Boost Overload奇怪的行为..`int(int),int(std :: string)`与`int(int),int(std :: string),std :: string(std :: string)`的区别?

时间:2011-12-01 21:48:41

标签: c++ boost overloading boost-function

所以有一个很棒的名为OverLoad (link to downloadable svn directory, lib is header only)的lib。它可以接受任何类型的功能,并自动决定你呼叫哪一个。它就像提升功能但更好。 以下是2个代码示例(浏览器可以查看boost svn)one two。这是我的代码,它不编译并基于它们:

#include <string>

#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>

#include <boost/overload.hpp>

using boost::overload; 

template<class out, class in>
out foo(in O )
    std::cout << "yes we can!";
    return out();

int main()
    //// works
    //overload<int (int ), int (std::string )> f;
    //// works
    //int (*foo1) (int ) = &foo<int, int>;
    //int (*foo2) (std::string ) = &foo<int, std::string>;
    // or we can use
    //// does also work
    //f.set<int (int )>(&foo<int, int>);
    //f.set<int (std::string )>(&foo<int, std::string>);

    overload<int (int ), int (std::string ), std::string (std::string) > f;
    //// but when we do this
    //f.set<int (int )>(&foo<int, int>);
    //f.set<int (std::string )>(&foo<int, std::string>);
    //f.set<int (std::string )>(&foo<std::string, std::string>);
    //// or this:
    int (*foo1) (int ) = &foo<int, int>;
    int (*foo2) (std::string ) = &foo<int, std::string>;
    std::string (*foo3) (std::string ) = &foo<std::string, std::string>;
    //// we get compile error

    BOOST_ASSERT( f(0) == 1 );
    BOOST_ASSERT( f("hi") == 2 ); // here we get Error  1   error C3066: there are multiple ways that an object of this type can be called with these arguments

    return boost::report_errors();


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

重载分辨率仅考虑参数类型;它不考虑返回类型。因此,在重载解析期间,int (std::string)std::string(std::string)无法区分。

由于这个库必须依赖于C ++语言的重载功能,所以它也无法区分这两个函数。