如何实现MultiTenant-Asp.net MVC应用程序?

时间:2012-02-08 12:51:59

标签: c# asp.net-mvc-3

我有一个Asp.net MVC3应用程序我希望能够允许多个/不同的客户端访问相同的应用程序,但使用不同的URL。我已经设法配置数据库以允许这个。所以hia是我想在域中托管我的应用程序的主要部分... www.myapplication.com然后允许不同的客户端使用1.www.clientOne.myapplication.com 2.www.clientTwo.myapplication访问同一个应用程序。融为一体


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Stack Exchange本身在多租户架构上运行!



答案 1 :(得分:0)


C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc host file 
通过继承和实现RouteConfig.Cs接口,在IRouteConstraint文件的 App_Start 文件夹中



此处提供了视频教程 ASP .NET MVC 5 Multi Tenant Example With Basic Code (Single Database Per Tenant)


            name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
            constraints: new { TenantRouting = new RoutingConstraint() }


 public class RoutingConstraint : IRouteConstraint // It is main Class for Multi teanant

      public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string getParameter, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
            // Got htis code from  http://blog.gaxion.com/2017/05/how-to-implement-multi-tenancy-with.html
            var GetAddress = httpContext.Request.Headers["Host"].Split('.'); 
            var tenant = GetAddress[0];
            //Here you can apply your tricks and logic. Note for when you put it in public server then www.hamdunsoft.com , www.tenant1.hamdunsoft.com then you need to change a little bit in the conditions . Because a www. was added.
            if (GetAddress.Length < 2) // See here for localhost:80 or localhost:9780 ohh also for hamdun soft  execution will enter here . But for less than 2? will hamdunsoft.com enter here?
                 tenant = "This is the main domain";

                 Constant.DatabaseName = "TEST";
                 if (!values.ContainsKey("tenant"))
                      values.Add("tenant", tenant);
                 //return false;
                 // return true;
             else if (GetAddress.Length == 2) //   execution will enter here  for  hamdunsoft.com enter here but not for www.hamdunsoft.com
                 tenant = "This is the main domain";

                 Constant.DatabaseName = GetAddress[0];  
                 if (!values.ContainsKey("tenant"))
                      values.Add("tenant", tenant);
                 //return false;
                 // return true;
            else if (!values.ContainsKey("tenant")) // for tenant1.hamdunsoft.com execution will enter here
                 values.Add("tenant", tenant);
                 Constant.DatabaseName = GetAddress[1]+"."+ tenant;

            return true;