PHP ldap_add函数用于在DN语法中转义ldap特殊字符

时间:2011-12-19 11:49:19

标签: php ldap escaping special-characters




$user = 'Test , Name S.L';

    if(!(ldap_add($ds, "cn=" . $user . ",".LDAP_DN_BASE, $info))) {

            include 'error_new_account.php';


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

PHP 5.6 Beta 最近发布了ldap_escape()函数并且它已生效,但是,此版本目前尚未生产就绪,您现在可以将其用于开发目的

答案 1 :(得分:2)

如果您还没有使用PHP 5.6,那么您可以使用我在下面创建的方法镜像确切的PHP 5.6函数ldap_escape(),请记住这是为了在类中使用。上面的答案与ldap_escape函数完全不同,因为如果没有给出标记,它不会将所有字符转义为十六进制字符串,所以这更适合于一个drop以面向对象的方式替代早期版本的PHP。


方法(与PHP 5或更高版本兼容):

 * Escapes the inserted value for LDAP.
 * @param string $value The value to escape
 * @param string $ignore The characters to ignore
 * @param int $flags The PHP flag to use
 * @return bool|string
public function escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*', $flags = 0)
     * If a flag was supplied, we'll send the value
     * off to be escaped using the PHP flag values
     * and return the result.
    if($flags) {
        return $this->escapeWithFlags($value, $ignore, $flags);

    // Convert ignore string into an array
    $ignores = str_split($ignore);

    // Convert the value to a hex string
    $hex = bin2hex($value);

     * Separate the string, with the hex length of 2,
     * and place a backslash on the end of each section
    $value = chunk_split($hex, 2, "\\");

     * We'll append a backslash at the front of the string
     * and remove the ending backslash of the string
    $value = "\\" . substr($value, 0, -1);

    // Go through each character to ignore
    foreach($ignores as $charToIgnore)
        // Convert the characterToIgnore to a hex
        $hexed = bin2hex($charToIgnore);

        // Replace the hexed variant with the original character
        $value = str_replace("\\" . $hexed, $charToIgnore, $value);

    // Finally we can return the escaped value
    return $value;

 * Escapes the inserted value with flags. Supplying either 1
 * or 2 into the flags parameter will escape only certain values
 * @param string $value The value to escape
 * @param string $ignore The characters to ignore
 * @param int $flags The PHP flag to use
 * @return bool|string
public function escapeWithFlags($value, $ignore = '*', $flags = 0)
    // Convert ignore string into an array
    $ignores = str_split($ignore);

    $escapeFilter = ['\\', '*', '(', ')'];
    $escapeDn = ['\\', ',', '=', '+', '<', '>', ';', '"', '#'];

        case 1:
            // Int 1 equals to LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER
            $escapes = $escapeFilter;
        case 2:
            // Int 2 equals to LDAP_ESCAPE_DN
            $escapes = $escapeDn;
        case 3:
            // If both LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER and LDAP_ESCAPE_DN are used
            $escapes = array_merge($escapeFilter, $escapeDn);
            // Customize your own default return value
            return false;

    foreach($escapes as $escape)
        // Make sure the escaped value isn't inside the ignore array
        if( ! in_array($escape, $ignores))
            $hexed = chunk_split(bin2hex($escape), 2, "\\");

            $hexed = "\\" . substr($hexed, 0, -1);

            $value = str_replace($escape, $hexed, $value);

    return $value;

测试(请注意,LDAP_ESCAPE常量仅在PHP 5.6中可用):

// Value to escape
$value = 'testing=+<>"";:#()*\x00';

$php = ldap_escape($value, $ignore = '*');

$man = $this->escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*');

echo $php; // \74\65\73\74\69\6e\67\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b\3a\23\28\29*\5c\78\30\30
echo $man; // \74\65\73\74\69\6e\67\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b\3a\23\28\29*\5c\78\30\30

$php = ldap_escape($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_DN);

$man = $this->escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_DN);

echo $php; // testing\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b:\23()*\5cx00
echo $man; // testing\3d\2b\3c\3e\22\22\3b:\23()*\5cx00

$php = ldap_escape($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER);

$man = $this->escapeManual($value, $ignore = '*', LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER);

echo $php; // testing=+<>"";:#\28\29*\5cx00
echo $man; // testing=+<>"";:#\28\29*\5cx00

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