
时间:2011-12-15 04:58:16

标签: c# xna buffer infinite minecraft

我正在xna中创建一个类似于体素引擎的魔兽世界,并开始实施“无限”世界,但遇到了一些问题。一个这样的问题是,以下行总是似乎应用了反对者(例如,如果玩家移动X + REGION_SIZE_X,它将分配Direction.X_DECREASING而不是预期的Direction.X_INCREASING)。

    Thread regionLoader;

    public void CheckPlayer()
        Direction direction = Direction.MAX;

        float distancetraveledx = player.Origin.X - player.Position.X;
        float distancetraveledy = player.Origin.Y - player.Position.Y;
        float distancetraveledz = player.Origin.Z - player.Position.Z;

        if (distancetraveledx > Variables.REGION_SIZE_X)
            direction = Direction.XIncreasing;
            player.Position = new Vector3(player.Origin.X, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z);
        else if (distancetraveledx < -Variables.REGION_SIZE_X)
            direction = Direction.XDecreasing; 
            player.Position = new Vector3(player.Origin.X, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z);
        else if (distancetraveledz > Variables.REGION_SIZE_Z)
            direction = Direction.ZIncreasing;
            player.Position = new Vector3(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, player.Origin.Z);
        else  if (distancetraveledz < -Variables.REGION_SIZE_Z)
            direction = Direction.ZDecreasing;
            player.Position = new Vector3(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, player.Origin.Z);
        if (direction != Direction.MAX)
            regionManager.direction = direction;

            regionLoader = new Thread(new ThreadStart(regionManager.ShiftRegions));



    public void ShiftRegions()
        // Future and current arrays are to avoid moving elements twice (or maybe I am thinking about it in the wrong way...)
        future_regions = new Region[(int)Variables.RENDER_DISTANCE, (int)Variables.RENDER_DISTANCE, (int)Variables.RENDER_DISTANCE];

        for (short j = 0; j < future_regions.GetLength(0); j++)
            for (short m = 0; m < future_regions.GetLength(1); m++)
                for (short i = 0; i < future_regions.GetLength(2); i++)
                    future_regions[j, m, i] = new Region(world, new Vector3i(new Vector3(j, m, i)));

                    switch (direction)
                            // This appears to work as XDecreasing
                        case Direction.XIncreasing:
                            // If it is not at the back
                            if (j != future_regions.GetLength(0) - 1)
                                // Make the regions look like they are scrolling backward
                                future_regions[j, m, i] = regions[j + 1, m, i];
                                future_regions[j, m, i].Index = new Vector3i((uint)j, (uint)m, (uint)i);
                                // In the next call the vertex buffer will be regenerated thus placing the "blocks" in the correct position
                                future_regions[j, m, i].Dirty = true;
                            // If it is the front most region to which the player is traveling ing
                            if (j == 0)
                                // New the region setting the Generated flags to false thus allowing it to be regenerated
                                future_regions[j, m, i] = new Region(world, new Vector3i(new Vector3(j, m, i)));
                            // If it is at the back of the regions
                            if (j == future_regions.GetLength(0) - 1)
                                //store region

                        case Direction.XDecreasing:


        generator.build(ref future_regions);
        direction = Direction.MAX;

        this.regions = future_regions;





    public virtual void build(ref Region[,,] regions)

        for (short j = 0; j < regions.GetLength(0); j++)
            for (short m = 0; m < regions.GetLength(1); m++)
                for (short i = 0; i < regions.GetLength(2); i++)

                    if (regions[j, m, i].Generated == false)
                        regions[j, m, i].Dirty = true;
                        regions[j, m, i].Generated = true;

                        for (short x = 0; x < Variables.REGION_SIZE_X; x++)
                            for (short y = 0; y < Variables.REGION_SIZE_Y; y++)
                                for (short z = 0; z < Variables.REGION_SIZE_Z; z++)
                                    regions[j, m, i].Blocks[x, y, z] = new Block();

                                    Vector3i relativeBlock = new Vector3i(new Vector3(x + Variables.REGION_SIZE_X * j, y + Variables.REGION_SIZE_Y * m, z + Variables.REGION_SIZE_Z * i));

                                    if (x == 0 || x == 16 || x == 32 || z == 0 || z == 16 || z == 32 || y == 0 || y == 16 || y == 32)
                                        regions[j, m, i].Blocks[x, y, z].BlockType = BlockType.dirt;
                                        regions[j, m, i].Blocks[x, y, z].BlockType = BlockType.grass;



    public void Update(World world)
        this.world = world;

        for (short j = 0; j < regions.GetLength(0); j++)
            for (short m = 0; m < regions.GetLength(1); m++)
                for (short i = 0; i < regions.GetLength(2); i++)
                    if (regions[j, m, i].Dirty &&
                        regions[j, m, i].Generated)
                        regions[j, m, i].BuildVertexBuffers();



编辑:我只是逻辑思考,我改变阵列中区域位置的想法不会改变它的世界位置,就像我上面说的那样将它们转换到正确的位置而不是复制它们 - 这似乎是最合乎逻辑的一步。好吧,我可能需要将一些复制到区域数组中的不同位置,因为如果你只是转换它们,阵列很快就会成为意大利面......


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


float distancetraveledx = player.Origin.X - player.Position.X;


float distancetraveledx = player.Position.X - player.Origin.X;

例如,如果玩家从(0,0,0)移动到(10,0,0),则玩家在X方向上移动了10个单位,但是你的'distancetraveledx'会给你0-10 ,或-10。

与您的问题无关: 如果您使用CamelCase,第一个字母为大写或大写,则您的变量将更易于使用:

float distanceTraveledX = player.Position.X - player.Origin.X;


MyClass myClass;
