in applying a rotation outside of [-PI, +PI];
    // as that covers the practical 2.PI range.

    // any time graphics / floating point overlap, we have to think hard
    // about degenerate cases that can arise quite naturally (think of
    // pathological cancellation errors that are *possible* in seemingly
    // benign operations like inner products - and other running sums).

    Vector3 axis (v2);

    float rl = sqrt(inner(axis, axis));
    if (rl < FLT_EPSILON) // we'll handle this as no rotation:
        quat[0] = 0.0, quat[1] = 0.0, quat[2] = 0.0, quat[3] = 1.0;
        return; // the 'identity' unit quaternion.

    float ca = cos(angle);

    // we know a maths library is never going to yield a value outside
    // of [-1.0, +1.0] right? Well, maybe we're using something else -
    // like an approximating polynomial, or a faster hack that's a little
    // rough 'around the edge' cases? let's *ensure* a clamped range:
    ca = (ca < -1.0f) ? -1.0f : ((ca > +1.0f) ? +1.0f : ca);

    // now we find cos / sin of a half-angle. we can use a faster identity
    // for this, secure in the knowledge that 'sqrt' will be valid....

    float cq = sqrt((1.0f + ca) / 2.0f); // cos(acos(ca) / 2.0);
    float sq = sqrt((1.0f - ca) / 2.0f); // sin(acos(ca) / 2.0);

    axis *= sq / rl; // i.e., scaling each element, and finally:

    quat[0] = axis[0], quat[1] = axis[1], quat[2] = axis[2], quat[3] = cq;

因此,float quat[4]保持一个单位四元数,表示原始参数(, v2, A)的轴和旋转角度。

这是四元数乘法的例程。 SSE / SIMD可能可以加快速度,但复杂的变换&amp;在大多数情况下,照明通常是GPU驱动的。如果你记得复杂数字乘法有点奇怪,四元数乘法更是如此。复数乘法是一种可交换操作:a*b = b*a。四元数甚至不保留此属性,即q*p != p*q

static inline void
qmul (float r[4], const float q[4], const float p[4])
    // quaternion multiplication: r = q * p

    float w0 = q[3], w1 = p[3];
    float x0 = q[0], x1 = p[0];
    float y0 = q[1], y1 = p[1];
    float z0 = q[2], z1 = p[2];

    r[3] = w0 * w1 - x0 * x1 - y0 * y1 - z0 * z1;
    r[0] = w0 * x1 + x0 * w1 + y0 * z1 - z0 * y1;
    r[1] = w0 * y1 + y0 * w1 + z0 * x1 - x0 * z1;
    r[2] = w0 * z1 + z0 * w1 + x0 * y1 - y0 * x1;

最后,旋转3D'向量'v(或者,如果您愿意,将'{1}}问题命名为v,表示为向量),使用四元数:v1有一个奇怪的公式:float q[4]。四元数具有共轭,类似于复数。这是例程:

v' = q * v * conjugate(q)

全部放在一起。显然,您可以在适当的地方使用static inline void qrot (float v[3], const float q[4]) { // 3D vector rotation: v = q * v * conj(q) float r[4], p[4]; r[0] = + v[0], r[1] = + v[1], r[2] = + v[2], r[3] = +0.0; glView__qmul(r, q, r); p[0] = - q[0], p[1] = - q[1], p[2] = - q[2], p[3] = q[3]; glView__qmul(r, r, p); v[0] = r[0], v[1] = r[1], v[2] = r[2]; } 关键字。现代优化编译器可能会忽略static提示,具体取决于他们自己的代码生成启发式。但是现在让我们专注于正确性:






答案 2 :(得分:4)

答案 3 :(得分:3)



答案 4 :(得分:2)

我在这里找到了这个: http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/math/rotvec.html

    [v] = [vx, vy, vz]      the vector to be rotated.
    [l] = [lx, ly, lz]      the vector about rotation
          | 1  0  0|
    [i] = | 0  1  0|           the identity matrix        
          | 0  0  1|

          |   0  lz -ly |
    [L] = | -lz   0  lx |
          |  ly -lx   0 |

    d = sqrt(lx*lx + ly*ly + lz*lz)
    a                       the angle of rotation



[v] = [v]x{[i] + sin(a)/d*[L] + ((1 - cos(a))/(d*d)*([L]x[L]))} 


