
时间:2016-11-18 03:04:13

标签: c++


void MyFunction(
    int iError = 0,
    std::string * MyProblemString = ""

// Some attemts:

void MyFunction(
    int iError = 0,
    std::string * MyProblemString = std::string{""};    // does not work to, complains about missing '*' 

void MyFunction(
    int iError = 0,
    std::string * MyProblemString = &std::string{""};   // does not work to, refering address to temporary value

void MyFunction(
    int iError = 0,
    std::string * MyProblemString = *std::string{""};   // does not work to, overloaded operator not known

void MyFunction(
    int iError = 0,
    std::string * MyProblemString = "";     // could not convert ‘""’ from ‘const char [1]’ to ‘std::__cxx11::string* {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>*}’

in my c-file is written:

void MyFunction(
    int iError,
    std::string * MyProblemString,)
    // do some stuff


有一些其他构造的例子,但传递指针不起作用。 const reference default-value


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




int number;      // An int
int * pointer;   // A valid pointer to an int
int* pointer;    // Also a valid pointer to an int
int *pointer;    // Also a valid pointer to an int


指针基本上就像一个int,除了它们存储的数字另一个变量的内存地址 - 在你的情况下,“数字”。




pointer = &number;  // Pointer now contains the memory address of "number"


    void main()
    int number = 56;            

    int* pointer = number;      // INVALID: Pointer now pointing at memory location "56"
    int* pointer = &number;     // Valid: Pointer now pointing at memory location of number

    int* pointer;               // DANGEROUS, DO NOT LEAVE HANGING POINTERS -- leads to memory access violations

    int *pointer = nullptr;     // Safely initialise unused pointer
    int size = 32;
    pointer = new int;          // Allocates a block of memory the size of 1 int. Pointer now points at this memory
    pointer = new int[size];    // Allocates an array of 32 ints to pointer. Pointer now points to this block of memory
    pointer = new int[8];       // Allocates another array to pointer. Pointer now points at the new array, old array has nothing pointing at it and is lost in memory!
                                // This is a memory leak. AVOID MEMORY LEAKS AT ALL COSTS, they can produce some of the hardest-to-find bugs you'll come across

    delete pointer;             // Deletes chunk of memory the size of 1 int at the memory pointer is pointing at
    delete[] pointer;           // Deletes array of memory following the location pointer is pointing at

    // IMPORTANT: ALWAYS use delete with new, delete[] with new[]
    // IMPORTANT: NEVER use new or new[] without its delete counterpart, or you will encounter memory leaks

    // USEFUL:
    if (pointer != nullptr)
        // Do stuff
    // Doing this will ensure you don't act upon memory you aren't supposed to mess with

    // Print these to console to gain a better understanding.
    std::cout << number << std::endl;
    std::cout << &number << std::endl;
    std::cout << pointer << std::endl;
    std::cout << *pointer << std::endl;





56           // number
0035F7E0     // &number
0035F7E0     // pointer
56           // *pointer

请注意,“&amp; number”和“指针”打印相同的内容

您可以使用&*指定任何指针,包括指向指向其他指针的其他指针的其他指针的指针,指向您想要的任何内容。你用这样的东西变得越来越麻烦,但重点是(双关语)指针是C ++中使用最通用和最方便(但也很危险 - MEMORY LEAKS,ACCESS VIOLATIONS,AHHH)的东西之一。 / p>


答案 1 :(得分:1)



HOWEVER 如果分配内存,则必须将内存释放到某处。在我的例子中,只有在我创建它的情况下,才释放MyFunction2内的内存。如果提供了值,我不会释放该值,而是将其留给调用函数。如何管理内存将取决于您的使用案例,但不要忘记这一关键步骤。

#import <iostream>

void MyFunction(
    int iError = 1,
    std::string MyProblemString = std::string(""))
  std::cout << "\tiError = " << iError << ", and MyProblemString = " << MyProblemString << std::endl;

void MyFunction2(
    int iError = 1,
    std::string * MyProblemString = NULL)
  bool shouldFree = MyProblemString == NULL;
  if (shouldFree){
    MyProblemString = new std::string("");
  std::cout << "\tiError = " << iError << ", and MyProblemString = " << *MyProblemString << std::endl;

    delete MyProblemString;

int main(){
  std::string * test = new std::string("test");

  std::cout << "Testing with MyFunction:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "\tTest default arguments:" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\tTest only first argument:" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\tTest both arguments" << std::endl;
  MyFunction(2, *test);

  std::cout << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Testing with MyFunction2:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "\tTest default arguments:" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\tTest only first argument:" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\tTest both arguments" << std::endl;
  MyFunction2(2, test);

  delete test;