使用Dropbox API列出Dropbox的所有文件夹和文件

时间:2014-10-23 08:26:42

标签: android dropbox dropbox-api

我试过创建一个文件。 我的应用程序挂起了

 List<DbxFileInfo> infos = dbxFs.listFolder(DbxPath.ROOT);

这是我的日志消息:(我替换IP * * *。* * *。* * *。* * *)

    10-23 09:11:39.330: I/com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreStandardHttpRequestor(4486): Created new socket: SSL socket over Socket[address=api.dropbox.com/***.***.***.***,port=443,localPort=45370]
10-23 09:11:41.200: E/libDropboxSync.so(err)(4486): client.cpp:79: bad_state: This app is not allowed to use the Sync API for file access.
10-23 09:11:42.200: I/libDropboxSync.so(cache)(4486): client.cpp:107: fetching access info
10-23 09:11:42.400: I/com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreStandardHttpRequestor(4486): Created new socket: SSL socket over Socket[address=api.dropbox.com/***.***.***.***,port=443,localPort=43962]
10-23 09:11:44.850: E/libDropboxSync.so(err)(4486): client.cpp:79: bad_state: This app is not allowed to use the Sync API for file access.
10-23 09:11:45.850: I/libDropboxSync.so(cache)(4486): client.cpp:107: fetching access info
10-23 09:11:46.060: I/com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreStandardHttpRequestor(4486): Created new socket: SSL socket over Socket[address=api.dropbox.com/***.***.***.***,port=443,localPort=50441]
10-23 09:11:47.600: W/libDropboxSync.so(thr)(4486): env.cpp:139: int dropbox_wait_for_first_sync(dbx_client*) should not be called on the main thread
10-23 09:11:50.530: E/libDropboxSync.so(err)(4486): client.cpp:79: bad_state: This app is not allowed to use the Sync API for file access.
10-23 09:11:51.530: I/libDropboxSync.so(cache)(4486): client.cpp:107: fetching access info
10-23 09:11:51.750: I/com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreStandardHttpRequestor(4486): Created new socket: SSL socket over Socket[address=api.dropbox.com/***.***.***.***,port=443,localPort=33341]
10-23 09:11:53.120: E/libDropboxSync.so(err)(4486): client.cpp:79: bad_state: This app is not allowed to use the Sync API for file access.
10-23 09:11:54.120: I/libDropboxSync.so(cache)(4486): client.cpp:107: fetching access info
10-23 09:11:54.330: I/com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreStandardHttpRequestor(4486): Created new socket: SSL socket over Socket[address=api.dropbox.com/***.***.***.***,port=443,localPort=39033]


 public class DropBoxCLAplication {
    public static  DbxAccountManager mDbxAcctMgr;
    private static final String TAG = IBMCLAplication.class.getSimpleName();
    private DbxFileSystem.PathListener m_observer;
    static final int REQUEST_LINK_TO_DBX = 0; 
    DbxFileSystem dbxFs;
    DbxFile dbFile;
    private DbxFileSystem.SyncStatusListener m_syncstatus;
    private DbxDatastoreManager mAccountManager;
    public DropBoxCLAplication( DbxAccountManager mDbxAcctMgr){
    try {   

        dbxFs = DbxFileSystem.forAccount(mDbxAcctMgr.getLinkedAccount());

       mAccountManager = DbxDatastoreManager.localManager(mDbxAcctMgr);
          m_observer = new DbxFileSystem.PathListener() {

            public void onPathChange(DbxFileSystem dbxFileSystem, final DbxPath dbxPath, Mode mode) {
                Log.v(TAG, "Sync change detected on dropbox, reloading " + dbxPath.getName());

                try {
                    DbxFile fInfo = dbxFileSystem.open(dbxPath);
                    final boolean latest = fInfo.getSyncStatus().isLatest;
                    Log.v(TAG, "File " + dbxPath.getName() + " changed. Latest: " + latest);

                    dbxFileSystem.addSyncStatusListener(new DbxFileSystem.SyncStatusListener() {

                        public void onSyncStatusChange(DbxFileSystem dbxFileSystem) {
                            try {
                                DbxSyncStatus status = dbxFileSystem.getSyncStatus();
                                if (!status.anyInProgress()) {
                                    // If we got triggered because of local changes we are already at latest version
                                    // Otherwise we call the refresh callback
                                    if (!latest) {

                            } catch (DbxException e) {
                } catch (DbxException e) {

        m_syncstatus = new DbxFileSystem.SyncStatusListener() {

           public void onSyncStatusChange(DbxFileSystem dbxFileSystem) {
               DbxSyncStatus status = null;
               try {
                   status = dbxFileSystem.getSyncStatus();
                   if (status.anyInProgress()) {

                   } else {

               } catch (DbxException e) {

        dbxFs.addPathListener(m_observer, DbxPath.ROOT, DbxFileSystem.PathListener.Mode.PATH_ONLY);

        doDropboxTest( dbxFs);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         Log.e(TAG,"DropBoxCLAplication error  "+e.toString()); 


    private void doDropboxTest(DbxFileSystem dbxFs) {
       try {
           final String TEST_DATA = "Hello Dropbox";
           final String TEST_FILE_NAME = "hello_dropbox.txt";
           DbxPath testPath = new DbxPath(DbxPath.ROOT, TEST_FILE_NAME);

           // Create DbxFileSystem for synchronized file access.

           // Print the contents of the root folder.  This will block until we can
           // sync metadata the first time.
           List<DbxFileInfo> infos = dbxFs.listFolder(DbxPath.ROOT);
           Log.i(TAG,"\nContents of app folder:\n");
           for (DbxFileInfo info : infos) {
             Log.i(TAG,"    " + info.path + ", " + info.modifiedTime + '\n');

           // Create a test file only if it doesn't already exist.
           if (!dbxFs.exists(testPath)) {
               DbxFile testFile = dbxFs.create(testPath);
               try {
               } finally {
               Log.i(TAG,"\nCreated new file '" + testPath + "'.\n");

           // Read and print the contents of test file.  Since we're not making
           // any attempt to wait for the latest version, this may print an
           // older cached version.  Use getSyncStatus() and/or a listener to
           // check for a new version.
           if (dbxFs.isFile(testPath)) {
               String resultData;
               DbxFile testFile = dbxFs.open(testPath);
               try {
                   resultData = testFile.readString();
               } finally {
               Log.i(TAG,"\nRead file '" + testPath + "' and got data:\n    " + resultData);
           } else if (dbxFs.isFolder(testPath)) {
             Log.i(TAG,"'" + testPath.toString() + "' is a folder.\n");
       } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.i(TAG,"Dropbox test failed: " + e);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-2)

错误是“此应用不允许使用Sync API进行文件访问”。最常见的原因是尝试使用具有“Full Dropbox”权限的应用密钥,该密钥与Sync API不兼容。您需要创建一个具有“文件类型”或“应用程序文件夹”权限的应用程序。