
时间:2013-06-02 14:58:56

标签: asp.net vb.net



Dim StartDateTime As DateTime = #5/27/2013 6:00:00 AM#

Dim FinishDateTime As DateTime = #5/28/2013 10:30:00 AM#

Dim Minutes As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, StartDateTime, FinishDateTime, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.Monday)





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Function GetWorkingDates(startDate As Date, endDate As Date, holidayDates As Date()) As List(Of Date)
    If endDate < startDate Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("endDate", "Value must be equal or larger than 'startDate' parameter.")
    End If

    Dim listDate As List(Of Date) = Enumerable.Range(0, 1 + CInt((endDate - startDate).TotalDays)).Select(Function(n) startDate.AddDays(n)).ToList

    ' if defined, remove holidays from listDate
    If holidayDates IsNot Nothing Then listDate.RemoveAll(Function(d) holidayDates.Contains(d))

    ' remove weekends as defined below
    Dim weekends As DayOfWeek() = {DayOfWeek.Saturday, DayOfWeek.Sunday}
    listDate.RemoveAll(Function(d) weekends.Contains(d.DayOfWeek))

    Return listDate
End Function


Function GetTotalWorkingTimeSpan(startDateTime As Date, endDateTime As Date, startWorkTime As TimeSpan, endWorkTime As TimeSpan, holidayDates As Date()) As TimeSpan
    If endDateTime < startDateTime Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("endDate", "Value must be equal or larger than 'startDate' parameter.")
    End If

    If endWorkTime < startWorkTime Then
        Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("endWorkTime", "Value must be equal or larger than 'startWorkTime' parameter.")
    End If

    ' get list of working days minus weekends and holidays
    Dim lstWorkDays As List(Of Date) = GetWorkingDates(startDateTime.Date, endDateTime.Date, holidayDates)

    ' get total minutes by bultiplying total working days and total minutes per day
    Dim totalMinutes As Double = lstWorkDays.Count * (endWorkTime - startWorkTime).TotalMinutes

    ' deduct the first day's hour if occured later than the startWorkTime, only if startDateTime is a working day
    If lstWorkDays.Contains(startDateTime.Date) Then
        Dim minutesOffset As Double = (startDateTime.TimeOfDay - startWorkTime).TotalMinutes
        If minutesOffset > 0 Then totalMinutes -= minutesOffset
    End If

    ' deduct the last day's hour if occured ealier than the endWorkTime, only if endDateTime is a working day
    If lstWorkDays.Contains(endDateTime.Date) Then
        Dim minutesOffset As Double = (endWorkTime - endDateTime.TimeOfDay).TotalMinutes
        If minutesOffset > 0 Then totalMinutes -= minutesOffset
    End If

    Return TimeSpan.FromMinutes(totalMinutes)
End Function


Sub Main()
    Dim sdt As Date = #5/27/2013 6:00:00 AM#
    Dim edt As Date = #5/28/2013 10:30:00 AM#
    Dim hols() As Date = {} ' add holiday dates here

    Dim lst As List(Of Date) = GetWorkingDates(sdt, edt, Nothing) ' or simply Nothing to not check for holidays
    Console.WriteLine("Num of working days = " & lst.Count)

    Console.WriteLine("List of working dates:")
    lst.ForEach(Sub(d) Console.WriteLine("* " & d.ToLongDateString))

    Dim totalWorkingTimeSpan As TimeSpan = GetTotalWorkingTimeSpan(sdt, edt, New TimeSpan(9, 0, 0), New TimeSpan(17, 0, 0), hols)
    Console.WriteLine("Total working hours = " & totalWorkingTimeSpan.TotalMinutes & " minutes, or " & totalWorkingTimeSpan.TotalHours & " hours")

End Sub


答案 1 :(得分:0)




说它是1/1/2013 08:20到3/1/2013 17:30

1/1/2013 00:00:00 to 1/1/2013 08:59:59
1/1/2013 17:00:00 to 1/1/2013 23:59:59
2/1/2013 00:00:00 to 1/2/2013 08:59:59
2/1/2013 17:00:00 to 1/2/2013 23:59:59
3/1/2013 00:00:00 to 3/1/2013 08:59:59
3/1/2013 17:00:00 to 3/1/2013 23:59:59


1/1/2013 08:20:00 to 1/1/2013 08:59:59
1/1/2013 17:00:00 to 1/1/2013 23:59:59
2/1/2013 00:00:00 to 1/2/2013 08:59:59
2/1/2013 17:00:00 to 1/2/2013 23:59:59
3/1/2013 00:00:00 to 3/1/2013 08:59:59
3/1/2013 17:00:00 to 3/1/2013 17:30:00



答案 2 :(得分:0)


    ' Define the start and end hour of the work day
    Const START_HOUR As Integer = 9
    Const FINISH_HOUR As Integer = 17

    Dim StartDateTime As DateTime = #5/27/2013 6:00:00 AM#

    Dim FinishDateTime As DateTime = #5/28/2013 10:30:00 AM#

    If StartDateTime.Hour < START_HOUR Then
        ' If the current hour is less than the start hour, go to the start of the current day
        StartDateTime = New DateTime(StartDateTime.Year, StartDateTime.Month, StartDateTime.Day, START_HOUR, 0, 0)

    ElseIf StartDateTime.Hour > FINISH_HOUR Then
        ' If the current hour is greater than the end hour, go to the start of the next day
        StartDateTime = New DateTime(StartDateTime.Year, StartDateTime.Month, StartDateTime.Day + 1, START_HOUR, 0, 0)

    End If

    If FinishDateTime.Hour < START_HOUR Then
        ' If the current hour is less than the start hour, go back to the end of the previous day
        FinishDateTime = New DateTime(FinishDateTime.Year, FinishDateTime.Month, FinishDateTime.Day - 1, FINISH_HOUR, 0, 0)

    ElseIf FinishDateTime.Hour > FINISH_HOUR Then
        ' If the current hour is greater than the end hour, go to the end hour of the current day
        FinishDateTime = New DateTime(FinishDateTime.Year, FinishDateTime.Month, FinishDateTime.Day, FINISH_HOUR, 0, 0)

    End If

    ' Determine the total number of actual days the date range crosses
    Dim Days = Math.Ceiling(FinishDateTime.Subtract(StartDateTime).TotalDays)

    Dim Weekends As Double

    ' Determine the number of weekends (might need work)
    If FinishDateTime.DayOfWeek > StartDateTime.DayOfWeek Then
        ' I'm sure this needs work
        Weekends = Math.Floor(Days / 7) + 1
        Weekends = Math.Floor(Days / 7)
    End If

    ' Determine the number of minutes between the start of the work day and the actual start time
    Dim StartMinutesOffset = ((StartDateTime.Hour * 60) + StartDateTime.Minute) - (START_HOUR * 60)
    ' Determine number of minutes between the finish time and the end of the work day
    Dim FinishMinutesOffset = (FINISH_HOUR * 60) - ((FinishDateTime.Hour * 60) + FinishDateTime.Minute)

    ' The number of minutes is the number of days less 2 * the number of weekends less the start time offset less the finish time offset
    Dim TotalMinutes = (Days - (Weekends * 2)) * ((FINISH_HOUR - START_HOUR) * 60) - StartMinutesOffset - FinishMinutesOffset
