支持阻力算法 - 技术分析

时间:2011-12-21 08:43:12

标签: algorithm

我有一个日内图表,我正在试图弄清楚如何计算 支持和阻力水平,任何人都知道这样做的算法,或一个良好的起点?

11 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:71)

是的,一个非常简单的算法是选择一个时间范围,比如100条,然后寻找局部转折点,或者Maxima和Minima。可以通过使用一阶和二阶导数(dy / dx和d ^ 2y / dx)从平滑的收盘价计算最大值和最小值。其中dy / dx = 0且d ^ y / dx为正,您有一个最小值,当dy / dx = 0且d ^ 2y / dx为负时,您有一个最大值。



然后你可以对你的S / R线进行排名,因此20美元的两个转折点不如三个转折点那么重要,例如20美元。





  • 回顾期L(条数)
  • 收取L柱的价格
  • 平滑因子(平稳收盘价)
  • 错误保证金或增量(构成匹配的转折点之间的最小距离)


  • 转折点列表,称之为tPoints [](x,y)
  • 潜在趋势线列表,每个趋势线都有线方程(y = mx + c)


答案 1 :(得分:14)




  1. 将时间序列分成大小为N的段(Say,N = 5)
  2. 确定每个细分的最小值,您将拥有所有细分的最小值数组=:arrayOfMin
  3. 找到(:arrayOfMin)=:minValue
  4. 的最小值
  5. 查看是否有任何剩余值落在范围内(X%:minValue)(说,X = 1.3%)
  6. 创建一个单独的数组(:supportArr)
    • 在范围和范围内添加值从以下列表中删除这些值:arrayOfMin
    • 还添加:步骤3中的minValue
  7. 计算支持(或阻力)

    • 取这个数组的平均值= support_level
    • 如果多次测试支持,那么它被认为是强大的。
    • strength_of_support = supportArr.length
    • level_type (支持|抵制)=现在,如果当前价格低于支撑,则支持改变角色并成为阻力
  8. 重复步骤3到7,直到:arrayOfMin为空

  9. 您将拥有所有支持/阻力值和力量。现在平滑这些值,如果任何支持级别太接近,则消除其中一个。
  10. 考虑支持水平搜索,计算这些支撑/阻力。 考虑到阻力水平搜索,您需要执行步骤2到9。请参阅说明和实施。
  11. 备注:

    • 调整N&amp;的值X可以获得更准确的结果。
      • 例如,对于挥发性较小的股票或股票指数,使用(N = 10,X = 1.2%)
      • 对于高挥发性原料使用(N = 22,X = 1.5%)
    • 对于阻力,程序正好相反(使用最大功能而不是最小值)
    • 该算法故意保持简单以避免复杂性,可以改进以提供更好的结果。


    public interface ISupportResistanceCalculator {
     * Identifies support / resistance levels.
     * @param timeseries
     *            timeseries
     * @param beginIndex
     *            starting point (inclusive)
     * @param endIndex
     *            ending point (exclusive)
     * @param segmentSize
     *            number of elements per internal segment
     * @param rangePct
     *            range % (Example: 1.5%)
     * @return A tuple with the list of support levels and a list of resistance
     *         levels
    Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> identify(List<Float> timeseries,
            int beginIndex, int endIndex, int segmentSize, float rangePct);


    package com.perseus.analysis.calculator.technical.trend;
    import static com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType.RESISTANCE;
    import static com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType.SUPPORT;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.TreeSet;
    import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
    import com.perseus.analysis.calculator.mean.IMeanCalculator;
    import com.perseus.analysis.calculator.timeseries.ITimeSeriesCalculator;
    import com.perseus.analysis.constant.LevelType;
    import com.perseus.analysis.model.Tuple;
    import com.perseus.analysis.model.technical.Level;
    import com.perseus.analysis.model.timeseries.ITimeseries;
    import com.perseus.analysis.util.CollectionUtils;
     * A support and resistance calculator.
     * @author PRITESH
    public class SupportResistanceCalculator implements
            ISupportResistanceCalculator {
        static interface LevelHelper {
            Float aggregate(List<Float> data);
            LevelType type(float level, float priceAsOfDate, final float rangePct);
            boolean withinRange(Float node, float rangePct, Float val);
        static class Support implements LevelHelper {
            public Float aggregate(final List<Float> data) {
                return Collections.min(data);
            public LevelType type(final float level, final float priceAsOfDate,
                    final float rangePct) {
                final float threshold = level * (1 - (rangePct / 100));
                return (priceAsOfDate < threshold) ? RESISTANCE : SUPPORT;
            public boolean withinRange(final Float node, final float rangePct,
                    final Float val) {
                final float threshold = node * (1 + (rangePct / 100f));
                if (val < threshold)
                    return true;
                return false;
        static class Resistance implements LevelHelper {
            public Float aggregate(final List<Float> data) {
                return Collections.max(data);
            public LevelType type(final float level, final float priceAsOfDate,
                    final float rangePct) {
                final float threshold = level * (1 + (rangePct / 100));
                return (priceAsOfDate > threshold) ? SUPPORT : RESISTANCE;
            public boolean withinRange(final Float node, final float rangePct,
                    final Float val) {
                final float threshold = node * (1 - (rangePct / 100f));
                if (val > threshold)
                    return true;
                return false;
        private static final int SMOOTHEN_COUNT = 2;
        private static final LevelHelper SUPPORT_HELPER = new Support();
        private static final LevelHelper RESISTANCE_HELPER = new Resistance();
        private final ITimeSeriesCalculator tsCalc;
        private final IMeanCalculator meanCalc;
        public SupportResistanceCalculator(final ITimeSeriesCalculator tsCalc,
                final IMeanCalculator meanCalc) {
            this.tsCalc = tsCalc;
            this.meanCalc = meanCalc;
        public Tuple<List<Level>, List<Level>> identify(
                final List<Float> timeseries, final int beginIndex,
                final int endIndex, final int segmentSize, final float rangePct) {
            final List<Float> series = this.seriesToWorkWith(timeseries,
                    beginIndex, endIndex);
            // Split the timeseries into chunks
            final List<List<Float>> segments = this.splitList(series, segmentSize);
            final Float priceAsOfDate = series.get(series.size() - 1);
            final List<Level> levels = Lists.newArrayList();
            this.identifyLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate,
            this.identifyLevel(levels, segments, rangePct, priceAsOfDate,
            final List<Level> support = Lists.newArrayList();
            final List<Level> resistance = Lists.newArrayList();
            this.separateLevels(support, resistance, levels);
            // Smoothen the levels
            this.smoothen(support, resistance, rangePct);
            return new Tuple<>(support, resistance);
        private void identifyLevel(final List<Level> levels,
                final List<List<Float>> segments, final float rangePct,
                final float priceAsOfDate, final LevelHelper helper) {
            final List<Float> aggregateVals = Lists.newArrayList();
            // Find min/max of each segment
            for (final List<Float> segment : segments) {
            while (!aggregateVals.isEmpty()) {
                final List<Float> withinRange = new ArrayList<>();
                final Set<Integer> withinRangeIdx = new TreeSet<>();
                // Support/resistance level node
                final Float node = helper.aggregate(aggregateVals);
                // Find elements within range
                for (int i = 0; i < aggregateVals.size(); ++i) {
                    final Float f = aggregateVals.get(i);
                    if (helper.withinRange(node, rangePct, f)) {
                // Remove elements within range
                CollectionUtils.remove(aggregateVals, withinRangeIdx);
                // Take an average
                final float level = this.meanCalc.mean(
                        withinRange.toArray(new Float[] {}), 0, withinRange.size());
                final float strength = withinRange.size();
                levels.add(new Level(helper.type(level, priceAsOfDate, rangePct),
                        level, strength));
        private List<List<Float>> splitList(final List<Float> series,
                final int segmentSize) {
            final List<List<Float>> splitList = CollectionUtils
            if (splitList.size() > 1) {
                // If last segment it too small
                final int lastIdx = splitList.size() - 1;
                final List<Float> last = splitList.get(lastIdx);
                if (last.size() <= (segmentSize / 1.5f)) {
                    // Remove last segment
                    // Move all elements from removed last segment to new last
                    // segment
                    splitList.get(lastIdx - 1).addAll(last);
            return splitList;
        private void separateLevels(final List<Level> support,
                final List<Level> resistance, final List<Level> levels) {
            for (final Level level : levels) {
                if (level.getType() == SUPPORT) {
                } else {
        private void smoothen(final List<Level> support,
                final List<Level> resistance, final float rangePct) {
            for (int i = 0; i < SMOOTHEN_COUNT; ++i) {
                this.smoothen(support, rangePct);
                this.smoothen(resistance, rangePct);
         * Removes one of the adjacent levels which are close to each other.
        private void smoothen(final List<Level> levels, final float rangePct) {
            if (levels.size() < 2)
            final List<Integer> removeIdx = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < (levels.size() - 1); i++) {
                final Level currentLevel = levels.get(i);
                final Level nextLevel = levels.get(i + 1);
                final Float current = currentLevel.getLevel();
                final Float next = nextLevel.getLevel();
                final float difference = Math.abs(next - current);
                final float threshold = (current * rangePct) / 100;
                if (difference < threshold) {
                    final int remove = currentLevel.getStrength() >= nextLevel
                            .getStrength() ? i : i + 1;
                    i++; // start with next pair
            CollectionUtils.remove(levels, removeIdx);
        private List<Float> seriesToWorkWith(final List<Float> timeseries,
                final int beginIndex, final int endIndex) {
            if ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == timeseries.size()))
                return timeseries;
            return timeseries.subList(beginIndex, endIndex);


    public enum LevelType {
    public class Tuple<A, B> {
        private final A a;
        private final B b;
        public Tuple(final A a, final B b) {
            this.a = a;
            this.b = b;
        public final A getA() {
            return this.a;
        public final B getB() {
            return this.b;
        public String toString() {
            return "Tuple [a=" + this.a + ", b=" + this.b + "]";
    public abstract class CollectionUtils {
     * Removes items from the list based on their indexes.
     * @param list
     *            list
     * @param indexes
     *            indexes this collection must be sorted in ascending order
    public static <T> void remove(final List<T> list,
            final Collection<Integer> indexes) {
        int i = 0;
        for (final int idx : indexes) {
            list.remove(idx - i++);
     * Splits the given list in segments of the specified size.
     * @param list
     *            list
     * @param segmentSize
     *            segment size
     * @return segments
    public static <T> List<List<T>> splitList(final List<T> list,
            final int segmentSize) {
        int from = 0, to = 0;
        final List<List<T>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        while (from < list.size()) {
            to = from + segmentSize;
            if (to > list.size()) {
                to = list.size();
            result.add(list.subList(from, to));
            from = to;
        return result;
     * This class represents a support / resistance level.
     * @author PRITESH
    public class Level implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7561265699198045328L;
        private final LevelType type;
        private final float level, strength;
        public Level(final LevelType type, final float level) {
            this(type, level, 0f);
        public Level(final LevelType type, final float level, final float strength) {
            this.type = type;
            this.level = level;
            this.strength = strength;
        public final LevelType getType() {
            return this.type;
        public final float getLevel() {
            return this.level;
        public final float getStrength() {
            return this.strength;
        public String toString() {
            return "Level [type=" + this.type + ", level=" + this.level
                    + ", strength=" + this.strength + "]";

答案 2 :(得分:7)


import numpy as np
import pandas.io.data as pd
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
gentrends('fb', window = 1.0/3.0)




答案 3 :(得分:5)

这是一个用于查找support / resistance级别


此函数采用最后交易价格的numpy数组并返回a   支持和阻力位列表。 n是数字   要扫描的条目。

def supres(ltp, n):
    This function takes a numpy array of last traded price
    and returns a list of support and resistance levels 
    respectively. n is the number of entries to be scanned.
    from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as smooth

    # converting n to a nearest even number
    if n % 2 != 0:
        n += 1

    n_ltp = ltp.shape[0]

    # smoothening the curve
    ltp_s = smooth(ltp, (n + 1), 3)

    # taking a simple derivative
    ltp_d = np.zeros(n_ltp)
    ltp_d[1:] = np.subtract(ltp_s[1:], ltp_s[:-1])

    resistance = []
    support = []

    for i in xrange(n_ltp - n):
        arr_sl = ltp_d[i:(i + n)]
        first = arr_sl[:(n / 2)]  # first half
        last = arr_sl[(n / 2):]  # second half

        r_1 = np.sum(first > 0)
        r_2 = np.sum(last < 0)

        s_1 = np.sum(first < 0)
        s_2 = np.sum(last > 0)

        # local maxima detection
        if (r_1 == (n / 2)) and (r_2 == (n / 2)):
            resistance.append(ltp[i + ((n / 2) - 1)])

        # local minima detection
        if (s_1 == (n / 2)) and (s_2 == (n / 2)):
            support.append(ltp[i + ((n / 2) - 1)])

    return support, resistance


答案 4 :(得分:4)



  1. 创建重要价格列表 - 您所在范围内每支蜡烛的高低都很重要。这些价格中的每一个基本上都是可能的SR(支持/阻力)。

  2. 给每个价格一个分数。

  3. 按分数对价格进行排序,并删除彼此靠近的价格(彼此相距x%)。

  4. 打印前N个价格并且最低得分为Y.这些是您的支持阻力。它在约300种不同的股票中对我有效。

  5. 评分技巧

    如果有很多蜡烛接近这个但不能越过这个价格,那么价格就像一个强大的SR。 因此,对于接近此价格的每个蜡烛(在距离价格y%的距离内),我们将在评分中添加+ S1。 对于每个降低此价格的蜡烛,我们将在分数中添加-S2(负数)。


    现在你必须根据你的要求进行调整。 我做了一些调整,并且改进了很多性能如下:

    1. 不同类型的切割得分不同。如果蜡烛的主体削减了价格,则分数变化为-S3,但蜡烛的烛芯会降低价格,分数变化为-S4。这里Abs(S3)&gt; Abs(S4)因为身体切割比用棉芯切割更重要。

    2. 如果关闭价格但不能越过的蜡烛是高(每边高于两支蜡烛)或低(每边低于2支蜡烛),则加上比其他正常更高的分数蜡烛在此附近关闭。

    3. 如果在此附近收盘的蜡烛为高点或低点,价格处于下降趋势或上升趋势(至少y%移动),则在此点加上更高的分数。

    4. 您可以从初始列表中删除一些价格。我只考虑它的两侧N个蜡烛中的最高或最低价格。

    5. 以下是我的代码片段。

          private void findSupportResistance(List<Candle> candles, Long scripId) throws ExecutionException {
              // This is a cron job, so I skip for some time once a SR is found in a stock
              if(processedCandles.getIfPresent(scripId) == null || checkAlways) {
                  //Combining small candles to get larger candles of required timeframe. ( I have 1 minute candles and here creating 1 Hr candles)
                  List<Candle> cumulativeCandles = cumulativeCandleHelper.getCumulativeCandles(candles, CUMULATIVE_CANDLE_SIZE);
                  //Tell whether each point is a high(higher than two candles on each side) or a low(lower than two candles on each side)
                  List<Boolean> highLowValueList = this.highLow.findHighLow(cumulativeCandles);
                  String name = scripIdCache.getScripName(scripId);
                  Set<Double> impPoints = new HashSet<Double>();
                  int pos = 0;
                  for(Candle candle : cumulativeCandles){
                      //A candle is imp only if it is the highest / lowest among #CONSECUTIVE_CANDLE_TO_CHECK_MIN on each side
                      List<Candle> subList = cumulativeCandles.subList(Math.max(0, pos - CONSECUTIVE_CANDLE_TO_CHECK_MIN),
                              Math.min(cumulativeCandles.size(), pos + CONSECUTIVE_CANDLE_TO_CHECK_MIN));
                      if(subList.stream().min(Comparator.comparing(Candle::getLow)).get().getLow().equals(candle.getLow()) ||
                              subList.stream().min(Comparator.comparing(Candle::getHigh)).get().getHigh().equals(candle.getHigh())) {
                  Iterator<Double> iterator = impPoints.iterator();
                  List<PointScore> score = new ArrayList<PointScore>();
                  while (iterator.hasNext()){
                      Double currentValue = iterator.next();
                      //Get score of each point
                      score.add(getScore(cumulativeCandles, highLowValueList, currentValue));
                  score.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getScore().compareTo(o1.getScore()));
                  List<Double> used = new ArrayList<Double>();
                  int total = 0;
                  Double min = getMin(cumulativeCandles);
                  Double max = getMax(cumulativeCandles);
                  for(PointScore pointScore : score){
                      // Each point should have at least #MIN_SCORE_TO_PRINT point
                      if(pointScore.getScore() < MIN_SCORE_TO_PRINT){
                      //The extremes always come as a Strong SR, so I remove some of them
                      // I also reject a price which is very close the one already used
                      if (!similar(pointScore.getPoint(), used) && !closeFromExtreme(pointScore.getPoint(), min, max)) {
                          logger.info("Strong SR for scrip {} at {} and score {}", name, pointScore.getPoint(), pointScore.getScore());
      //                    logger.info("Events at point are {}", pointScore.getPointEventList());
                          total += 1;
                      if(total >= totalPointsToPrint){
          private boolean closeFromExtreme(Double key, Double min, Double max) {
              return Math.abs(key - min) < (min * DIFF_PERC_FROM_EXTREME / 100.0) || Math.abs(key - max) < (max * DIFF_PERC_FROM_EXTREME / 100);
          private Double getMin(List<Candle> cumulativeCandles) {
              return cumulativeCandles.stream()
          private Double getMax(List<Candle> cumulativeCandles) {
              return cumulativeCandles.stream()
          private boolean similar(Double key, List<Double> used) {
              for(Double value : used){
                  if(Math.abs(key - value) <= (DIFF_PERC_FOR_INTRASR_DISTANCE * value / 100)){
                      return true;
              return false;
          private PointScore getScore(List<Candle> cumulativeCandles, List<Boolean> highLowValueList, Double price) {
              List<PointEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
              Double score = 0.0;
              int pos = 0;
              int lastCutPos = -10;
              for(Candle candle : cumulativeCandles){
                  //If the body of the candle cuts through the price, then deduct some score
                  if(cutBody(price, candle) && (pos - lastCutPos > MIN_DIFF_FOR_CONSECUTIVE_CUT)){
                      score += scoreForCutBody;
                      lastCutPos = pos;
                      events.add(new PointEvent(PointEvent.Type.CUT_BODY, candle.getTimestamp(), scoreForCutBody));
                  //If the wick of the candle cuts through the price, then deduct some score
                  } else if(cutWick(price, candle) && (pos - lastCutPos > MIN_DIFF_FOR_CONSECUTIVE_CUT)){
                      score += scoreForCutWick;
                      lastCutPos = pos;
                      events.add(new PointEvent(PointEvent.Type.CUT_WICK, candle.getTimestamp(), scoreForCutWick));
                  //If the if is close the high of some candle and it was in an uptrend, then add some score to this
                  } else if(touchHigh(price, candle) && inUpTrend(cumulativeCandles, price, pos)){
                      Boolean highLowValue = highLowValueList.get(pos);
                      //If it is a high, then add some score S1
                      if(highLowValue != null && highLowValue){
                          score += scoreForTouchHighLow;
                          events.add(new PointEvent(PointEvent.Type.TOUCH_UP_HIGHLOW, candle.getTimestamp(), scoreForTouchHighLow));
                      //Else add S2. S2 > S1
                      } else {
                          score += scoreForTouchNormal;
                          events.add(new PointEvent(PointEvent.Type.TOUCH_UP, candle.getTimestamp(), scoreForTouchNormal));
                  //If the if is close the low of some candle and it was in an downtrend, then add some score to this
                  } else if(touchLow(price, candle) && inDownTrend(cumulativeCandles, price, pos)){
                      Boolean highLowValue = highLowValueList.get(pos);
                      //If it is a high, then add some score S1
                      if (highLowValue != null && !highLowValue) {
                          score += scoreForTouchHighLow;
                          events.add(new PointEvent(PointEvent.Type.TOUCH_DOWN, candle.getTimestamp(), scoreForTouchHighLow));
                      //Else add S2. S2 > S1
                      } else {
                          score += scoreForTouchNormal;
                          events.add(new PointEvent(PointEvent.Type.TOUCH_DOWN_HIGHLOW, candle.getTimestamp(), scoreForTouchNormal));
                  pos += 1;
              return new PointScore(price, score, events);
          private boolean inDownTrend(List<Candle> cumulativeCandles, Double price, int startPos) {
              //Either move #MIN_PERC_FOR_TREND in direction of trend, or cut through the price
              for(int pos = startPos; pos >= 0; pos-- ){
                  Candle candle = cumulativeCandles.get(pos);
                  if(candle.getLow() < price){
                      return false;
                  if(candle.getLow() - price > (price * MIN_PERC_FOR_TREND / 100)){
                      return true;
              return false;
          private boolean inUpTrend(List<Candle> cumulativeCandles, Double price, int startPos) {
              for(int pos = startPos; pos >= 0; pos-- ){
                  Candle candle = cumulativeCandles.get(pos);
                  if(candle.getHigh() > price){
                      return false;
                  if(price - candle.getLow() > (price * MIN_PERC_FOR_TREND / 100)){
                      return true;
              return false;
          private boolean touchHigh(Double price, Candle candle) {
              Double high = candle.getHigh();
              Double ltp = candle.getLtp();
              return high <= price && Math.abs(high - price) < ltp * DIFF_PERC_FOR_CANDLE_CLOSE / 100;
          private boolean touchLow(Double price, Candle candle) {
              Double low = candle.getLow();
              Double ltp = candle.getLtp();
              return low >= price && Math.abs(low - price) < ltp * DIFF_PERC_FOR_CANDLE_CLOSE / 100;
          private boolean cutBody(Double point, Candle candle) {
              return Math.max(candle.getOpen(), candle.getClose()) > point && Math.min(candle.getOpen(), candle.getClose()) < point;
          private boolean cutWick(Double price, Candle candle) {
              return !cutBody(price, candle) && candle.getHigh() > price && candle.getLow() < price;


      public class PointScore {
          Double point;
          Double score;
          List<PointEvent> pointEventList;
          public PointScore(Double point, Double score, List<PointEvent> pointEventList) {
              this.point = point;
              this.score = score;
              this.pointEventList = pointEventList;
          public class PointEvent {
          public enum Type{
          Type type;
          Date timestamp;
          Double scoreChange;
          public PointEvent(Type type, Date timestamp, Double scoreChange) {
              this.type = type;
              this.timestamp = timestamp;
              this.scoreChange = scoreChange;
          public String toString() {
              return "PointEvent{" +
                      "type=" + type +
                      ", timestamp=" + timestamp +
                      ", points=" + scoreChange +


      enter image description here

      enter image description here

答案 5 :(得分:1)

我简要介绍了雅各布的贡献。我认为以下代码可能存在一些问题:     #现在分钟     如果min1 - window&lt; 0:         min2 = min(x [(min1 + window):])     其他:         min2 = min(x [0:(min1 - window)])

# Now find the indices of the secondary extrema
max2 = np.where(x == max2)[0][0]  # find the index of the 2nd max
min2 = np.where(x == min2)[0][0]  # find the index of the 2nd min

该算法确实尝试在给定窗口之外找到辅助最小值,但是对应于np.where(x == min2)[0] [0]的位置可能位于窗口内部,因为内部可能存在重复值。窗口。

答案 6 :(得分:0)

这是S / R的PineScript代码。它不包括安德鲁或尼伦杜博士讨论的所有逻辑,但绝对是一个好的开始:


study(title="S/R Barry, extended by PeterO", overlay=true)
isFractal(x) => highestbars(x,FractalLen*2+1)==-FractalLen

sF=isFractal(-low), support=low, support:=sF ? low[FractalLen] : support[1]
rF=isFractal(high), resistance=high, resistance:=rF ? high[FractalLen] : resistance[1]
plot(series=support, color=sF?#00000000:blue, offset=-FractalLen)
plot(series=resistance, color=rF?#00000000:red, offset=-FractalLen)

supportprevious=low, supportprevious:=sF ? support[1] : supportprevious[1]
resistanceprevious=low, resistanceprevious:=rF ? resistance[1] : resistanceprevious[1]
plot(series=supportprevious, color=blue, style=circles, offset=-FractalLen)
plot(series=resistanceprevious, color=red, style=circles, offset=-FractalLen)

答案 7 :(得分:0)


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

# Calculate VERY simple waves
mx = df.High_15T.rolling( 100 ).max().rename('waves')
mn = df.Low_15T.rolling( 100 ).min().rename('waves')

mx_waves = pd.concat([mx,pd.Series(np.zeros(len(mx))+1)],axis = 1)
mn_waves = pd.concat([mn,pd.Series(np.zeros(len(mn))+-1)],axis = 1)    

mx_waves.drop_duplicates('waves',inplace = True)
mn_waves.drop_duplicates('waves',inplace = True)

W = mx_waves.append(mn_waves).sort_index()
W = W[ W[0] != W[0].shift() ].dropna()

# Find Support/Resistance with clustering

# Create [x,y] array where y is always 1
X = np.concatenate((W.waves.values.reshape(-1,1),
                    (np.zeros(len(W))+1).reshape(-1,1)), axis = 1 )

# Pick n_clusters, I chose the sqrt of the df + 2
n = round(len(W)**(1/2)) + 2
cluster = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n,
          affinity='euclidean', linkage='ward')
W['clusters'] = cluster.labels_

# I chose to get the index of the max wave for each cluster
W2 = W.loc[W.groupby('clusters')['waves'].idxmax()]

# Plotit
fig, axis = plt.subplots()
for row in W2.itertuples():

    axis.axhline( y = row.waves, 
            color = 'green', ls = 'dashed' )

axis.plot( W.index.values, W.waves.values )

答案 8 :(得分:0)

对支撑位和阻力位的解释非常主观。很多人以不同的方式来做。 […]当我从图表中评估S&R时,我正在寻找两个主要方面:

  • 反弹-必须与水平线有明显的偏离(反弹),才能确定支撑或阻力的水平。

  • 多次触摸-单次触摸转折点不足以表明已建立支撑或阻力位。应该出现多次触摸到相同的大致水平,以便可以通过这些转折点画一条水平线。

源和python实现在这里: https://www.candlestick.ninja/2019/02/identifying-support-and-resistance-part2.html

答案 9 :(得分:0)


# python + pandas

hist, border = np.histogram(spy["Close"][:60].values, density=False)
sr = border[np.argmax(hist)]
plt.axhline(y=sr, color='r', linestyle='-')

enter image description here


lower_bound = border[np.argmax(hist)]
upper_bound = border[np.argmax(hist) + 1]


答案 10 :(得分:0)


function getRanges(_nums=[], _diff=1, percent=true) {
    let nums = [..._nums];
    nums.sort((a,b) => a-b);
    const ranges = [];
    for (let i=0; i<nums.length; i+=1) {
        const num = nums[i];
        const diff = percent ? perc(_diff, num) : _diff;
        const range = nums.filter( j => isInRange(j, num-diff, num+diff) );
        if (range.length) {
            nums = nums.slice(range.length);
            i = -1;
    return ranges;

function perc(percent, n) {
    return n * (percent * 0.01);
function isInRange(n, min, max) {
    return n >= min && n <= max;


const nums = [12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 19, 21, 28, 29, 30, 30, 31, 32, 34, 34, 36, 39, 43, 44, 48, 48, 48, 51, 52, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 73, 73, 75, 87, 89, 94, 95, 96, 98];


const ranges = getRanges(nums, 5, false) // ranges of -5  to +5
/* [
    [12, 14, 15, 17]
    [18, 19, 19, 21]
    [28, 29, 30, 30, 31, 32]
    [34, 34, 36, 39]
    [43, 44, 48, 48, 48]
    [51, 52]
    [58, 60, 61]
    [67, 68, 69]
    [73, 73, 75]
    [87, 89]
    [94, 95, 96, 98]

// or like
//const ranges = getRanges(nums, 5, true)  // ranges of -5% to +5%


(再次 :不确定是否可以归类为“支撑和阻力”)