c ++是否存在多生产者单一消费者无锁队列?

时间:2012-01-18 22:23:24

标签: c++ synchronization lock-free

我读的越多,我变得越困惑......我会认为找到一个用c ++实现的正式正确的mpsc队列是微不足道的。




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

你可能想检查干扰者;它在C ++中可用:http://lmax-exchange.github.io/disruptor/

您还可以找到解释它是如何工作的here on stackoverflow基本上它是没有锁定的循环缓冲区,针对在固定大小的插槽中的线程之间传递FIFO消息进行了优化。

以下是我发现有用的两个实现:Lock-free Multi-producer Multi-consumer Queue on Ring Buffer @ NatSys Lab. Blog
Yet another implementation of a lock-free circular array queue @ CodeProject


如果你不喜欢谷歌版本的复杂性,这里有类似的东西 - 它更简单,但我把它作为练习留给读者使其工作(它是大项目的一部分,不是可移植的此时此刻)。整个想法是维护数据的空间缓冲区和一小组计数器,以识别写入/写入和读取/读取的槽。由于每个计数器都在其自己的高速缓存行中,并且(通常)每个计数器仅在消息的实时中进行一次原子更新,因此可以在没有任何同步的情况下读取它们。在post_done中写入线程之间存在一个潜在的争用点,这是FIFO保证所必需的。选择计数器(head_,wrtn_,rdng_,tail_)以确保 FIFO的正确性,因此丢弃FIFO也需要更改计数器(这可能很难做到而不牺牲正确性)。对于有一个消费者的情景,可以略微提高性能,但我不打扰 - 如果找到其他具有多个阅读器的用例,则必须撤消它。


    total=1000000 samples, avg=0.24us
    50%=0.214us, avg=0.093us
    90%=0.23us, avg=0.151us
    99%=0.322us, avg=0.159us
    99.9%=15.566us, avg=0.173us



    total=1500000 samples, avg=0.07us
    50%=0us, avg=0us
    90%=0.155us, avg=0.016us
    99%=0.361us, avg=0.038us
    99.9%=8.723us, avg=0.044us


// Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Bronislaw (Bronek) Kozicki
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#pragma once

#include <core/api.hxx>
#include <core/wheel/exception.hxx>

#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <typeinfo>

namespace core { namespace wheel
  struct bad_size : core::exception
    template<typename T> explicit bad_size(const T&, size_t m)
      : core::exception(std::string("Slot capacity exceeded, sizeof(")
                  + typeid(T).name()
                  + ") = "
                  + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(sizeof(T))
                  + ", capacity = "
                  + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m)

  // inspired by Disruptor
  template <typename Header>
  class wheel : boost::noncopyable
    struct slot_detail
      // slot write: (memory barrier in wheel) > post_done > (memory barrier in wheel)
      // slot read:  (memory barrier in wheel) > read_done > (memory barrier in wheel)

      // done writing or reading, must update wrtn_ or tail_ in wheel, as appropriate
      template <bool Writing>
      void done(wheel* w)
        if (Writing)

      // cache line for sequence number and header
      long long sequence;
      Header header;

      // there is no such thing as data type with variable size, but we need it to avoid thrashing
      // cache - so we invent one. The memory is reserved in runtime and we simply go beyond last element.
      // This is well into UB territory! Using template parameter for this is not good, since it
      // results in this small implementation detail leaking to all possible user interfaces.
      char data[8];

    // use this as a storage space for slot_detail, to guarantee 64 byte alignment
    struct slot_block { long long padding[8]; };

    // wrap slot data to outside world
    template <bool Writable>
    class slot
      template<typename> friend class wheel;

      slot& operator=(const slot&); // moveable but non-assignable

      // may only be constructed by wheel
      slot(slot_detail* impl, wheel<Header>* w, size_t c)
        : slot_(impl) , wheel_(w) , capacity_(c)

      slot(slot&& s)
        : slot_(s.slot_) , wheel_(s.wheel_) , capacity_(s.capacity_)
        s.slot_ = NULL;

        if (slot_)

      // slot accessors - use Header to store information on what type is actually stored in data
      bool empty() const          { return !slot_; }
      long long sequence() const  { return slot_->sequence; }
      Header& header()            { return slot_->header; }
      char* data()                { return slot_->data; }

      template <typename T> T& cast()
        static_assert(boost::is_pod<T>::value, "Data type must be POD");
        if (sizeof(T) > capacity_)
          throw bad_size(T(), capacity_);
        if (empty())
          throw no_data();
        return *((T*) data());

      slot_detail*    slot_;
      wheel<Header>*  wheel_;
      const size_t    capacity_;

    // dynamic size of slot, with extra capacity, expressed in 64 byte blocks
    static size_t sizeof_slot(size_t s)
      size_t m = sizeof(slot_detail);
      // add capacity less 8 bytes already within sizeof(slot_detail)
      m += max(8, s) - 8;
      // round up to 64 bytes, i.e. alignment of slot_detail
      size_t r = m & ~(unsigned int)63;
      if (r < m)
        r += 64;
      r /= 64;
      return r;

    // calculate actual slot capacity back from number of 64 byte blocks
    static size_t slot_capacity(size_t s)
      return s*64 - sizeof(slot_detail) + 8;

    // round up to power of 2
    static size_t round_size(size_t s)
      // enfore minimum size
      if (s <= min_size)
        return min_size;

      // find rounded value
      size_t r = 1;
      while (s)
        s >>= 1;
        r <<= 1;
      return r;

    slot_detail& at(long long sequence)
      // find index from sequence number and return slot at found index of the wheel
      return *((slot_detail*) &wheel_[(sequence & (size_ - 1)) * blocks_]);

    wheel(size_t capacity, size_t size)
      : head_(0) , wrtn_(0) , rdng_(0) , tail_(0) , event_()
      , blocks_(sizeof_slot(capacity)) , capacity_(slot_capacity(blocks_)) , size_(round_size(size))
      static_assert(boost::is_pod<Header>::value, "Header type must be POD");
      static_assert(sizeof(slot_block) == 64, "This was unexpected");

      wheel_ = new slot_block[size_ * blocks_];
      // all slots must be initialised to 0
      memset(wheel_, 0, size_ * 64 * blocks_);
      active_ = 1;

      delete[] wheel_;

    // all accessors needed
    size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }   // capacity of a single slot
    size_t size() const     { return size_; }       // number of slots available
    size_t queue() const    { return (size_t)head_ - (size_t)tail_; }
    bool active() const     { return active_ == 1; }

    // enough to call it just once, to fine tune slot capacity
    template <typename T>
    void check() const
      static_assert(boost::is_pod<T>::value, "Data type must be POD");
      if (sizeof(T) > capacity_)
        throw bad_size(T(), capacity_);

    // stop the wheel - safe to execute many times
    size_t stop()
      InterlockedExchange(&active_, 0);
      // must wait for current read to complete
      while (rdng_ != tail_)

      return size_t(head_ - tail_);

    // return first available slot for write
    slot<true> post()
      if (!active_)
        throw stopped();

      // the only memory barrier on head seq. number we need, if not overflowing
      long long h = InterlockedIncrement64(&head_);
      while(h - (long long) size_ > tail_)
        if (InterlockedDecrement64(&head_) == h - 1)
          throw overflowing();

        // protection against case of race condition when we are overflowing
        // and two or more threads try to post and two or more messages are read,
        // all at the same time. If this happens we must re-try, otherwise we
        // could have skipped a sequence number - causing infinite wait in post_done
        h = InterlockedIncrement64(&head_);

      slot_detail& r = at(h);
      r.sequence = h;

      // wrap in writeable slot
      return slot<true>(&r, this, capacity_);

    // return first available slot for write, nothrow variant
    slot<true> post(std::nothrow_t)
      if (!active_)
        return slot<true>(NULL, this, capacity_);

      // the only memory barrier on head seq. number we need, if not overflowing
      long long h = InterlockedIncrement64(&head_);
      while(h - (long long) size_ > tail_)
        if (InterlockedDecrement64(&head_) == h - 1)
          return slot<true>(NULL, this, capacity_);

        // must retry if race condition described above
        h = InterlockedIncrement64(&head_);

      slot_detail& r = at(h);
      r.sequence = h;

      // wrap in writeable slot
      return slot<true>(&r, this, capacity_);

    // read first available slot for read
    slot<false> read()
      slot_detail* r = NULL;
      // compare rdng_ and wrtn_ early to avoid unnecessary memory barrier
      if (active_ && rdng_ < wrtn_)
        // the only memory barrier on reading seq. number we need
        const long long h = InterlockedIncrement64(&rdng_);
        // check if this slot has been written, step back if not
        if (h > wrtn_)
          r = &at(h);

      // wrap in readable slot
      return slot<false>(r , this, capacity_);

    // waiting for new post, to be used by non-polling clients
    void acquire()

    bool try_acquire()
      return event_.try_acquire();

    bool try_acquire(unsigned long timeout)
      return event_.try_acquire(timeout);

    void release()

    void post_done(long long sequence)
      const long long t = sequence - 1;

      // the only memory barrier on written seq. number we need
      while(InterlockedCompareExchange64(&wrtn_, sequence, t) != t)

      // this is outside of critical path for polling clients

    void read_done()
      // the only memory barrier on tail seq. number we need

    // each in its own cache line
    // head_ - wrtn_ = no. of messages being written at this moment
    // rdng_ - tail_ = no. of messages being read at the moment
    // head_ - tail_ = no. of messages to read (including those being written and read)
    // wrtn_ - rdng_ = no. of messages to read (excluding those being written or read)
    __declspec(align(64)) volatile long long head_; // currently writing or written
    __declspec(align(64)) volatile long long wrtn_; // written
    __declspec(align(64)) volatile long long rdng_; // currently reading or read
    __declspec(align(64)) volatile long long tail_; // read
    __declspec(align(64)) volatile long active_;    // flag switched to 0 when stopped

    api::event event_;          // set when new message is posted
    const size_t blocks_;       // number of 64-byte blocks in a single slot_detail
    const size_t capacity_;     // capacity of data() section per single slot. Initialisation depends on blocks_
    const size_t size_;         // number of slots available, always power of 2
    slot_block* wheel_;


  while (wheel.active())
    core::wheel::wheel<int>::slot<false> slot = wheel.read();
    if (!slot.empty())
      Data& d = slot.cast<Data>();
      // do work
    // uncomment below for waiting consumer, saving CPU cycles
    // else
    //   wheel.try_acquire(10);


答案 1 :(得分:4)

最合适的实现取决于队列的所需属性。它应该是无界的还是有界的是好的?它应该是linearizable,还是不那么严格的要求就可以了? FIFO有多强保证您需要?您是否愿意支付消费者恢复列表的成本(存在一个非常简单的实现,消费者抓住单链表的尾部,从而立即获得生产者提供的所有项目)?它应该保证没有线程被阻止,或者很少有机会阻止某些线程可以吗?等等。

Is multiple-producer, single-consumer possible in a lockfree setting?


答案 2 :(得分:0)


struct task {
   boost::function<void()> func;
   task* next;

boost::mutex                     task_ready_mutex;
boost::condition_variable        task_ready;
boost::atomic<task*>             task_in_queue;

// this can be called from any thread
void thread::post_task( task* t ) {
     // atomically post the task to the queue.
     task* stale_head = task_in_queue.load(boost::memory_order_relaxed);
     do { t->next = stale_head;
     } while( !task_in_queue.compare_exchange_weak( stale_head, t, boost::memory_order_release ) );

   // Because only one thread can post the 'first task', only that thread will attempt
   // to aquire the lock and therefore there should be no contention on this lock except
   // when *this thread is about to block on a wait condition.  
    if( !stale_head ) { 
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(task_ready_mutex);

// this is the consumer thread.
void process_tasks() {
  while( !done ) {
   // this will atomically pop everything that has been posted so far.
   pending = task_in_queue.exchange(0,boost::memory_order_consume);
   // pending is a linked list in 'reverse post order', so process them
   // from tail to head if you want to maintain order.

   if( !pending ) { // lock scope
      boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(task_ready_mutex);                
      // check one last time while holding the lock before blocking.
      if( !task_in_queue ) task_ready.wait( lock );

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

我猜不存在这样的事情 - 如果确实如此,它既不是便携式的,也不是开源的。
