
时间:2012-03-07 03:12:00

标签: opengl glsl shader vertex-shader cylindrical

我正在开发一种用于分子三维可视化的小工具。 对于我的项目,我选择用“Brad Larson”先生用他的Apple软件“ Molecules ”做的事情。您可以在其中找到所使用技术的小型演示文稿的链接:Brad Larsson software presentation


目前我已经在另一个教程的帮助下成功完成了“Sphere Impostor”Lies and Impostors

总结球体冒名顶替者的计算:首先我们将“球体位置”和“球体半径”发送到“顶点着色器”,这将在相机空间中创建一个始终面向相机的正方形,之后我们将广场发送到片段着色器,在那里我们使用简单的光线追踪来找到正方形的哪个片段包含在球体中,最后我们计算片段的法线和位置来计算光照。 (另外我们还写了gl_fragdepth来给我们的冒名顶替球体提供一个很好的深度!)




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




2)在顶点着色器中,您可以根据传入的相应点移动每个顶点(您通过36个相等的顶点)来构造圆柱的点。 在此步骤结束时,您应该有一个圆柱的边界框。





答案 1 :(得分:2)



  1. 从顶部开始,它是一个圆圈。所以考虑到你永远不需要自上而下查看圆柱体,你不需要渲染任何东西。
  2. 从侧面看,它是一个矩形。像素着色器只需要正常计算照明。
  3. 从任何其他角度来看,它是一个曲线的矩形(在步骤2中计算的矩形)。其曲率可以在像素着色器内建模为顶部椭圆的曲率。根据视角,该曲率可以简单地视为纹理空间中每个“列”的偏移。这个椭圆的短轴可以通过将长轴(圆柱的厚度)乘以当前视角(角度/ 90)的系数来计算,假设0意味着你正在侧面观察圆柱体。
  4. Fig 1. 视角。我在下面的数学计算中只考虑了0-90的情况,但其他情况则完全不同。

    Fig 2. 给定视角(φ)和圆柱体的直径(a),这里着色器需要如何在纹理空间Y = b'sin(phi)中扭曲Y轴。并且b'= a *(phi / 90)。不应该渲染phi = 0和phi = 90的情况。

    当然,我没有考虑这个圆柱体的长度 - 这取决于你的特定投影,而不是图像空间问题。

答案 2 :(得分:2)

除了pygabriels的回答,我想使用Blaine Bell(PyMOL,Schrödinger,Inc。)中提到的着色器代码共享一个独立的实现。


Image: Aligned bounding box

有关源代码,请下载:cylinder impostor source code


答案 3 :(得分:2)

圆柱体冒充者实际上可以像球体一样完成,就像Nicol Bolas在他的教程中所做的那样。您可以制作一个面向相机的正方形,并将其颜色看起来像一个圆柱体,就像Nicol为球体所做的一样。并且 很难。



您可以从here下载着色器文件。只是它的实际形象: screenshot


void CylinderImpostor(out vec3 cameraPos, out vec3 cameraNormal)
    // First get the camera space direction of the ray.
    vec3 cameraPlanePos = vec3(mapping * max(cylRadius, cylHeight), 0.0) + cameraCylCenter;
    vec3 cameraRayDirection = normalize(cameraPlanePos);

    // Now transform data into Cylinder space wherethe cyl's symetry axis is up.
    vec3 cylCenter = cameraToCylinder * cameraCylCenter;
    vec3 rayDirection = normalize(cameraToCylinder * cameraPlanePos);

    // We will have to return the one from the intersection of the ray and circles,
    // and the ray and the side, that is closer to the camera. For that, we need to
    // store the results of the computations.
    vec3 circlePos, sidePos;
    vec3 circleNormal, sideNormal;
    bool circleIntersection = false, sideIntersection = false;

    // First check if the ray intersects with the top or bottom circle
    // Note that if the ray is parallel with the circles then we
    // definitely won't get any intersection (but we would divide with 0).
    if(rayDirection.y != 0.0){
        // What we know here is that the distance of the point's y coord
        // and the cylCenter is cylHeight, and the distance from the
        // y axis is less than cylRadius. So we have to find a point
        // which is on the line, and match these conditions.

        // The equation for the y axis distances:
        // rayDirection.y * t - cylCenter.y = +- cylHeight
        // So t = (+-cylHeight + cylCenter.y) / rayDirection.y
        // About selecting the one we need:
        //  - Both has to be positive, or no intersection is visible.
        //  - If both are positive, we need the smaller one.
        float topT = (+cylHeight + cylCenter.y) / rayDirection.y;
        float bottomT = (-cylHeight + cylCenter.y) / rayDirection.y;
        if(topT > 0.0 && bottomT > 0.0){
            float t = min(topT,bottomT);

            // Now check for the x and z axis:
            // If the intersection is inside the circle (so the distance on the xz plain of the point,
            // and the center of circle is less than the radius), then its a point of the cylinder.
            // But we can't yet return because we might get a point from the the cylinder side
            // intersection that is closer to the camera.
            vec3 intersection = rayDirection * t;
            if( length(intersection.xz - cylCenter.xz) <= cylRadius ) {
                // The value we will (optianally) return is in camera space.
                circlePos = cameraRayDirection * t;
                // This one is ugly, but i didn't have better idea.
                circleNormal = length(circlePos - cameraCylCenter) <
                               length((circlePos - cameraCylCenter) + cylAxis) ? cylAxis : -cylAxis;
                circleIntersection = true;

    // Find the intersection of the ray and the cylinder's side
    // The distance of the point and the y axis is sqrt(x^2 + z^2), which has to be equal to cylradius
    // (rayDirection.x*t - cylCenter.x)^2 + (rayDirection.z*t - cylCenter.z)^2 = cylRadius^2
    // So its a quadratic for t (A*t^2 + B*t + C = 0) where:
    // A = rayDirection.x^2 + rayDirection.z^2 - if this is 0, we won't get any intersection
    // B = -2*rayDirection.x*cylCenter.x - 2*rayDirection.z*cylCenter.z
    // C = cylCenter.x^2 + cylCenter.z^2 - cylRadius^2
    // It will give two results, we need the smaller one

    float A = rayDirection.x*rayDirection.x + rayDirection.z*rayDirection.z;
    if(A != 0.0) {
        float B = -2*(rayDirection.x*cylCenter.x + rayDirection.z*cylCenter.z);
        float C = cylCenter.x*cylCenter.x + cylCenter.z*cylCenter.z - cylRadius*cylRadius;

        float det = (B * B) - (4 * A * C);
        if(det >= 0.0){
            float sqrtDet = sqrt(det);
            float posT = (-B + sqrtDet)/(2*A);
            float negT = (-B - sqrtDet)/(2*A);

            float IntersectionT = min(posT, negT);
            vec3 Intersect = rayDirection * IntersectionT;

            if(abs(Intersect.y - cylCenter.y) < cylHeight){
                // Again it's in camera space
                sidePos = cameraRayDirection * IntersectionT;
                sideNormal = normalize(sidePos - cameraCylCenter);
                sideIntersection = true;

    // Now get the results together:
    if(sideIntersection && circleIntersection){
        bool circle = length(circlePos) < length(sidePos);
        cameraPos = circle ? circlePos : sidePos;
        cameraNormal = circle ? circleNormal : sideNormal;
    } else if(sideIntersection){
        cameraPos = sidePos;
        cameraNormal = sideNormal;
    } else if(circleIntersection){
        cameraPos = circlePos;
        cameraNormal = circleNormal;
    } else