
时间:2011-10-10 12:11:27

标签: scala constructor scala-2.9 traits


trait Daoisms {
  val sessionFactory:SessionFactory
  protected def session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession

class ModuleDao(sessionFactory:SessionFactory) extends Daoisms {
  def save(module:Module) = session.saveOrUpdate(module)

/* Compiler error:
class ModuleDao needs to be abstract, since value sessionFactory in trait Daoisms of type org.hibernate.SessionFactory is not defined */

// This works though
// class ModuleDao(val sessionFactory:SessionFactory) extends Daoisms { ... }

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


scala> trait D { protected val d:Int
     | def dd = d
     | }
defined trait D

scala> class C(protected val d:Int) extends D
defined class C

scala> new C(1)
res0: C = C@ba2e48

scala> res0.d
<console>:11: error: value d in class C cannot be accessed in C
 Access to protected value d not permitted because
 enclosing class object $iw in object $iw is not a subclass of 
 class C in object $iw where target is defined

scala> res0.dd
res2: Int = 1