
时间:2011-12-22 15:41:39

标签: java android emulation google-play


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


我使用这种方法在api 4和8上安装市场:


如果您使用的是Windows,请将“/”更改为“\”,然后输入   “android”而不是“./android”

1) go to android sdk path and create a new machine:
    * type this in terminal:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/tools"
    * then this  
    * then click on Tools -> Manage AVDs...
    * create a new machine

2) start the machine and set the partition size
    * go to this path:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/tools"
    * open the machine (keep the terminal open)
        ./emulator @<machine name> -partition-size 96

3) modify some files, root and install apps
    * go to this path:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/platform-tools"
    * pull the 'build.prop' file in the platform-tools folder
        ./adb pull /system/build.prop
    * remove this line: 'ro.config.nocheckin=yes' and save
    * mount the partition to that we can write to it
        ./adb remount
    * replace the edited file
        ./adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
    * install the apps
        ./adb install "/home/<username>/Emulator files/GoogleServicesFramework.apk"
        ./adb install "/home/<username>/Emulator files/Gmail.apk"
        ./adb install "/home/<username>/Emulator files/Vending.apk"

4) root the phone
    * go to this path:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/platform-tools"   
    * mout system files
        ./adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock03 /system 
    * put script for su in system
        ./adb push "/home/<username>/Emulator files/su" /system/xbin/su
    * make system folder writeble
        ./adb shell chmod 06755 /system
        ./adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
    * install super user app to manage permissions
        ./adb install superuser.apk 

5) if apps are not showing in the market:
    * go to applications -> manage applications in the emulator
    * click on google services framework -> force stop and delete cache 
    * click on market -> force stop and delete data + cache
    * restart device

答案 1 :(得分:0)

