
时间:2016-12-06 10:47:29

标签: c# entity-framework


使用以下表格: 注意这些表是简化来解释问题的,真正的表显然更复杂。数据库是遗留数据库,我无法更改表。 BarRed和BarBlue是不同的表,具有不同的结构,只有它们链接到Foo的方式是相同的。

public class Foo
    // Id+ColorCode is the primary Key on this table
    int Id;
    int ColorCode;  // 1=red, 2=blue, 3=green, …

    public virtual ICollection<BarRed> BarRed { get; set; } // when ColorCode==1, empty/null otherwise
    public virtual ICollection<BarRed> BarBlue { get; set; } // when ColorCode==2, empty/null otherwise

public class BarRed
    int Id; // Id is the primary key in this table.
    // There is no ColorCode column in this table, essentially the ColorCode for each record in this table is the literal value 1.

    [ForeignKey("Id,1")]    // This doesn't work, doesn't accept the 1
    public virtual Foo Foo { get; set; }

public class BarBlue
    int Id; // Id is the primary key in this table.
    // There is no ColorCode column in this table, essentially the ColorCode for each record in this table is the literal value 2.

    [ForeignKey("Id,2")]    // This doesn't work, doesn't accept the 2
    public virtual Foo Foo { get; set; }




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