
时间:2012-01-30 17:43:08

标签: php mysql function drupal


@Marc B建议我对我的文件使用include_once(),而不是include。这修复了我收到的错误。


显然,使用Drupal的SOMETHING不允许函数通过简单地在同一函数内请求全局$变量来接收变量。我不得不声明$变量在函数之外是全局的,其中$ variables是我的数组。


我创建了一个PHP文件,用于编辑数据库中公司的公司信息。当我访问drupal之外的页面时,一切都运行得很漂亮,但是当它包含在drupal页面中时(甚至将代码粘贴到drupal页面中,我得到验证错误,因为它无法运行我的验证功能(或者如果我删除)验证,我的过程功能不起作用。。我可以注释掉函数并在一个语句中调用我的过程脚本,如 if(isset($ _ POST ['submit'])),它可以在Drupal,但我想使用我的功能。


致命错误:无法在/ home / content中重新声明validate()(之前在/home/content/84/6649484/html/commons/profiles/drupal_commons/custom/editcompany/editcompany.php:416中声明)第452行/84/6649484/html/commons/profiles/drupal_commons/custom/editcompany/editcompany.php



//connect to database

////                                            ////
//// Validate   /   Process Form                ////
////                                            ////

//set form variables
    $form['accountnumber'] = $_POST['accountnumber'];
    $form['companyname'] = $_POST['companyname'];
    $form['address'] = $_POST['address'];
    $form['address2'] = $_POST['address2'];
    $form['city'] = $_POST['city'];
    $form['state'] = $_POST['state'];
    $form['zip'] = $_POST['zip'];
    $form['beds'] = $_POST['beds'];

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    //run the validate function
    $validated = validate();

    //if one of the validations returned false, let's declare $errors as true and we'll display a message
    if($validated[0] == false) {
        $v_errors = true;
    } else {
        $processed = process();

        //see if there were errors adding it to the database
        if($processed == false) {
            $db_errors = true;

        if($processed == true) {
            $success = true;



////                                            ////
//// Form                                       ////
////                                            ////

//choose company

<form id="choosecompany" action="" method="get">


//get company from url
$company_id = $_GET['id'];

//get all active companies
$result = mysql_query("SELECT account_num AS 'a', name AS 'n', city AS 'c', state AS s FROM company_profiles WHERE type = 'Customer' ORDER BY name ASC");


<select name="id" style="display: block; position: relative; margin: 5px auto;">

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

        <option value="<?php echo $row['a']; ?>" <?php if($row['a'] == $company_id) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>
        <strong><?php echo  $row['n'] 
        . ' - ' . $row['c'];
        if($row['c']) { echo ', '; }
        echo $row['s']; ?></strong>
        <?php echo ' (' . $row['a'] . ')';?></option>



<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit" style="display: block; position: relative; margin: 0 auto;" />


if($company_id) {
    //get company info from db
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM company_profiles WHERE account_num = '$company_id'");

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $form['accountnumber'] = $row['account_num'];
        $form['companyname'] = $row['name'];
        $form['address'] = $row['address'];
        $form['address2'] = $row['address2'];
        $form['city'] = $row['city'];
        $form['state'] = $row['state'];
        $form['zip'] = $row['zip'];
        $form['beds'] = $row['beds'];



<form id="editcompany" action="" method="post">

    <h1>Edit Company</h1>


    if($v_errors) {
        echo '<span id="errors"> Company not updated. Please enter required information.';
        echo '</span>';

    if($db_errors) {
        echo '<span id="errors"> Company not updated. Please contact your system admin. </span>';

    if($success) {
        echo '<span id="success"> Company information successfully updated. </span>';


    <ul id="block1">
        <li id="accountnumber">
            <label>Account #</label>
            <input readonly type="text" name="accountnumber" value="<?php echo $form['accountnumber']; ?>" <?php if($validated[1] == 'error') { echo 'class="error"'; } ?> />

        <li id="companyname">
            <label>Company Name</label>
            <input type="text" name="companyname" value="<?php echo $form['companyname']; ?>" <?php if($validated[2] == 'error') { echo 'class="error"'; } ?> />

        <li id="address">
            <input type="text" name="address" value="<?php echo $form['address']; ?>" />
            <input type="text" name="address2" value="<?php echo $form['address2']; ?>" />

        <li id="csz">
            <label>City, State, Zip</label>
            <input id="city" type="text" name="city" value="<?php echo $form['city']; ?>" <?php if($validated[3] == 'error') { echo 'class="error"'; } ?> />

            <input id="state" type="text" name="state" maxlength="2" value="<?php echo $form['state']; ?>" <?php if($validated[4] == 'error') { echo 'class="error"'; } ?> />

            <input id="zip" type="text" name="zip" maxlength="5" value="<?php echo $form['zip']; ?>" />


    <ul id="block2">
        <li id="products">

           //get all products from database
            $getproducts = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, url FROM products ORDER BY weight ASC");

            while ($rowproducts = mysql_fetch_array($getproducts)) {

                $product_id = $rowproducts['id'];
                $product_name = $rowproducts['name'];
                $product_url = $rowproducts['url'];

                $getuserhasproduct = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT product_id FROM products_accounts WHERE account_number = '$form[accountnumber]' AND product_id = '$product_id'");
                $user_has_product = mysql_num_rows($getuserhasproduct);

                    $hasproduct = true;

            //list all products 
                    <label><?php echo $product_name; ?></label>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $product_id; ?>" value="TRUE" <?php if($user_has_product) { echo 'checked'; } ?> />

            //end while


        <li id="demographics">
                <li id="beds">
                    <input type="text" name="beds" value="<?php echo $form['beds']; ?>" />



    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update" />


////                                            ////
//// Validate Function                          ////
////                                            ////

function validate() {
    //get variables
    global $form;

    $v = true;

    //validate account number

    if(!$form['accountnumber']) {
        $v = false;
        $v1 = 'error';

    if(!$newaccount) {
        $v5 = 'error';

    //validate company name
    if(!$form['companyname']) {
        $v = false;
        $v2 = 'error';

    //validate city
    if(!$form['city']) {
        $v = false;
        $v3 = 'error';

    //validate state
    if(!$form['state']) {
        $v = false;
        $v4 = 'error';

    $validated = array($v,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4,$v5);
    return $validated;


////                                            ////
//// Process Function                           ////
////                                            ////

function process() {
    //get variables
    global $form;
    global $_POST;

    //set variables for clean entry into database
    $an = mysql_real_escape_string($form['accountnumber']);
    $n = mysql_real_escape_string($form['companyname']);
    $a = mysql_real_escape_string($form['address']);
    $a2 = mysql_real_escape_string($form['address2']);
    $c = mysql_real_escape_string($form['city']);
    $s = mysql_real_escape_string($form['state']);
    $z = mysql_real_escape_string($form['zip']);
    $b = mysql_real_escape_string($form['beds']);

    //get all products from database
            $getproducts = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, url FROM products ORDER BY weight ASC");

            while ($rowproducts = mysql_fetch_array($getproducts)) {

                $product_id = $rowproducts['id'];
                $product_name = $rowproducts['name'];
                $product_url = $rowproducts['url'];

                $getuserhasproduct = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT product_id FROM products_accounts WHERE account_number = '$form[accountnumber]' AND product_id = '$product_id'");
                $user_has_product = mysql_num_rows($getuserhasproduct);

                //if the user has the product, let's delete it if we need to delete it, otherwise leave it alone.

                    if($_POST[$product_id] == false) {
                        mysql_query("DELETE FROM products_accounts WHERE account_number = '$form[accountnumber]' AND product_id = '$product_id'");

                //if the user doesn't have the product, let's add it if we need to add it, otherwise leave it alone.
                } else {

                    if($_POST[$product_id] == true) {
                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO products_accounts (account_number, product_id) VALUES ('$form[accountnumber]', '$product_id')");


    $result = mysql_query("UPDATE company_profiles SET name = '$n', address = '$a', address2 = '$a2', city = '$c', state = '$s', zip = '$z', beds = '$b' WHERE account_num = '$an'");

    if(!$result) {
        $processed = false;
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    } else {
        $processed = true;

    return $processed;



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

您可以在Drupal中使用任何您想要的PHP函数。问题是你在include()'d文件中定义了一个函数,该函数被多次包含。错误消息非常具体:“无法重新声明validate()`” - 一旦声明了一个函数,就不能重新声明它。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

Drupal可能有自己的validate()函数。 drupal的标准做法是在函数名前加上模块的名称,如下所示:editcompany_validate()。试试看,看看它是否能解决冲突。您应该能够进行简单的搜索和替换。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


在调用全局函数时,使用命名空间可能需要对代码进行一些更改。但是,这是有据可查的。 http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.fallback.php
