C ++函数,一个输入,一个输出没有输入

时间:2011-10-11 15:37:28

标签: c++

其功能小计。它说我不能使用它作为一个函数,有些内部在int main,它在函数subtotalspool中说,varriable spoolnumber没有声明。我把“int spoolnumber”放在了subtotalspool的函数声明中。有什么东西我不见了? 编辑代码更改

/* Author:     Samuel LaManna                     */
/* Course:     CSC 135 Lisa Frye                  */
/* Assignment: Program 2 Functions                */
/* Due Date:   10/11/2011                         */
/* Filename:   program2.cpp                       */
/* Purpose:    This progam will accept input and  */
/*             give user shipping and total cost  */
/*             for a shippment of spools of wire  */

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void instruct();     //Function Declaration for instruction function
int spoolnum();      //Function for number of spools input
int stotalspool(int spoolnumber); //Function to calculate the sub total 
float shippingcost();//Function to calculate shipping cost
void results();      //Function to display all of the costs and a final total

int main()
  int spoolnumber;     //Var for number of spools to be ordered
  int subtotalspool;   //Var for spool sub total

  instruct();          // Function call to print instructions to user

  spoolnumber = spoolnum(int spoolnumber );
  //Test output to make sure/show that input given in function is retained in int main
  cout << endl << "Value stored in variable spollnumber inside int main is: " <<  spoolnumber << endl;

  subtotalspool = stotalspool();

  cout<< endl << "Value stored in variable subtotalspool inside int main is: " << subtotalspool << endl;

  return 0;

// Name: instruct                            /
// Description: Print instructions to user   /
// Parameters: N/A                           /
// Reture Value: N/A                         /

void instruct()
  cout << endl << "This program will calculate the shipping information " << endl
       << "for a batch of wire spools. " << endl << endl;


// Name: spoolnum                            /
// Description: Ask for and get number of    /
// spools                                    /
// Parameters: N/A                           /
// Reture Value: spoolnum                    /
int spoolnum()
  int spoolnum = 0;
  char type = 'n';

  do {
      cout << "Number of spools to be shipped: ";
      cin >> spoolnum;
      cout << endl;
      cout << spoolnum << " spool(s) of wire will be shipped" << endl;
      cout << "Is this correct? [y/n] ";
      cin >> type;
  } while (type != 'y');

  return spoolnum;

// Name: stotalspool                       /
// Description: Calculate the subtotal for   /
//the shipped spools                         /
// Parameters: N/A                           /
// Reture Value: stotalspool               /
int stotalspool()
  int stotalspool;
  stotalspool = spoolnumber * 100;

  return stotalspool;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


int subtotalspool(int spoolnumber); //Function to calculate the sub total 


 subtotalspool = subtotalspool(); 


此外,您应始终初始化您的变量。   int spoolnumber = 0; // Var用于订购的线轴数量   int subtotalspool = 0;


subtotalspool = subtotalspool(); // here you have an int that is also a fonction.


答案 1 :(得分:0)


修改 要将变量传递给函数,需要更改其签名。例如,int subtotalspool(int x)将为您提供传入的任何值的副本。然后您将调用此函数,如下sts = subtotalspool(spoolnumber);然后在您的实际功能代码中(如果在您的签名中使用了变量)名称x)您应该更改此函数中使用spoolnumber变量的所有代码,并将其替换为x

答案 2 :(得分:0)


subtotalspool_ = subtotalspool(spoolnumber);
