基础实体类。 NHibernate的

时间:2011-10-31 15:35:58

标签: c# nhibernate interface entity


public abstract class Entity<T> : IComparable<Entity<T>>, IFormattable
    public abstract Int32 CompareTo(Entity<T> entity);
    public abstract String ToString(String format, IFormatProvider provider);

    // ...

因此所有派生类都必须实现这些接口。 将IComparable<T>接口放在实体类上是否合理? 谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这不是(或糟糕)的做法 - 它完全取决于您的需求。

在一般级别指定IComparable时,存在以下风险:在继承链中进一步比较某些对象可能没有意义。即使你可以比较两个对象,它总是有意义吗?您可能需要编写代码行来满足永远不会使用的合同 - 谨防YAGNI circumstances


答案 1 :(得分:2)





//identifies a class as persistable, and requires the class to specify 
//an identity column for its PK
public interface IDomainObject { long Id {get;} } 

//In a repository-per-DB model, just because it's an IDomainObject doesn't mean
//a repo can work with it. So, I derive further to create basically "marker"
//interfaces identifying domain objects as being from a particular DB:
public interface ISecurityDomainObject:IDomainObject { }
public interface IDataDomainObject:IDomainObject { }
public interface IData2DomainObject:IDomainObject { }

//There may be logic in your repo or DB to prevent certain concurrency issues.
//You can specify that a domain object has the necessary fields for version-checking
//either up at the IDomainObject level, a lower level, or independently:
public interface IVersionedDomainObject:IDomainObject
   long Version {get;}
   string LastUpdatedBy {get;}
   DateTime LastUpdatedDate {get;}

//Now, you can use these interfaces to restrict a Repo to a particular subset of
//the full domain, based on the DB each object is persisted to:

public interface IRepository<TDom> where TDom:IDomainObject 
    //yes, GTPs can be used as GTCs
    T GetById<T>(long Id) where T:TDom;
    void Save<T>(T obj) where T:TDom;

    //not only must the domain class for SaveVersioned() implement TRest,
    //it must be versionable
    void SaveVersioned<T>(T versionedObj) where T:TDom, IVersionedDomainObject

//and now you can close TDom to an interface which restricts the concrete
//classes that can be passed to the generic methods of the repo:

public class ISecurityRepo:IRepository<ISecurityDomainObject> { ... }

答案 2 :(得分:0)

如果您的实体需要可比性和格式而不是使用基类,这是一种非常好的做法。 有时,标识字段也在基类中实现。