在Tic Tac Toe中确定获胜者

时间:2011-12-05 20:33:27

标签: python

我正在寻找在python中编写一个名为winner(board)的3x3 tic-tac-toe板的程序,它采用代表Tic-Tac-Toe板的二维列表并确定是否有赢家(如果有胜利者,那是谁)或者游戏以平局结束。董事会使用'-'表示未结头寸,玩家1为'x',玩家2为'o'

我还希望使用接受二维数组(表示为嵌套列表)和行或列索引的过程select_row(array, i)select_col(array,i),并返回表示的列表与该索引关联的行或列,以及接受方形二维数组并返回包含主对角线或对角线(分别)元素的列表的过程select_main_diag(array)select_counter_diag(array)


winner([['-','-','-'], ['-','-','-'], ['-','-','-']])

winner([['x','x','x'], ['-','-','-'], ['-','-','-']])

winner([['o', '-','-'], ['-', 'o','-'], ['-','-','o']])

winner([['-','-','x'], ['-','-','x'], ['-','-', 'x']])

winner([['x','o','x'], ['x','o','o'], ['o','x','x']])

winner([['x','o','x'], ['x','o','o'], ['o','-','x']])


def select_row(lst, i):
 return lst[i]

def select_col(lst, i):
   return [lst[idx][i] for idx in range(len(lst))]

def select_main_diag(array):
  return [array[i][i] for i in range(len(array))]

def select_counter_diag(array): 
  return [array[len(array)-i-1][i] for i in range(len(array))]

我对使用python完全不熟悉并且对它非常不熟悉,所以关于这个问题的任何建议 - 无论是如何处理它以及如何将它放入代码中 - 都会非常有用。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 对于每一行,每列和对角线:三个空格是否完全相同?如果是这样,并且他们不是空的,那就是胜利者。
  2. 否则,电路板是否已满(即没有空格)?如果是这样,那就是平局。
  3. 否则,没有赢家,游戏继续。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import tkinter
from itertools import product
from math import trunc
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
from random import choice
from sys import modules


class Cross(tkinter.Frame):

    def main(cls):
        root = tkinter.Tk()
        root.resizable(False, False)
        widget = cls(root)

    def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
        super().__init__(master, cnf, **kw)
        self.__ai = CrossAI()
        space = ' ' * 11
        self.__buttons = {}
        for r, c in product(range(3), range(3)):
            b = tkinter.Button(self, text=space, command=self.__bind(r, c))
            b.grid(row=r, column=c, padx=10, pady=10)
            self.__buttons.setdefault(r, {})[c] = b

    def __bind(self, row, column):
        return lambda: self.click(row, column)

    def click(self, row, column):
        r, c = self.__ai.move(row, column)
        if r != -1 != c:
            self.__buttons[row][column]['text'] = '    X    '
            if r != -2 != c:
                self.__buttons[r][c]['text'] = '    O    '


def enum(names):
    "Create a simple enumeration having similarities to C."
    return type('enum', (), dict(map(reversed, enumerate(
        names.replace(',', ' ').split())), __slots__=()))()


class Static(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, members):
        for name, member in members.items():
            if callable(member):
                members[name] = cls.__wrap(member)
            elif isinstance(member, property):
                members[name] = property(cls.__wrap(member.fget),
            elif isinstance(member, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
                members[name] = type(member)(cls.__wrap(member.__func__))
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, members)

    def __wrap(cls, function):
        if function:
            annotations = function.__annotations__
            co_varnames = function.__code__.co_varnames
            if not annotations:
                return function
            def wrapper(*args):
                for arg, name in zip(args, co_varnames):
                    cls.__raise(arg, annotations[name])
                value = function(*args)
                cls.__raise(value, annotations['return'])
                return value
            return wrapper

    def __raise(item, klass):
        if klass is None:
            klass = type(None)
        elif isinstance(klass, str):
            klass = vars(modules[item.__module__])[klass]
        if not isinstance(item, klass):
            raise TypeError('{} must be of type {}'.format(item, klass))


class CrossAI(metaclass=Static):

    STATE = enum('changing, victory, defeat, error, draw')

    def __init__(self: 'CrossAI') -> None:
        self.__db = State(((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)), 1)

    def move(self: 'CrossAI', row: int, column: int) -> tuple:
        if not self.__db.moves:
            return -1, -1
        self.__make_move(row, column)
        return self.__best_move()

    def __make_move(self: 'CrossAI', row: int, column: int) -> None:
        copy = tuple(map(list, self.__db.grid))
        copy[row][column] = 1
        self.__db = State(tuple(map(tuple, copy)), -1)

    def __best_move(self: 'CrossAI') -> tuple:
        if not self.__db.moves:
            return -2, -2
        score = min(move.grade for move in self.__db.moves)
        moves = tuple(move for move in self.__db.moves if move.grade == score)
        final = choice(moves)
        for r, c in product(range(3), range(3)):
            if self.__db.grid[r][c] != final.grid[r][c]:
                self.__db = State(final.grid, 1)
                return r, c


class State(tuple):

    def __new__(cls, grid, next_move):
        return super().__new__(cls, (grid, make_moves(grid, next_move)))

    def grid(self):
        return self[0]

    def moves(self):
        return self[1]

    def grade(self):
        return grade(*self)


def make_moves(grid, next_move):
    moves = []
    for r, c in available_moves(grid):
        copy = tuple(map(list, grid))
        copy[r][c] = next_move
        moves.append(State(tuple(map(tuple, copy)), -next_move))
    return frozenset(moves)

def available_moves(grid):
    return () if grade_grid(grid) else \
        tuple((r, c) for r, c in product(range(3), range(3)) if not grid[r][c])

def grade(grid, moves):
    return grade_grid(grid) + grade_moves(moves)

def grade_grid(grid):
    for triplet in combinations(grid):
        grade = trunc(sum(triplet) / 3)
        if grade:
            return grade
    return 0

def combinations(grid):
    combos = list(grid)
    for c in range(3):
        combos.append(tuple(grid[r][c] for r in range(3)))
    combos.append(tuple(grid[i][i] for i in range(3)))
    combos.append(tuple(grid[i][2 - i] for i in range(3)))
    return combos

def grade_moves(moves):
    return sum(grade(*move) for move in moves)


if __name__ == '__main__':