
时间:2012-03-15 12:17:45

标签: haskell command-line xml-parsing hxt

我已经达到了论文的第3部分。 Haskell XML工具箱的食谱,以及M. Ohlendorf的处理RDF文档的示例


import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import Data.Maybe

main = do
  args       <- getArgs
  (al, src)  <- cmdLineOpts args
  [rc]       <- runX (processDocument al src)
  exitWith ( if rc >= c_err
             then ExitFailure (-1)
             else ExitSuccess

cmdLineOpts :: [String] -> IO (Attributes, String)
cmdLineOpts []  = return ([("","")], "")
cmdLineOpts xss = return (zip [""] xss :: Attributes, last xss)

processDocument :: Attributes -> String -> IOSArrow b Int
processDocument al src =
    readDocument al src -- lecture du document en appliquant les attributes                                                                                            
    removeAllWhiteSpace >>> propagateNamespaces
    writeDocument al (fromMaybe "" (lookup a_output_file al))


    Couldn't match expected type `XIOSysState -> XIOSysState'
           against inferred type `(String, String)'
      Expected type: SysConfigList
      Inferred type: Attributes
    In the first argument of `readDocument', namely `al'
    In the first argument of `(>>>)', namely `readDocument al src'
Failed, modules loaded: none.




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit 
import Text.XML.HXT.Core

data Options = Options {
    withvalidate :: SysConfig
  , withchecknamespaces :: SysConfig
  , withcanonicalize :: SysConfig
  , withremovews :: SysConfig
  , withtrace :: SysConfig
  , output_file :: String } 

defaultOptions = Options { withvalidate = (withValidate no)
                         , withchecknamespaces = (withCheckNamespaces no)
                         , withcanonicalize = (withCanonicalize no)
                         , withremovews = (withRemoveWS no)
                         , withtrace = (withTrace 0)
                         , output_file = "" } 

options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
options =
 [ Option ['V'] ["withValidate"] 
   (ReqArg (\v opts -> opts { withvalidate = withValidate (v == "yes") } ) "") 
   "perform DTD validation"
 , Option ['n'] ["withCheckNamespaces"] 
   (ReqArg (\n opts -> opts { withchecknamespaces = withCheckNamespaces (n == "yes") } ) "")
   "check namespaces"
 , Option ['c'] ["withCanonicalize"] 
   (ReqArg (\c opts -> opts { withcanonicalize = withCanonicalize (c == "yes") } ) "")
   "canonicalize document"
 , Option ['w'] ["withRemoveWS"] 
   (ReqArg (\w opts -> opts { withremovews = withRemoveWS (w == "yes") } ) "")
   "remove whitespace used for document indentation"
 , Option ['t'] ["withTrace"] 
   (ReqArg (\t opts -> opts { withtrace = withTrace (read t) } ) "")
   "set trace level" 
 , Option ['o'] ["outputFile"] 
   (ReqArg (\o opts -> opts { output_file = o } ) "") 
   "output file" ]

cmdLineOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String])
cmdLineOpts argv =
    case getOpt Permute options argv of
      (o, n, []) -> return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, n)
      (_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
    where header = "Using: [OPTION ...]"

main :: IO ()
main = do (opts, (src:_)) <- cmdLineOpts =<< getArgs 
          [rc] <- runX $ processDocument opts src
          exitWith $ if rc >= c_err then ExitFailure (-1) else ExitSuccess

processDocument :: Options -> String -> IOSArrow b Int
processDocument (Options val ns can ws tr out) src =
    readDocument [val, ns, can, ws, tr] src >>> 
    removeAllWhiteSpace >>> propagateNamespaces >>>
    writeDocument [val, ns, can, ws, tr] out >>>