
时间:2011-10-11 11:16:26

标签: php email mime





    //Script configuration section.
    $D_hostname = 'localhost'; # Database hostname.
    $D_username = 'username'; # Database username.
    $D_password = 'password'; # Database password.
    $D_database = 'database'; # Database name.

    $E_from = '{BLOG BACKUP} <backup@mywebsite.com>'; # From header.
    $E_subject = '[' . date('d-m-Y') .  ']: This weeks database backup.'; # Email subject.
    $E_content = 'This weeks database backup has been created, please find it attached to this email. Remember to save a copy and retain this email too!<br />'; #Email content.
    $E_filename = date('d-m-Y') .  '_blog_backup.sql'; #Attachment filename.
    $E_filetype = 'application/octet-stream'; # Attachment type.
    $E_recipients = 'email@mywebsite.com, email@myclient.com'; #Email recipients.

    //Connect to the database.
    $connection = mysql_connect($D_hostname, $D_username, $D_password);

    //Select the database
    mysql_select_db($D_database, $connection);

    //Set up an empty array.
    $tables = array();

    //Get a list of all the databases tables.
    $Q_show_tables = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES');

    //Add each table to the array.
    while($R_show_tables = mysql_fetch_row($Q_show_tables)){
        $tables[] = $R_show_tables[0];

    //Get all rows for each table and create a mySQL query.
    foreach($tables as $table) {

        //Get all rows from the table.
        $Q_get_rows = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$table);
        $C_get_rows = mysql_num_fields($Q_get_rows);

        //Add a drop clause for the table
        $data_row .= 'DROP TABLE ' . $table . ';';

        //Get create table info.
        $Q_create_table = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table));

        //Add the create table clause to the query.
        $data_row.= "\n\n" . $Q_create_table[1] . ";\n\n";

        //Now gather all of the rows.
        for ($int_01 = 0; $int_01 < $C_get_rows; $int_01++) {
            while($R_get_rows = mysql_fetch_row($Q_get_rows)) {

                //Add the insert clause.
                $data_row .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES (';

                //For each field write out a row.
                for($int_02 = 0; $int_02 < $C_get_rows; $int_02++) {
                    $R_get_rows[$int_02] = addslashes($R_get_rows[$int_02]);
                    $R_get_rows[$int_02] = ereg_replace("\n","\\n",$R_get_rows[$int_02]);
                    if (isset($R_get_rows[$int_02])) {
                        $data_row .= '"'.$R_get_rows[$int_02].'"' ;
                    } else {
                        $data_row .= '""';
                    if ($int_02 < ($num_fields-1)) { 
                        $data_row .= ','; 
            $data_row .= ");\n";
        $data_row .="\n\n\n";

    //Split and encode the data.
    $data_split = chunk_split(base64_encode($data_row));

    //Create a unique boundary
    $new_boundary = md5(time());

    //This is your basic header information such as who the email is from and the date it was sent.
    $mail_header .= 'From: ' . $E_from . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'Date: ' . date('r') . "\r\n";

    //This part of the header first defines to the email client that it is a multipart message and adds the emails content/body.
    $mail_header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $new_boundary . '"' . "\r\n\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format' . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= '--' . $new_boundary . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'Content-Type:text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"' . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . "\r\n\r\n";
    $mail_header .= $E_content . "\r\n\r\n";

    //This part of the header is for the attachment and includes the contents of the file, the files name and other information.
    $mail_header .= '--' . $new_boundary . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'Content-Type: ' . $E_filetype . '; name="' . $E_filename . '"' . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\r\n";
    $mail_header .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $E_filename . '"' . "\r\n\r\n";
    $mail_header .= $data_split . "\r\n\r\n";

    //This is needed to stop any rendering errors by email clients and signifies the end of the emails header.
    $mail_header .= '--' . $new_boundary  . '--' . "\r\n";

    //This mails out all of the above.
    mail($E_recipients, $E_subject, '', $mail_header);





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





  • 使用addslashes来转义数据库输入
  • 篡改因果关系的性质
  • 避免在需要分离的情况下使用模块化编程
  • 通过电子邮件传输可能非常大的文件(大多数MTA将限制电子邮件的大小)

我建议再次启动 - 设置一个cron作业将备份解压缩到本地文件,然后编写一个PHP来访问该文件 - 并通过电子邮件向用户发送一个指向他们可以下载备份的链接。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


此外,你有一些不必要的\r\n序列 - 这些不应该打破它,但最好不要包含它们。尝试以下代码来构建/发送消息:

//Split and encode the data.
$data_split = chunk_split(base64_encode($data_row));

//Create a unique boundary
$new_boundary = '-------'.md5(time()).'-----';

//This is your basic header information such as who the email is from and the date it was sent.
$mail_header = 'From: ' . $E_from . "\r\n";
$mail_header .= 'Date: ' . date('r') . "\r\n";

//This part of the header first defines to the email client that it is a multipart message and adds the emails content/body.
$mail_header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $new_boundary . '"' . "\r\n";
$mail_header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

// The body (multipart message) starts here:
$mail_body = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format' . "\r\n";

// HTML content of the email
$mail_body .= "$new_boundary\r\n";
$mail_body .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"' . "\r\n";
$mail_body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . "\r\n\r\n";
$mail_body .= $E_content . "\r\n";

// This part of the body is for the attachment and includes the contents of the file, the files name and other information.
$mail_body .= "$new_boundary\r\n";
$mail_body .= 'Content-Type: ' . $E_filetype . '; name="' . $E_filename . '"' . "\r\n";
$mail_body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\r\n";
$mail_body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $E_filename . '"' . "\r\n\r\n";
$mail_body .= $data_split . "\r\n";

//This is needed to stop any rendering errors by email clients and signifies the end of the email's body.
$mail_body .= "$new_boundary--";

//This mails out all of the above.
mail($E_recipients, $E_subject, $mail_body, $mail_header);