
时间:2014-03-12 19:16:07

标签: php sql strftime mktime


我有本周一,周二,周四和周五的数据。 输出标记为星期日,星期一,星期二,星期三。


 *  Gets the first weekday of that month and year
 *  @param  int   The day of the week (0 = sunday, 1 = monday ... , 6 = saturday)
 *  @param  int   The month (if false use the current month)
 *  @param  int   The year (if false use the current year)
 *  @return int   The timestamp of the first day of that month
function get_first_day($day_number=1, $month=false, $year=false)
  $month  = ($month === false) ? strftime("%m"): $month;
  $year   = ($year === false) ? strftime("%Y"): $year;

  $first_day = 1 + ((7+$day_number - strftime("%w", mktime(0,0,0,$month, 1, $year)))%7);

  return mktime(0,0,0,$month, $first_day, $year);

// Bar Plot Guest by weekday/month
$data_wk = array();
$label_wk = array();

    $statistic = querySQL('statistic_weekday');

    foreach ($statistic as $key => $value) {
        foreach($value as $paxsum){
            $label_wk[] = $key;
            $data_wk[] = $paxsum;

                    foreach ($label_wk as $value) {
                        echo "<th>".strftime("%A", get_first_day($value, $_SESSION['statistic_month'], $_SESSION['selectedDate_year']))."</th>";

我确实找到了这两个相似的帖子和代码,但没有解决我的问题。我尝试了第二个帖子改变$ first_day =值的解决方案,但仍然不正确。我可以让我在不同的一天开始,但由于它忽略了空白的日子,只有一些标签是正确的。

First saturday for a selected month and year

.mktime and .strftime help returning wrong day of week


case 'statistic_weekday':
            $result = query("SELECT SUM(reservation_pax) AS paxsum FROM `$dbTables->reservations` 
                            WHERE `reservation_wait`= '0' AND `reservation_hidden`= '0' 
                            AND `reservation_outlet_id`='%d' 
                            AND MONTH(reservation_date) = '%s'
                            AND YEAR(reservation_date) = '%s'
                            GROUP BY WEEKDAY(reservation_date)",
                            $_SESSION['outletID'], $_SESSION['statistic_month'], $_SESSION['selectedDate_year']);
            return getRowList($result);

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