YUI库 - 保持全局引用对象的最佳方法?

时间:2012-02-13 19:39:32

标签: javascript yui

我正在尝试使用yahoo ui历史库。我没有看到一个很好的方法来避免用Y.use包装我的所有函数内容,以便我可以访问历史对象。我尝试在use()命令之外全局声明它,但这似乎不起作用。如果你查看我的showDashboard()和showReport1()方法,你可以看到我正在包装内容,这对于使用历史记录的每个函数来说都是多余的。有一个更好的方法吗?


        <a href="#" onclick="showDashboard(); return false;">Dashboard</a> | 
        <a href="#" onclick="showReport1(); return false;">Report 1</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Global reference to Yahoo UI object
        var Y = YUI();       

        function showDashboard() {
            Y.use('*', function (Y) {
                var history = new Y.HistoryHash();
                history.addValue("report", "dashboard");

        function showReport1() {
            Y.use('*', function (Y) {
                var history = new Y.HistoryHash();
                history.addValue('report', "report1");  
                //var x = { 'report': 'report1', 'date': '11/12/2012' };
                //history.addValue("report", x);


        Y.use('history', 'tabview', function (Y) {
            var history = new Y.HistoryHash();
            var tabview = new Y.TabView({ srcNode: '#demo' });

            // Render the TabView widget to turn the static markup into an
            // interactive TabView.

            // Set the selected report to the bookmarked history state, or to
            // the first report if there's no bookmarked state.
            tabview.selectChild(history.get('report') || 0);

            // Store a new history state when the user selects a report.
            tabview.after('selectionChange', function (e) {
                // If the new tab index is greater than 0, set the "tab"
                // state value to the index. Otherwise, remove the "tab"
                // state value by setting it to null (this reverts to the
                // default state of selecting the first tab).
                history.addValue('report', e.newVal.get('index') || 0);

            // Listen for history changes from back/forward navigation or
            // URL changes, and update the report selection when necessary.
            Y.on('history:change', function (e) {                
                // Ignore changes we make ourselves, since we don't need
                // to update the selection state for those. We're only
                // interested in outside changes, such as the ones generated
                // when the user clicks the browser's back or forward buttons.
                if (e.src === Y.HistoryHash.SRC_HASH) {
                    if (e.changed.report) {
                        // The new state contains a different report selection, so
                        // change the selected report.
                    } else if (e.removed.report) {
                        // The report selection was removed in the new state, so
                        // select the first report by default.

                if (e.changed.report) {
                    alert("New value: " + e.changed.report.newVal);
                    alert("Old value: " + e.changed.report.prevVal);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

不使用单击上的普通函数,而是使用YUI附加处理程序。 如果您可以更改HTML代码 - 将ID或类添加到链接,例如

<a id="btnShowDashboard" href="#">Dashboard</a>


Y.use('history', 'tabview', 'node', 'event', function (Y) {

  var bntShowDashboard = Y.one('#btnShowDashboard');
  if (bntShowDashboard) {
    bntShowDashboard.on('click', function(e) {
      var history = new Y.HistoryHash();
      history.addValue("report", "dashboard");


这样你就可以确保在执行“历史”的那一刻加载。 但是有一个缺点 - 在加载YUI模块之前,如果你点击链接就不会发生任何事情。