
时间:2012-03-02 02:30:05

标签: php email joomla

我使用的是Joomla 1.6平台的自定义表单。用户电子邮件很好,但通知我们注册的电子邮件没有通过。是否可以像这样背靠背发送2封电子邮件,或者我的代码中是否有错误?

///----------------User Email After Registered----------------------------///
 // Send notification email //

 $to = $email;
 $subject = "$hs2 Alumni Football Team";
 $message   = "
 <h1>Alumni Football USA</h1>
 <p> Hi $firstname,</p>
 <p>You are now able to sign up for $hs2 games! Login to Reserve your spot!</p>
 <p>Username: $username</p>
<p>Password:  $showpass</p>
 <p>$hs2 Alumni Football Team Page---$remail2 </p>
 <p>This is an automatic Email, please do not respond/reply</p>
 $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";  
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";

 $headers .= 'From: Alumni Football USA<NOREPLY@alumnifootballusa.com>' . "\r\n";

 // Send notification //
 mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers);

///---------------Email site owner-----------------------------------------///

 $phone1 = $cell;

 $cell1 = formatPhone1($phone1);

 $phone2 = $home;

 $home1 = formatPhone2($phone2);

 $query = "SELECT t_name FROM " . $table_prefix . "bl_teams  WHERE id = ".$team_id;
    $hs2 = $db->loadResult();

 $query = "SELECT ((date_format(now(),'%Y') - date_format(birthday,'%Y')) - (date_format(now(),'00-%m-%d') < date_format(birthday,'00-%m-%d'))) 
  FROM " . $table_prefix . "users WHERE'".$email."' = username";
    $age45 = $db->loadResult();

 $query = "SELECT t_city FROM " . $table_prefix . "bl_teams WHERE ".$team_id."= id ";       
    $city5 = $db->loadResult();

 $query = "SELECT s.s_descr FROM " . $table_prefix . "bl_seasons as s WHERE ".$s_id."= s.s_id ";        
    $state = $db->loadResult();

 $query = "SELECT u.email FROM " . $table_prefix . "users as u, " . $table_prefix . "bl_teamcord as tc WHERE tc.s_id = ".$s_id." AND FIND_IN_SET('$team_id',tc.teams) AND  tc.u_id = u.id AND 

 tc.reg_emails = 1";        
    $remail1 = $db->loadResultArray();

 if ($remail1){
 $remail = implode(",",$remail1);
 $remail = "";}

 // Send notification email //

 $to = $remail;
 $subject = "***Reserved***$hs2,$state --$firstname $lastname";
 $message   = "
 <head><title>Alumni Football USA</title></head>
 <h1>$firstname $lastname</h1> 
 $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";  
 $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
 $headers .= 'From: Alumni Football USA <webmaster@alumnifootballusa.com>' . "\r\n";

 // Send notification //
 mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if ($remail1){
    $remail = implode(",",$remail1);
    $remail = "";  //you might have this
$to = $remail;  //so if $remail is blank so will be the $to as well

请确保您的$ to变量包含电子邮件,

if(!empty($to)) {
  //send email
  mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers);
