
时间:2012-01-17 19:19:09

标签: batch-file extract text-files


this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in

this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in

this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in

this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in
     this line contains other data and is always tabbed in


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set input="test.txt"
set output="extract.txt"
set search="MY TEXT"

::find the line with the text
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /n /c:!search! %input%') do set lineNum=%%N
set "begin=0"

::find blank lines and set begin to the last blank before text and end to the first blank after text
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /n "^$" %input%') do (
  if %%N lss !lineNum! (set "begin=%%N") else set "end=%%N" & goto :break
::end of section not found so we must count the number of lines in the file
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<%input%') do set /a end=%%N+1

::extract the section bracketed by begin and end
set /a count=end-begin-1
<%input% (
  rem ::throw away the beginning lines until we reach the desired section
  for /l %%N in (1 1 %begin%) do set /p "ln="
    rem ::read and write the section
    for /l %%N in (1 1 %count%) do (
      set "ln="
      set /p "ln="


  • 行必须以<CR><LF>(Windows样式)
  • 终止
  • 行必须<= 1021字节长(不包括<CR><LF>
  • 将从每行删除尾随控制字符

如果限制是一个问题,那么可以编写一个效率较低的变体,使用FOR / F而不是SET / P


答案 1 :(得分:1)


@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set infile=input.txt
set outfile=output.txt
set "search=Any text"
set textFound=
call :SearchSection < %infile% > %outfile%
goto :EOF

   set i=0
      set line=
      set /P line=
      if not defined line goto endSection
      set /A i+=1
      set "ln%i%=!line!"
      if not "!ln%i%!" == "!line:%search%=!" set textFound=True
   goto readNextLine
   if %i% == 0 echo Error: Search text not found & exit /B
if not defined textFound goto SearchSection
for /L %%i in (1,1,%i%) do echo !ln%%i!
exit /B
