
时间:2011-10-18 04:43:30

标签: java

我已经在这方面工作了几个星期,并且根本没有任何地方。我正在尝试创建一个应用程序,它将输入2个整数 n k 作为输入。 应用程序应生成并输出具有结构不同的i节点的所有树的数量。最后它应该输出带有n个节点的第k个树。



java differentTrees 5 31


The number of structural different trees with 0 nodes is 0
The number of structural different trees with 1 nodes is 1
The number of structural different trees with 2 nodes is 2
The number of structural different trees with 3 nodes is 5
The number of structural different trees with 4 nodes is 14
The number of structural different trees with 5 nodes is 42
<BinaryTreeNode 5 <BinaryTreeNode 1 --> <BinaryTreeNode 3 <BinaryTreeNode 2 <BinaryTreeNode 1 -->->->>


import java.lang.Math;

public class BinaryTreeNode
protected Object val; // value associated with node
protected BinaryTreeNode parent; // parent of node
protected BinaryTreeNode left; // left child of node
protected BinaryTreeNode right; // right child of node

public BinaryTreeNode(Object value)
// post: returns a tree referencing value with two null subtrees
    val = value;
    parent = left = right = null;

public BinaryTreeNode(Object value,
                      BinaryTreeNode left,
                      BinaryTreeNode right) 
// post: returns a node referencing value & subtrees

public BinaryTreeNode left()
// post: returns reference to left subtree, or null
    return left;

public BinaryTreeNode right()
// post: returns reference to right subtree, or null
    return right;

public BinaryTreeNode parent()
// post: returns reference to parent node, or null
    return parent;

public void setLeft(BinaryTreeNode newLeft)
// post: sets left subtree to newLeft
//       re-parents newLeft if not null
    if (left != null &&
        (left.parent() == this)) left.setParent(null);
    left = newLeft;
    if (left != null) left.setParent(this);

public void setRight(BinaryTreeNode newRight)
// post: sets left subtree to newRight
//       re-parents newRight if not null
    if (right != null &&
        (right.parent() == this)) right.setParent(null);
    right = newRight;
    if (right != null) right.setParent(this);

protected void setParent(BinaryTreeNode newParent)
// post: re-parents this node to parent reference, or null
    parent = newParent;

public static int size(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns the size of the subtree rooted at n
    if (n == null) return 0;
    return size(n.left()) + size(n.right()) + 1;

public static BinaryTreeNode root(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns the root of the tree node n
    if ((n == null) || (n.parent() == null)) return n;
    else return root(n.parent());

public static int height(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns the height of a node n in its tree
    if (n == null) return -1;
    return 1 + Math.max(height(n.left()),height(n.right()));

public static int depth(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns the depth of a node in the tree
    if (n == null) return -1;
    return 1 + depth(n.parent());

public static boolean isFull(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns true iff the tree rooted at n is full.
    if (n == null) return true;
    if (height(n.left()) != height(n.right())) return false;
    return isFull(n.left()) && isFull(n.right());

public static boolean isComplete(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns true iff the tree rooted at n is complete
    int leftHeight, rightHeight;
    boolean leftIsFull, rightIsFull;
    boolean leftIsComplete, rightIsComplete;
    if (n == null) return true;
    leftHeight = height(n.left());
    rightHeight = height(n.right());
    leftIsFull = isFull(n.left());
    rightIsFull = isFull(n.right());
    leftIsComplete = isComplete(n.left());
    rightIsComplete = isComplete(n.right());

    // case 1: left is full, right is complete, heights same
    if (leftIsFull && rightIsComplete &&
        (leftHeight == rightHeight)) return true;
    // case 2: left is complete, right is full, heights differ
    if (leftIsComplete && rightIsFull &&
        (leftHeight == (rightHeight + 1))) return true;
    return false;

public static boolean isBalanced(BinaryTreeNode n)
// post: returns true iff the tree rooted at n is balanced
    if (n == null) return true;
    return (Math.abs(height(n.left())-height(n.right())) <= 1) &&
           isBalanced(n.left()) && isBalanced(n.right());

public boolean isLeftChild()
// post: returns true if this is a left child of parent.
    if (parent() == null) return false;
    return this == parent().left();

public boolean isRightChild()
// post: returns true if this is a right child of parent.
    if (parent() == null) return false;
    return this == parent().right();

public Object value()
// post: returns value associated with this node.
    return val;

public void setValue(Object value)
// post: sets the value associated with this node
    val = value;

public String toString()
// post: returns string representation
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
    s.append("<BinaryTreeNode "+value());
    if (left != null) s.append(" "+left());
    else s.append(" -");
    if (right != null) s.append(" "+right());
    else s.append(" -");
    return s.toString();



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