从命令行在JBoss Application Server中取消部署应用程序

时间:2011-12-09 00:26:07

标签: jboss

有没有简单的方法可以看到在Jboss AS中部署了哪些战争并取消部署其中一些?我想从命令行执行此操作。

我尝试使用jmx,但我一直得到异常,说“org.jboss.util.NestedRuntimeException:jmx not bound;”我宁愿这样做,我不必停下来启动应用程序服务器。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:30)

您可以在JBoss Application Server 7中以三种方式处理此问题:

  • 管理控制台
  • 管理CLI
  • 部署文件夹





管理命令行界面是AS7的新增功能。 CLI公开了许多低级功能,一旦熟悉了命令和操作,它就是一个强大的工具。正如您所料,您可以运行help来显示命令,或运行<commandname> --help以获取有关特定命令的更多信息。两个有用的命令是deployundeploy,所以让我们看看他们的帮助信息。我将给出Linux示例,但您可以根据需要插入您的操作系统。


[standalone@localhost:9999 /] deploy --help

    deploy (file_path [--name=deployment_name] [--runtime_name=deployment_runtime_name] [--force] | --name=deployment_name) [--server-groups=group_name (,group_name)* | --all-server-groups]


    Deploys the application designated by the file_path or enables an already existing
    but disabled in the repository deployment designated by the name argument.
    If executed w/o arguments, will list all the existing deployments.


 file_path           - the path to the application to deploy. Required in case the deployment
                       doesn't exist in the repository.
                       The path can be either absolute or relative to the current directory.

 --name              - the unique name of the deployment. If the file path argument is specified
                       the name argument is optional with the file name been the default value.
                       If the file path argument isn't specified then the command is supposed to
                       enable an already existing but disabled deployment, and in this case the
                       name argument is required.

 --runtime_name      - optional, the runtime name for the deployment.

 --force             - if the deployment with the specified name already exists, by default,
                       deploy will be aborted and the corresponding message will printed.
                       Switch --force (or -f) will force the replacement of the existing deployment
                       with the one specified in the command arguments.

 --server-groups     - comma separated list of server group names the deploy command should apply to.
                       Either server-groups or all-server-groups is required in the domain mode.
                       This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.

 --all-server-groups - indicates that deploy should apply to all the available server groups.
                       Either server-groups or all-server-groups is required in domain mode.
                       This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.

 -l                  - in case none of the required arguments is specified the command will
                       print all of the existing deployments in the repository. The presence of the -l switch
                       will make the existing deployments printed one deployment per line, instead of
                       in columns (the default).


[standalone@localhost:9999 /] undeploy --help

    undeploy name [--server-groups=group_name (,group_name)* | --all-relevant-server-groups] [--keep-content]


    Undeploys the deployment with the given name and, depending on the arguments, removes
    its content from the repository.
    If the deployment name isn't specified, prints the list of all the existing deployments.


 name                   - the name of the deployment to undeploy.

 --server-groups        - comma separated list of server group names the undeploy command should apply to.
                          Either server-groups or all-relevant-server-groups is required in the domain mode.
                          This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.

 --all-relevant-server-groups   - indicates that undeploy should apply to all the server groups
                                  in which the deployment is enabled.
                                  Either server-groups or all-relevant-server-groups is required in domain mode.
                                  This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.

 --keep-content         - by default undeploy, besides disabling the deployment, also removes its
                          content from the repository. The presence of --keep-content will only disable
                          the deployment w/o removing its content from the repository.
                          This argument can be used in both standalone and domain modes.

 -l                     - in case the deployment name isn't specified, the presence of the -l switch
                          will make the existing deployments printed one deployment per line, instead of
                          in columns (the default).

CLI In Action



[user@home EAP_HOME]$ cd bin


[user@host bin]$ ./jboss-admin.sh
You are disconnected at the moment. Type 'connect' to connect to the server or 'help' for the list of supported commands.

指示API进行连接(这也可以在运行时以./jboss-admin.sh --connect传递)。

[disconnected /] connect
Connected to standalone controller at localhost:9999


[standalone@localhost:9999 /] undeploy


[standalone@localhost:9999 /] undeploy test.ear
Successfully undeployed test.ear.



答案 1 :(得分:3)

使用JBoss Application Server,可以在deploy目录的战争/耳朵上处理普通文件操作的部署。


另外,对于最新版本的JBoss Application Server 7,您可以使用CLI

答案 2 :(得分:2)

您也可以尝试使用CLI GUI。 Deployments - &gt; Undeploy菜单选项提供部署选择列表。点击几下即可完成。


答案 3 :(得分:0)



