
时间:2011-12-29 12:19:19

标签: c++ bitmap rgb

我有问题!我想获得24位位图中每个像素的RGB信息。 直到现在我写了一个代码,它获取有关位图的信息,但我有关于每个像素的gettin RGB信息的问题。我想将这些信息保存在Pixel的结构像素中。 你能帮帮我吗?


     #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

#pragma pack(2)

struct BITMAPFILEHEADER             // File header
  char bfType[2];                   // File type: should be BM ( 0x42 0x4D ) 
  int bfSize;                       // File size in bytes
  short bfReserved1;                // Reserved - for what i have no idea :P 
  short bfReserved2;                // -||-
  int bfOffBits;                    // Offset, adress of the beginning of the information about image (pixels )

struct BITMAPINFOHEADER             // Bitmap header
  unsigned int biSize;              // Size of this header
  unsigned int biWidth;             // Width of image ( in pixels)
  unsigned int biHeight;            // Height of this image ( in pixels )
  unsigned short biPlanes;          // Numer of color planes, always 1
  unsigned short biBitCount;        // Number of bytes for pixel. Possibility values :1,4,8,16, 24 and 32
  unsigned int biCompression;       // Used compression (0 -none)
  unsigned int biSizeImage;         // Size of image 
  signed int biXPelsPerMeter;       // Horizontal resolution of the image (pixel per meter)
  signed int biYPelsPerMeter;       // Vertical resolution of the image (pixel per meter)
  unsigned int biClrUsed;           // Number of colors in the color palette, or 0 to default to 2^n ( 0- no palette)
  unsigned int biClrImportant;      // Number of important colors used

#pragma pack(push, 1)

struct Pixel{
    unsigned int blue;  // or double?
    unsigned int green;
    unsigned int red;
    //unsigned char reserved;
#pragma pack(pop)

int main(){

    // Openning the file

    cout << "Openning the file for reading: "<< endl;
    ifstream ifs("moj.bmp", ios::binary);

        cout << " There is no such of file ";
        return 0;   

    // Reading information about BITMAPFILEHEADER
    char* temp = new char[sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)];
    ifs.read(temp, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));

    cout << "\n FILHEADER\n";
    cout << "\n File type: " << bfh->bfType[0] << bfh->bfType[1] << endl;
    cout << " File size: " << bfh->bfSize << endl;
    cout << " Offset(adress of beggining of the image information): " << bfh->bfOffBits << endl;

    // Reading information about BITMAPINFOHEADER
    temp = new char[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)];
    ifs.read(temp, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));

    cout << "\n INFOHEADER\n";
    cout << "\n Header size: " << bih->biSize << endl;
    cout << " Image width: " << bih->biWidth << endl;
    cout << " Image height: " << bih->biHeight << endl;
    cout << " Number of bytes for pixel: " << bih->biBitCount << endl;
    cout << " Used compression: " << bih->biCompression << endl;
    cout << " Image size: " << bih->biSizeImage<< endl;
    cout << " Horizontal resolution: " << bih->biXPelsPerMeter << endl;
    cout << " Vertical resolution: " << bih->biYPelsPerMeter << endl;
    cout << " Number of colors in the color palette: " << bih->biClrUsed << endl;
    cout << " Number of important colors used: " << bih->biClrImportant << endl;

    Pixel** pixs = new Pixel*[bih->biHeight];
    for (int i = 0; i < bih->biHeight ; ++i)
        pixs[i] = new Pixel[bih->biWidth];

    ifs.seekg(bfh->bfOffBits, ios::beg); // bfOffBits points for beginning of the image information

               /* I have no idea how to read pixel after pixel in this moment */


    for (int i = 0; i < bih->biHeight; ++i) 
        delete pixs[i];

    delete pixs;
    delete bfh;
    delete bih;

    return 0;



pixs[i][j]=(unsigned int)r;

无效。在pixs [i] [j]中输入此命令是一些垃圾......:/


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


uint8_t* pixelTmp = new uint8_t[3];
for (int i = 0; i != imageSize; ++i) {
    ifs.read(pixelTmp, 3);
    pixelTmp[0]; /* is blue 0-255 */
    pixelTmp[1]; /* is green 0-255 */
    pixelTmp[2]; /* is red 0-255 */


答案 1 :(得分:0)


char r, g, b;
ifs.read(&b, 1);
ifs.read(&g, 1);
ifs.read(&r, 1);


答案 2 :(得分:0)


这是您需要从原始数据中读取一个像素的位数。对于24位像素,只需按照Alessandro Pezzato或Ben的答案中的建议阅读。 32位像素包含一个额外的字节,通常包含一个alpha通道(像素的透明度。)有多种不同的16位格式,而8位格式通常是颜色表的索引。我不知道4位格式,但1位是纯黑白(0是黑色,1是白色。)
