
时间:2012-03-07 18:18:42

标签: c# asp.net



 private bool hasChanges(object OldObject, object newObject)
            var oldprops = (from p in OldObject.GetType().GetProperties() select p).ToList();
            var newprops = (from p in newObject.GetType().GetProperties() select p).ToList();
            bool isChanged = false;
            foreach (PropertyInfo i in oldprops)
                if (checkColumnNames(i.Name))
                    var newInfo = (from x in newprops where x.Name == i.Name select x).Single();
                    var oldVal = i.GetValue(OldObject, null);
                    var newVal = newInfo.GetValue(newObject, null);

                    if (newVal == null || oldVal == null)
                        if (newVal == null && oldVal != null)
                            isChanged = true;
                            return true;
                        if (oldVal == null && newVal != null)
                            isChanged = true;
                              return true;
                        if (!newVal.Equals(oldVal))
                            isChanged = true;
                         return true;

            return isChanged;


private bool checkColumnNames(string colName)
            if (
                colName.ToLower() == "productid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "customerid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "shiptoid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "parentchildid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "categoryitemid" ||
                 colName.ToLower() == "volumepricingid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "tagid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "specialprice" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "productsmodifierid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "modifierlistitemid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "modifierlistid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "categoryitemid" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "createdon" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "createdby" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "modifiedon" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "modifiedby" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "deletedon" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "deletedby" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "appendproductmodifiers" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "introdate" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "id" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "discontinued" ||
                colName.ToLower() == "stagingcategories"
                return false;

            return true;



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

使用expression treesdynamic methods编译和缓存代码。您可能会看到性能提升10-100倍。您的原始反射代码用于检索属性,您可以将其用作创建编译版本的基础。




private static DynamicMethod CreateChangeTrackingReaderIL( Type type, Type[] types )
    var method = new DynamicMethod( string.Empty, typeof( string ), new[] { type } );

    ILGenerator il = method.GetILGenerator();
    LocalBuilder lbInstance = il.DeclareLocal( type );

    // place the input parameter of the function onto the evaluation stack
    il.Emit( OpCodes.Ldarg_0 ); 

    // store the input value
    il.Emit( OpCodes.Stloc, lbInstance ); 

    // declare a StringBuilder
    il.Emit( OpCodes.Newobj, typeof( StringBuilder ).GetConstructor( Type.EmptyTypes ) ); 

    foreach( Type t in types )
        // any logic to retrieve properties can go here...
        List<PropertyInfo> properties = __Properties.GetTrackableProperties( t );

        foreach( PropertyInfo pi in properties )
            MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod();

            if( null == mi )

            il.Emit( OpCodes.Ldloc, lbInstance ); // bring the stored reference onto the eval stack
            il.Emit( OpCodes.Callvirt, mi ); // call the appropriate getter method

            if( pi.PropertyType.IsValueType )
                il.Emit( OpCodes.Box, pi.PropertyType ); // box the return value if necessary

            // append it to the StringBuilder
            il.Emit( OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof( StringBuilder ).GetMethod( "Append", new Type[] { typeof( object ) } ) ); 

    // call ToString() on the StringBuilder
    il.Emit( OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof( StringBuilder ).GetMethod( "ToString", Type.EmptyTypes ) ); 

    // return the last value on the eval stack (output of ToString())
    il.Emit( OpCodes.Ret ); 

    return method;


答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


private bool hasChanges(object OldObject, object newObject) 
        var props = OldObject.GetType().GetProperties();
        foreach (PropertyInfo i in props) 
            if (checkColumnNames(i.Name)) 
                var oldVal = i.GetValue(OldObject, null); 
                var newVal = i.GetValue(newObject, null); 

                if (newVal == null) 
                    if (oldVal != null) 
                        return true; 
                else if (oldVal == null)
                    return true;
                else if (!newVal.Equals(oldVal)) 
                    return true; 
        return false; 

这比您的方法效率稍高。正如Tim Medora和PinnyM指出的那样,动态发出代码并缓存结果会更快,这意味着你只需要反射命中一次,而不是每个对象一次。

另请注意,根据Best Practices for Using Strings in the .NET Framework,您应该使用ToUpper而不是ToLower进行字符串比较,但您应该使用String.Equals(string, string, StringComparison)而不是自己转换案例。这将有一个优势,至少:如果字符串长度不同,则Equals返回false,因此您跳过大小写转换。这也将节省一些时间。



private bool hasChanges(object OldObject, object newObject)  
        var oldprops = OldObject.GetType().GetProperties();  
        var newprops = newObject.GetType().GetProperties();
        var joinedProps = from oldProp in oldprops
                          join newProp in newProps
                              on oldProp.Name equals newProp.Name
                          select new { oldProp, newProp }
        foreach (var pair in joinedProps)  
            if (checkColumnNames(pair.oldProp.Name))  
                var oldVal = pair.oldProp.GetValue(OldObject, null);  
                var newVal = pair.newProp.GetValue(newObject, null);  


最后的想法(灵感来自Tim Schmelter的评论):


private bool HasChanges(object o1, object o2) { return !o1.Equals(o2); }


class SomeClass
    public string SomeString { get; set; }
    public int SomeInt { get; set; }
    public DateTime SomeDateTime { get; set; }
    public bool Equals(object other)
        SomeClass other1 = other as SomeClass;

        if (other1 != null)
            return other1.SomeInt.Equals(SomeInt)
                && other1.SomeDateTime.Equals(SomeDateTime)
                && other1.SomeString.Equals(SomeString); //or whatever string equality check you prefer

        //possibly check for other types here, if necessary

        return false;