
时间:2011-11-09 22:33:27

标签: hibernate hibernate-mapping



由于这些原因,您可以将Person上的Account属性设置为updatable = false,insertable = false,这样如果您发送具有空帐户的Person,则不会导致删除该关系。到目前为止一切都那么好,但当你不想更新账户属性时会发生什么,你会怎么做?有没有办法绕过可插入/可更新?


更新 添加了示例代码(另外,我在谈论实体帐户,但后来由于某种原因我开始将其称为用户,并对其进行了更正)

public class Person  implements java.io.Serializable
    private Integer id;
    private String Name;
    //... this class would have many properties

    /*Most of the time the frontend will send a Person object
      that has this property set to null even if it exists
     because the screen that handles this doesn't manage accounts

      There are other screens that will send that complete person object with
    its account, so the problem is how to save an incomplete person object
    without deleting the relationship

    @JoinColumn(name="idAccount", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    public Account getAccount()
        return this.account;

    public void setAccount(Account account)
        this.account = account;

public class Account implements java.io.Serializable
    private Integer idAccount;
    //this class has even more properties and nested objects

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private Integer idAccount;