
时间:2012-01-22 00:12:16

标签: linux shell unix applescript



tell application "Mail"
   set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Media Center Alert", content:"Media Center has encountered a problem. It is now restarting. ", visible:false}
   tell theNewMessage
       make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:"myemail"}
   end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder"
   do shell script "reboot now" password "mypass" with administrator privileges
end tell


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


tell application "Mail"
    set my_id to id of theNewMessage

    set startDate to current date
    set rebootDate to (current date) + 15 * minutes
    rebootDate + 15 * minutes

    -- wait 15 minutes for Mail.app, then reboot if message cannot be sent
    repeat while startDate is not equal to rebootDate
        set last_msg to first message of sent mailbox
        set last_msg_id to id of last_msg

        if last_msg_id is equal to my_id then
            -- reboot
        end if
        delay 15
    end repeat
end tell


答案 1 :(得分:0)

潜水的回答对我不起作用,因为没有办法将外发消息“id”与邮箱消息“id”或“message id”匹配,是否在传出消息中没有“date sent”属性。但是,计算已发送邮箱中的邮件数量是有效的:

tell application "Mail"

    set numOutgoingMessages to 1
    set secondsToWait to 10

    set preSentCount to count messages in sent mailbox
    set secondsPassed to 0

    repeat while secondsPassed is less than secondsToWait

        set curSentCount to count messages in sent mailbox

        if curSentCount is greater than or equal to preSentCount + numOutgoingMessages then
            set secondsPassed to secondsToWait + 1
        end if

        if secondsPassed is less than secondsToWait then
            delay 1
        end if

        set secondsPassed to secondsPassed + 1

    end repeat

end tell
