
时间:2012-11-06 08:16:36

标签: c# oop single-responsibility-principle


这是一个简单的保龄球计分器。我认为最好的方法是从最简单的部分开始工作,所以我开始在球(或投掷)水平。现在我已经创建了测试以及用于处理球(投掷)分数的界面和类,这确保它们不是无效的,即。 <10>0。实现之后,我意识到球类基本上只是一个可以为空的整数,所以也许我甚至不需要它...但是现在它就在那里。


namespace BowlingCalc.Frames
    public interface IFrame : BowlingCalc.Generic.ICheckValid
        void AddThrow(int? score);
        int? GetThrow(int throw_number);

namespace BowlingCalc.Frames
    public class Frame : IFrame
        private List<Balls.IBall> balls;
        private Balls.IBall ball;
        private int frame_number;

        public Frame(Balls.IBall ball, int frame_number)
            this.ball = ball;
            this.frame_number = frame_number;
            balls = new List<Balls.IBall>();

        public void AddThrow(int? score)
            var current_ball = ball;
            current_ball.Score = score;

        public int? GetThrow(int throw_number)
            return balls[throw_number].Score;

        public void check_valid()
            if (frame_number < 0 || frame_number > 10)
                throw (new Exception("InvalidFrameNumberException"));



我想做什么,以及我被困在哪里,我想添加一种方法来确保帧分数有效。 (目前只是第1-9帧的简单情况,两个球的组合分数必须为10或更小。我将在10个案例之后转向更复杂的框架。)




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



//My job is to keep score; I don't interpret the scores
public interface IScoreKeeper : IScoreReporter
    void SetScore(int bowlerIndex, int frameIndex, int throwIndex, int score);

//My job is to report scores to those who want to know the score, but shouldn't be allowed to change it
public interface IScoreReporter
    int? GetScore(int bowlerIndex, int frameIndex, int throwIndex);        

//My job is to play the game when told that it's my turn
public interface IBowler
    //I'm given access to the ScoreReporter at some point, so I can use that to strategize
    //(more realisically, to either gloat or despair as applicable)

    //Throw one ball in the lane, however I choose to do so
    void Bowl(IBowlingLane lane);

//My job is to keep track of the pins and provide score feedback when they are knocked down
//I can be reset to allow bowling to continue
public interface IBowlingLane
    int? GetLastScore();

    void ResetLane();

//My job is to coordinate a game of bowling with multiple players
//I tell the Bowlers to Bowl, retrieve scores from the BowlingLane and keep
//the scores with the ScoreKeeper.
public interface IBowlingGameCoordinator
    //In reality, I would probably have other service dependencies, like a way to send feedback to a monitor
    //Basically anything that gets too complicated and can be encapsulated, I offload to some other service to deal with it
    //I'm lazy, so all I want to do is tell everybody else what to do.

    void PlayGame(IScoreKeeper gameScore, IEnumerable<IBowler> bowlers, IBowlingLane lane);

请注意,如果您想使用此模型简单地计算得分(不玩真实游戏),您可以拥有一个存根保龄球(谁什么也不做)和一个产生一系列得分值的MockBowlingLane。 BowlingGameCoordinator负责当前的投球手,投篮和投球,因此积分得以累积。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

ICheckValid界面的目的是什么?你在其他地方打电话给check_valid吗?在我看来,由于frame_number似乎实际上是Frame的只读属性,为什么在构造函数中验证其一致性而没有任何其他接口是错误的呢? (构造函数应该生成一致的对象,因此可以随意验证传入的参数。)

但是,不应该问如何正确验证此字段,最好问一下为什么您需要frame_number中的Frame属性?看起来这是某个数组中此项的索引 - 您可能只是使用索引,为什么要将它存储在Frame?您可能希望稍后编写一些if / else逻辑,例如:

if (frame_number == 10) {
     // some rules
} else {
     // other rules

但是,这不太可能是SOLID方法,因为您可能最终会在Frame的许多部分中编写此if / else语句。相反,您可以创建基类FrameBase,定义大部分逻辑以及在OrdinaryFrameTenthFrame中实现的一些抽象方法,您可以在其中定义不同的规则。这样您就可以完全避免frame_number - 您只需创建九个OrdinaryFrames和一个TenthFrame

至于批评:你的代码似乎是抽象的球和框架,但由于某种原因忽略'抛出'或'滚动'。考虑需要添加每个卷的轨迹信息,您需要更改IFrame界面,添加类似void SetThrowTrajectory(int throwNumber, IThrowTrajectory trajectory)的内容。但是,如果你在例如IBallRoll,与轨迹相关的功能很容易适合那里(以及一些布尔计算属性,例如IsStrikeIsSpare)。