Logic Pro X Midi FX Javascript - 使用GetTimingInfo()会导致100%的CPU

时间:2014-07-20 23:19:16

标签: javascript midi

我在MainStage 3中使用Scripter MidiFX(与LogicPro X相同)使用javascript创建自定义琶音器,因为我需要更多控制,因此使用GetTimingInfo()获取当前节拍是合乎逻辑的正如我在他们的例子中看到的那样,ProcessMIDI()函数触发MIDI音符。不幸的是,这甚至在我的Core i7 MacBook Pro上都占用了CPU,我在实际演出时使用的是带有Core 2 Duo处理器的MacMini。


当我不包括" NeedsTimingInfo = true"并且只是硬编码速度一切都很好,但这是很多额外的代码,使用内置函数更有意义。


NeedsTimingInfo = true;

var startBeat = -1;
var startPitch = 0;
var lastBeat = -1;
var currentStep = 0;

// melody test
var steps = [
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 5

function HandleMIDI(e) {
    if (e instanceof NoteOn) {
        if (startBeat > 0) return;

        currentStep = 0;
        startPitch = e.pitch;
        var info = GetTimingInfo();
        lastBeat = startBeat = info.blockStartBeat; 
    else if (e instanceof NoteOff) {
        if (e.pitch == startPitch) {
            startBeat = -1;
    else {

function doNote(pitch) {
    var adjustment = 0;
    if (currentStep < steps.length) {
        adjustment = steps[currentStep];
    var p = pitch + adjustment;

    var on = new NoteOn;
    on.pitch = p;
    var off = new NoteOff;
    off.pitch = p;

function ProcessMIDI() {
    var info = GetTimingInfo();
    if (!info.playing) return;
    if (startBeat < 0) return;
    var beat = info.blockStartBeat;
    if (beat - lastBeat >= 1) {
        lastBeat = beat;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您在首选项&gt;音频&gt;高级设置中设置的I / O缓冲区大小是多少?缓冲区大小越小,所需的CPU就越多。我假设您使用MainStage进行实时使用,因此您的设置非常低,可以最大限度地减少延迟。

我尝试使用缓冲区大小为16运行代码,并且MS结束并最大化CPU。 64处理得更好(CPU仪表飙升,但没有任何打嗝播放)。在2009款MacBook Pro 3.06 Core 2 Duo上测试过。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

MainStage 3.0.3问题随之消失,我可以使用TimeMachine找到它。


  * Constructor accepts the tempo for beat syncing and starts the clock
  * to the current time.
  * @param tempo the tempo of the song (default: 120bpm)
function TimingInfo(tempo) {    
    this.schedule = [];
  * Sets the tempo and computes all times associated, assuming a 4/4
  * beat structure.
  * @param tempo the current tempo in beats per minute.
TimingInfo.prototype.setTempo = function(tempo) {
    this.tempo = tempo || 120;      
    this.msecPerBeat = (60 / this.tempo) * 1000;
  * Resets the beatsync to be relative to the current time.
TimingInfo.prototype.reset = function() {
    this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
    // trigger all scheduled messages immediately.  TODO: note off only?
  * Uses the current time to update what the current beat is and all
  * related properties.  Any scheduled actions are performed if their
  * time has passed.
TimingInfo.prototype.update = function() {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    this.elapsedMsec = now - this.startTime;
    this.beat = this.elapsedMsec / this.msecPerBeat;
  * Schedules a midi message to be sent at a specific beat.
  * @param e MIDI event to schedule
  * @param beat the beat number to send it on
TimingInfo.prototype.sendAtBeat = function(e, beat) {
    if (e == null) return;
    // insert in-order into schedule
    var insertAt = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.schedule.length; i++) {
        if (this.schedule[i].beat > beat) {
            insertAt = i;
    this.schedule.splice(insertAt, 0, {e:e, beat:beat});
  * Schedules a midi message relative to current beat.
TimingInfo.prototype.sendAfterBeats = function(e, deltaBeats) {
    this.sendAtBeat(e, this.beat + deltaBeats);
  * Sends all messages scheduled on or before a given beat.  If not
  * supplied all scheduled items are sent.
  * @param atBeat beat to compare all scheduled events against (default: all)
TimingInfo.prototype._sendScheduled = function(atBeat) {
    // send all items on or before the given beat
    var sent = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.schedule.length; i++) {
        if (!atBeat || this.schedule[i].beat <= atBeat) {
        else {
    // remove sent items
    this.schedule.splice(0, sent);

var _timing = null;
  * Replacement for GetTimingInfo() that calls update() to handling 
  * any scheduled actions.
function GetNewTimingInfo() {
    if (_timing == null) {
        _timing = new TimingInfo();
    return _timing;