
时间:2010-08-16 19:54:41

标签: python tkinter




这是我的清理过的代码段。 (尚未进入底部框架。)

def anchor(widget, rows=0, cols=0):
    """Takes care of anchoring/stretching widgets via grid 'sticky'"""
    for r in range(rows):
        widget.rowconfigure(r, weight=1)
    for c in range(cols):
        widget.columnconfigure(c, weight=1)

font_ = None
bold_ = None
bold_12 = None

class TkinterGui():
    """Tkinter implementation of the GUI"""
    def __init__(self):
        """Create the Tkinter GUI"""
        self._top_level = None
        self._top_row   = None

    def _buildGui(self, title):
        """Build the Tkinter GUI"""
        self._top_level  = Tkinter.Tk()
        font_ = tkFont.Font(family='FreeSans', size=9)
        bold_ = tkFont.Font(family='FreeSans', size=9, weight='bold')
        bold_12 = tkFont.Font(family='FreeSans', size=12, weight='bold')
        anchor(self._top_level, 4, 1)
        self._top_row = 0
        self._top_row = 1
        t1 = Cat2Frame(self._top_level, "Cat2 1")
        self._top_row = 2
        t5 = Cat2Frame(self._top_level, "Cat2 5")
        self._top_row = 3

    def _buildTop(self):
        """Private method to build the Top frame of the GUI."""
        top_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self._top_level, name='top_frame')
        anchor(top_frame, 1, 3)
        top_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=2)
        top_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=5)
        col1_label = Tkinter.Label(top_frame
                                   , name='col1_label'
                                   , text="Col1"
                                   , font=bold_12
                                   , width=20
                                         , column=0
                                         , sticky=N+E+W+S
        col2_label = Tkinter.Label(top_frame
                                   , name='col2_label'
                                   , text="Col2"
                                   , font=bold_12
                                   , width=40
                                         , column=1
                                         , sticky=N+E+W+S
        top_button = Tkinter.Button(top_frame
                                    , name='top_button'
                                    , text='Top Button'
                                    , font=bold_
                                          , column=2
                                          , sticky=E
        top_frame.grid(row=self._top_row, column=0, sticky=N+W)

    def _buildCat1(self):
        """Private method to build the Cat1 frame of the GUI"""
        cat1_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self._top_level, name='cat1_frame')
        anchor(cat1_frame, 3, 3)
        cur_row = 0
        cat1_frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=6)
                    , name='cat1_label'
                    , text='Cat1'
                    , font=bold_
                     ).grid(row=cur_row, column=0, sticky=N+E+W+S)
        cat1_size = Tkinter.Text(cat1_frame
                                 , name='cat1_size'
                                 , state=DISABLED
                                 , font=font_
                                 , height=1
                                 , width=10
                                       , column=1
                                       , sticky=E
        cat1_status = Tkinter.Text(cat1_frame
                                   , name='cat1_status'
                                   , state=DISABLED
                                   , font=font_
                                   , height=3
                                   , width=72
                                         , column=2
                                         , rowspan=3
                                         , sticky=N+E+W+S
        cur_row += 1
        cat1_model = Tkinter.Text(cat1_frame
                                  , name='cat1_model'
                                  , state=DISABLED
                                  , font=font_
                                  , height=1
                                  , width=30
                                        , column=0
                                        , columnspan=2
                                        , sticky=N+W
        cur_row += 1
        cat1_serial = Tkinter.Text(cat1_frame
                                   , name='cat1_serial'
                                   , state=DISABLED
                                   , font=font_
                                   , height=1
                                   , width=30
                                         , column=0
                                         , columnspan=2
                                         , sticky=N+W
        cat1_frame.grid(row=self._top_row, column=0, sticky=N+W)

class Cat2Frame():
    """Class encapsulation for a Cat2 Frame in the GUI"""
    def __init__(self, parent, t_label):
        """Initialize a Cat2 Frame in the GUI"""
        self._frame = Tkinter.Frame(parent, name='cat2_frame')
        anchor(self._frame, 3, 4)
        self.cur_row = 0
        self._frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=5)

        self._label = Tkinter.Label(self._frame
                                  , name='cat2_label'
                                  , text=t_label
                                  , font=bold_
        self._size = Tkinter.Text(self._frame
                                , name='cat2_size'
                                , state=DISABLED
                                , font=font_
                                , height=1
                                , width=10
        self._status = Tkinter.Text(self._frame
                                  , name='cat2_status'
                                  , state=DISABLED
                                  , font=font_
                                  , height=3
                                  , width=60
        self._control = Tkinter.IntVar()
        self._enabled = Tkinter.Radiobutton(self._frame
                                          , name='cat2_enabled'
                                          , variable=self._control
                                          , text='Enabled'
                                          , font=bold_
                                          , value=1
        self._model = Tkinter.Text(self._frame
                                 , name='cat2_model'
                                 , state=DISABLED
                                 , font=font_
                                 , height=1
                                 , width=30
        self._disabled = Tkinter.Radiobutton(self._frame
                                           , name='cat2_disabled'
                                           , variable=self._control
                                           , text='Disabled'
                                           , font=bold_
                                           , value=0
        self._serial = Tkinter.Text(self._frame
                                  , name='cat2_serial'
                                  , state=DISABLED
                                  , font=font_
                                  , height=1
                                  , width=30

    def place_frame(self, top_row):
        self._label.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=0, sticky=N+E+S+W)
        self._size.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=1, sticky=E)
        self._status.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=2, rowspan=3, sticky=N+E+W+S)
        self._enabled.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=3, sticky=W)
        self.cur_row += 1
        self._model.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=N+W)
        self._disabled.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=3, sticky=W)
        self.cur_row += 1
        self._serial.grid(row=self.cur_row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=N+W)
        self.cur_row += 1
        self._frame.grid(row=top_row, column=0, sticky=N+W)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)






import Tkinter
from Tkinter import DISABLED

_TITLE="This is the title"

class TkinterGui():
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_row = 0

    def _buildGui(self, title):
        self._top_level  = Tkinter.Tk()

        Cat1(self._top_level, label="Cat 1", row=1)
        Cat2(self._top_level, label="Cat 2.1", row=4)
        Cat2(self._top_level, label="Cat 2.2", row=7)

class Cat1:
    def __init__(self, parent, label=None, row=0):
        self._label  = Tkinter.Label(parent, text=label)
        self._size   = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=1, width=10, background="bisque")
        self._status = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=3, width=72, background="bisque")
        self._model  = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=1, width=30, background="bisque")
        self._serial = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=1, width=30, background="bisque")

        self._label.grid( row=row,   column=0, sticky="nsew")
        self._size.grid(  row=row,   column=1, sticky="nsew")
        self._status.grid(row=row,   column=2, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")
        self._model.grid( row=row+1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nsew")
        self._serial.grid(row=row+2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nsew")

class Cat2:        
    def __init__(self, parent, label=None, row=0):
        self._control = Tkinter.IntVar()

        self._label    = Tkinter.Label(parent, text=label)
        self._size     = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=1, width=10, background="bisque")
        self._status   = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=3, width=72, background="bisque")
        self._model    = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=1, width=30, background="bisque")
        self._serial   = Tkinter.Text(parent, state=DISABLED, height=1, width=30, background="bisque")
        self._enabled  = Tkinter.Radiobutton(parent, variable=self._control, text="Enabled", value=1)
        self._disabled = Tkinter.Radiobutton(parent, variable=self._control, text="Disabled", value=0)

        self._label.grid(   row=row,   column=0, sticky="nsew")
        self._size.grid(    row=row,   column=1, sticky="nsew")
        self._status.grid(  row=row,   column=2, rowspan=3, sticky="nsew")
        self._model.grid(   row=row+1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nsew")
        self._serial.grid(  row=row+2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nsew")
        self._enabled.grid( row=row,   column=3, sticky="nsew")
        self._disabled.grid(row=row+1, column=3, sticky="nsew")

if __name__ == "__main__":