
时间:2012-09-20 18:53:01

标签: cuda synchronization



设置:Geforce GT520,Windows 64位(编译为32位),Cuda 4.2。

在我的代码片段中,我有一些工作deques,可以为线程提供工作。每个块都有自己的deque,可以在其底部推送或弹出动态生成的工作项(popWork和pushWork函数)。 popWork()也可以从其他deques中窃取工作如果其deque中的工作项数量少于阈值。

template <class TreeNode, class BV , int iDequeSize , int iFrontSize>
__global__ void traverseTree(const TreeNode* tree_object1, const GPUVertex* vertex_object1, const uint3* tri_object1,
int2* aBvttDeques, int* aiBvttBottoms, unsigned int* auiBvttAges, int *aiBvttDequeFlags , int *piOverflowFlag , 
int2* outputList, unsigned int* outputListIdx , int2* aFrontDeques , int *auiFrontBottoms)
int iTid = threadIdx.x;
int iBid = blockIdx.x;

__shared__ int2 aLocalBvtt[BVTT_DEQUE_SHARED_SIZE];
__shared__ int2 aLocalFront[FRONT_DEQUE_SHARED_SIZE];
__shared__ int iLocalBvttCounter[WORK_STEALING_THREADS];
__shared__ int iLocalFrontCounter[WORK_STEALING_THREADS];
__shared__ unsigned int uiPopDequeIdx;
__shared__ int2 pushOrPopStartIdxAndSize;
__shared__ bool bPopOrPushFlag;
__shared__ unsigned int uiActiveDeques[NDEQUES]; //Contains indices for deques with useful work that can be stolen
__shared__ unsigned int uiActiveDequesIdx;

int iRun = 0;

while(/*true*/ /*Debug*/iRun++ < 10) //Work loop will continue until cannot pop from bottom or cannot steal work from other deques
    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) before sync0\n" , iBid , iTid);


    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) after sync0\n" , iBid , iTid);

    int2 aWork_items[3];
    int2 aFront_item;
    int iBvttCount = 0;
    int iFrontCount = 0;

    if(!popWork<int2 , iDequeSize>(aiBvttDequeFlags , aiBvttBottoms , auiBvttAges , aBvttDeques , iTid , iBid ,
        uiPopDequeIdx , pushOrPopStartIdxAndSize , /*iLocalBvttCounter , iLocalFrontCounter ,*/ bPopOrPushFlag ,
        uiActiveDeques , uiActiveDequesIdx , aWork_items[0]))
    {   //No more work

        if(iTid == 0)
            printf("(%d,%d)no work\n" , iBid , iTid);


    if(iTid == 0 && iBid == 0)
        printf("(%d,%d) run=%d work=(%d,%d)\n" , iBid , iTid , iRun , aWork_items[0].x , aWork_items[0].y);

    if(iTid < pushOrPopStartIdxAndSize.y)
        TreeNode node1      = tree_object1[aWork_items[0].x];
        TreeNode node2      = tree_object1[aWork_items[0].y];

        if(aWork_items[0].x == aWork_items[0].y)
        {   //intra-collision test (self collision)
            intraCollision<TreeNode , BV>(iBvttCount , aWork_items , aWork_items[0] , node1 , tree_object1);
        {   //inter-collision test
            //interCollision<TreeNode , BV>(iLocalBvttCounter , aLocalBvtt , outputList , outputListIdx , work_item ,
            //  node1 , node2 , tree_object1 , tri_object1 , aFrontDeques , auiFrontBottoms[iBid]);

            interCollision<TreeNode , BV>(iBvttCount , aWork_items , outputList , outputListIdx , aWork_items[0] ,
                node1 , node2 , tree_object1 , tri_object1 , aFront_item , iFrontCount);
    iLocalBvttCounter[iTid] = iBvttCount;
    iLocalFrontCounter[iTid] = iFrontCount;

    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) before sync1\n" , iBid , iTid);


    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) after sync1\n" , iBid , iTid);

        int iPrefixSum = prefixSum<WORK_STEALING_THREADS>(iLocalFrontCounter , iTid , iFrontCount);
            aLocalFront[iPrefixSum] = aFront_item;
        if(iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1)
            iLocalFrontCounter[iTid] = iPrefixSum + iFrontCount;

        iPrefixSum = prefixSum<WORK_STEALING_THREADS>(iLocalBvttCounter , iTid , iBvttCount);

        if(iTid == 0 && iBid == 0)
            printf("(%d,%d) nChildren=%d prefixSum=%d\n" , iBid , iTid , iBvttCount , iPrefixSum);
            for(int i = 0 ; i < iBvttCount ; ++i)
                printf("(%d,%d) children %d=(%d,%d)\n" , iBid , iTid , i , aWork_items[i].x , aWork_items[i].y);
        if(iTid == 1 && iBid == 0)
            printf("(%d,%d) nprefixSumt2=%d\n" , iBid , iTid , iPrefixSum);

        for(int i = 0 ; i < iBvttCount ; ++i)
            aLocalBvtt[iPrefixSum + i] = aWork_items[i];
        if(iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1)
            iLocalBvttCounter[iTid] = iPrefixSum + iBvttCount;

            if(iBid == 0)
                printf("(%d,%d) totalWork=%d, prefix=%d + count=%d\n" , iBid , iTid , iLocalBvttCounter[iTid] , iPrefixSum , iBvttCount);

    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) before sync2\n" , iBid , iTid);


    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) after sync2\n" , iBid , iTid);

    //TODO: push work back only when memory size is good for better coallescence
    //Push back front to global mem
    if(!pushWork<int2 , iFrontSize>(auiFrontBottoms , aFrontDeques , iTid , iBid ,
        iLocalFrontCounter[WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1] , aLocalFront , bPopOrPushFlag , pushOrPopStartIdxAndSize))
    {   //overflow
        if(iTid == 0)
            printf("(%d,%d) front overflow\n" , iBid , iTid);
            *piOverflowFlag = 1;
            atomicExch(&aiBvttDequeFlags[iBid] , 0);

    if(iTid == 0 && iBid == 0)
        printf("(%d,%d) localnWork=%d\n" , iBid , iTid , iLocalBvttCounter[WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1]);

    //Push back BVTT nodes to global mem
    if(!pushWork<int2 , iDequeSize>(aiBvttBottoms , aBvttDeques , iTid , iBid , iLocalBvttCounter[WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1] ,
        aLocalBvtt , bPopOrPushFlag , pushOrPopStartIdxAndSize))
    {   //overflow
        if(iTid == 0)
            printf("(%d,%d) bvtt overflow\n" , iBid , iTid);

            *piOverflowFlag = 1;
            atomicExch(&aiBvttDequeFlags[iBid] , 0);

    if(iTid == 0 && iBid == 0)
        printf("(%d,%d) bot=%d\n\n" , iBid , iTid , aiBvttBottoms[iBid]);

    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) before sync4\n" , iBid , iTid);


    if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
        printf("(%d,%d) after sync4\n" , iBid , iTid);

if(iTid == 0)
    printf("(%d,%d) max iter\n" , iBid , iTid);


bool __inline__ __device__ popTop(int *aiDequesBottoms , unsigned int *auiDequesAges , const int &iBid ,
int2 &popStartIdxAndSize)
int index;
unsigned int oldAge = auiDequesAges[iBid];
int localBot = aiDequesBottoms[iBid];
index = oldAge >> WORK_STEALING_TAG_NBITS;
    return false;

int localTag = oldAge & WORK_STEALING_TAG_MASK;
int size = min(WORK_STEALING_POP_SIZE , localBot - index);
unsigned int newAge = (index+size << WORK_STEALING_TAG_NBITS)| localTag;

if(oldAge == atomicCAS(&auiDequesAges[iBid] , oldAge , newAge))
    popStartIdxAndSize.x = index;
    popStartIdxAndSize.y = size;
    return true;
    return false;

bool __inline__ __device__ popBottom(int *aiDequesBottoms , unsigned int *auiDequesAges , const int &iBid ,
int2 &popStartIdxAndSize)
int localBot = aiDequesBottoms[iBid];
if(localBot == 0)
    return false;

int index = localBot;
localBot = localBot - WORK_STEALING_POP_SIZE;
atomicExch(&aiDequesBottoms[iBid] , localBot);

unsigned int oldAge = auiDequesAges[iBid];
int oldAgeTop = int(oldAge >> WORK_STEALING_TAG_NBITS);
if(localBot > oldAgeTop)
    popStartIdxAndSize.y = WORK_STEALING_POP_SIZE;
    popStartIdxAndSize.x = index - WORK_STEALING_POP_SIZE;
    return true;

atomicExch(&aiDequesBottoms[iBid] , 0);
unsigned int newAge = ((oldAge & WORK_STEALING_TAG_MASK) + 1) % (WORK_STEALING_TAG_MASK + 1);
if(index > oldAgeTop)
    if(oldAge == atomicCAS(&auiDequesAges[iBid] , oldAge , newAge))
        popStartIdxAndSize.y = index - oldAgeTop;
        popStartIdxAndSize.x = index - popStartIdxAndSize.y;
        return true;

atomicExch(&auiDequesAges[iBid] , newAge);
return false;

template <typename Work , int iDequeSize>
bool __inline__ __device__ popWork(int *aiDequeFlags , int *aiDequesBottoms , unsigned int *auiDequesAges ,
const Work *aDeques , const int &iTid , const int &iBid , unsigned int &uiPopDequeIdx , int2 &popStartIdxAndSize ,
/*int &iLocalDequeCounter , int &iLocalFrontCounter ,*/ bool &bPopFlag , unsigned int *uiActiveDeques ,
unsigned int &uiActiveDequesIdx , Work &work)
if(iTid == 0)
{   //Try to pop from block deque
    //iLocalDequeCounter = 0;
    //iLocalFrontCounter = 0;

    bPopFlag = popBottom(aiDequesBottoms , auiDequesAges , iBid , popStartIdxAndSize);

        uiPopDequeIdx = iBid;
        atomicExch(&aiDequeFlags[iBid] , 0);

{   //No more work, try to steal some (Help, police! We have a burglar here)!
    if(iTid == 0)
        uiActiveDequesIdx = 0;

        /*if(iBid == 6 || iBid == 1)
            printf("bid=%d dequeFlags:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]\n" , iBid , aiDequeFlags[0] , aiDequeFlags[1] ,
                aiDequeFlags[2] , aiDequeFlags[3] , aiDequeFlags[4] , aiDequeFlags[5] , aiDequeFlags[6] ,

            printf("bId=%d dequesCounts:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]\n" , iBid , aiDequesBottoms[0] ,
                aiDequesBottoms[1] , aiDequesBottoms[2] , aiDequesBottoms[3] , aiDequesBottoms[4] ,
                aiDequesBottoms[5] , aiDequesBottoms[6] , aiDequesBottoms[7]);

    if(iTid < NDEQUES)
        if(aiDequeFlags[iTid] == 1) //assuming iTid >= NDEQUES
        {   //Set this deque for a work stealing atempt.
            unsigned int uiIdx = atomicAdd(&uiActiveDequesIdx,1);
            uiActiveDeques[uiIdx] = iTid;

    if(iTid == 0)
    {   //Try to steal until succeeds or there are no more deques left to search
        bPopFlag = false;
        for(uiPopDequeIdx = 0 ; uiPopDequeIdx < uiActiveDequesIdx; ++uiPopDequeIdx)
            bPopFlag = popTop(aiDequesBottoms , auiDequesAges , uiPopDequeIdx , popStartIdxAndSize);
                atomicExch(&aiDequeFlags[iBid] , 1);

    if(uiActiveDequesIdx == 0)
    { //No more work to steal. End.
        return false;

//Get poped data
if(iTid < popStartIdxAndSize.y) //assuming number of threads >= WORK_SIZE
    work = aDeques[uiPopDequeIdx*iDequeSize + popStartIdxAndSize.x + iTid];

    /*if(iTid == 20 && iBid == 0)
        printf("work=(%d,%d) deque=%d dSize=%d start=%d final=%d\n" , work.x , work.y , uiPopDequeIdx , iDequeSize ,
            popStartIdxAndSize.x , uiPopDequeIdx*iDequeSize + popStartIdxAndSize.x + iTid);

return true;


template<int iDequeSize>
bool __inline__ __device__ pushBottom(int *aiDequeBottoms , const int &iBid , int2 &pushStartIdxAndSize)    
int iOldBot = aiDequeBottoms[iBid];
pushStartIdxAndSize.x = iOldBot;
iOldBot += pushStartIdxAndSize.y;

if(iOldBot < iDequeSize)
    atomicExch(&aiDequeBottoms[iBid] , iOldBot);
    return true;

return false;

template <typename Work , int iDequeSize>
bool __inline__ __device__ pushWork(int *aiDequesBottoms , Work *aDeques , const int &iTid , const int &iBid ,
const unsigned int &uiDequeOutputCounter , Work *aOutputLocalWork , bool &bPushFlag , int2 &pushStartIdxAndSize)
if(uiDequeOutputCounter == 0)
    return true;

pushStartIdxAndSize.y = uiDequeOutputCounter;

if(iTid == 0)
    bPushFlag = pushBottom<iDequeSize>(aiDequesBottoms , iBid , pushStartIdxAndSize);

if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
    printf("(%d,%d) before push sync\n" , iBid , iTid);

if(iBid == 0 && (iTid == 0 || iTid == WORK_STEALING_THREADS - 1))
    printf("(%d,%d) after push sync\n" , iBid , iTid);

    return false;

//Transfer to global mem.
//unsigned int uiWorkLeft = uiDequeOutputCounter;
unsigned int uiThreadOffset = iTid;

//int iRun = 0;

while(uiThreadOffset < uiDequeOutputCounter)
    /*if(iTid == 0 && iBid == 0)
        printf("workLeft=%d bot=%d\n" , uiWorkLeft , aiDequesBottoms[iBid]);
        /*if(iBid == 0)
            printf("tid=%d run=%d pushStartIdx.x=%d final=%d\n" , iTid , iRun , pushStartIdxAndSize.x ,
                iDequeSize*iBid + pushStartIdxAndSize.x +  iTid);

        //aDeques[iDequeSize*iBid + pushStartIdxAndSize.x +  iTid] = aOutputLocalWork[uiThreadOffset];

    atomicExch(&(aDeques[iDequeSize*iBid + pushStartIdxAndSize.x + uiThreadOffset].x) , aOutputLocalWork[uiThreadOffset].x);
    atomicExch(&(aDeques[iDequeSize*iBid + pushStartIdxAndSize.x + uiThreadOffset].y) , aOutputLocalWork[uiThreadOffset].y);

    uiThreadOffset += blockDim.x;



return true;


(0,0) before sync0
(0,95) before sync0
(0,0) after sync0
(0,95) after sync0
(0,95) before sync1
(0,0) run=1 work=(0,0)
(0,0) before sync1
(0,0) after sync1
(0,95) after sync1
(0,0) nChildren=3 prefixSum=0
(0,95) totalWork=3, prefix=3 + count=0
(0,0) children 0=(1,2)
(0,95) before sync2
(0,0) children 1=(1,1)
(0,0) children 2=(2,2)
(0,1) nprefixSumt2=3
(0,0) before sync2
(0,0) after sync2
(0,95) after sync2
(0,0) localnWork=3
(0,95) before push sync
(0,0) before push sync
(0,0) after push sync
(0,95) after push sync
(0,95) before sync4
(0,95) after sync4 //PROBLEM HERE! (0,95) SHOULD STAY WAINTING IN SYNC4.
(0,0) bot=3

(0,0) before sync4
(0,0) after sync4
(0,95) after sync0


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



您可以通过消除返回值来测试此理论,而是设置每个线程的“跳过代码”标志。除__syncthreads()之外的所有代码都应该在if (!skip_flag) {...}条件内。我相信这会解决这个问题(除非有无关的问题)。

或者,您可以使用cuobjdump -sass深入了解目标代码,并通过查看SSY指令来检查重新收敛点的位置。我相信你会找到同步点超过下一个__syncthreads()的地方,可能一直到内核结束。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

